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Expansion - Rolling Tides (Download)
Noire does not work anymore in my Kontakt
Hello, My "Noire Pure" appears as "Demo" in Kontakt since today and does not produce any sound. I tried to reinstall via Native Access, but still Native Access says "Full Version", in Kontakt just "Demo" and no sound. Any idea what's wrong? It worked for years without any problem. Regards, Christoph
Maschine 3 stand alone sound cracks and graphic stutters, while as a VST in a DAW all is fine!?
I recently bought a Maschine MK3, it came with the Maschine 3 software. If Maschine 3 runs as a Windows app, I have frequent sound crackles (yes, I tuned the ASIO buffer) and also the graphics is not smooth, the playhead moves stuttery and dragging an instrument windows is also stuttery. There obviously is something wrong,…
How to register purchased Mikro if it's aready registered to another account?
I tried to find online support form, and it's totally impossible - the same help pages rotate again and again…
Metapop contest remix
I made a remix wirh a metapop remix contest. I would like to know if I can upload this remix on a streaming plate-forme. Metapop is closed for nearly 2 years now. My distributer ( amuse) wants to know if Thérèse is no licences problem. Thanks for your hello.
How Do I Enhance Dialogue and Clean Up Ambient Noise When Boosting Gain - RX 11
I am an Izotope RX 11 Standard "newbie," having purchased it just this week. As an unpaid volunteer, I was asked to "enhance" a 1989 portable cassette recording that was converted to a CD in 1994. I am an AV hobbyist, mostly doing video projects for many years. I have Cybelink Audio Director 6 (2014), but it was totally…
Maschine+ compatible audio interfaces thread
This thread should include what community members have personally tested - it does not mean that NI "officially" supports the USB product as "Maschine+ compatible"... it just means that WE got something working...or not. From what I've personally tested, the following are working with bi-directional, multi-channel audio:…
Komplete Kontrol mk3 and Vienna ensemble pro server
Hi, with the komplete kontrol mk2 I cannot use with Vienna ensemble pro server the kontakt instruments used on the server in Cubase 14 that are loaded there as komplete konrol instruments there. The KK mk2 keyboard does not show the instruments when connected in Cubase with Vienna ensemble pro setup. However, directly in…
MDLTone Ultimate Heavy Drums won't install correctly
I can see UHD in Native Access, but when I go to Add Library, there's no library to add. I reached out to MDLTone but they said that their download is only the one shot files and that NI should be installing the plugin within Native Access. I'm on an M1 Mac mini and version 1.14.1 of native access. I have lots of plugins…
Guitar rig 6 is blocking all other audio sources (Part II)
Hi! I found this post incomplete: Tried all the advises there with no luck. However, I found the issue by myself. The issue is with sample rate. When I opened Guitar Rig preferences, I noticed 48000 in sample rate field. Changing this rate to 44100 stopped blockings of all other audio sources. Not sure why this works,…
How much is it to upgrade to Komplete Kontrol 15 standard from 14 standard?
it’s 50% off right now for the 15 Standard Standalone. So I would imagine upgrading would be a a very good deal, am I right?
Traktor Pro 4: Issue Loading on to stopped deck
This evening I had the unpleasant surprise of encountering the same problem as with TP 3. This is the first time it has happened since I have been using TP 4.
What is actually being fed out of SR.C in core
NOTE: I've tried reading about this in the core manual but sometimes the wording in the core manual specifically makes me feel really stupid. Hoping to have someone explain SR.C to me in a less abstract way. I tried to make a core cell that would run through a buffer at 1/2 1/4 /18 etc. of the sample clock rate so tried…
Machine 3 software
now that I have machine 3 software downloaded can I delete machine 2?
Maschine 3 software does not run
So recently bought a Maschine3 software, was using 2nd one from the box with my maschine mikro mk3, and I found out that I just can’t run the software as standalone, which is really disappointing, not only I have to pay for update but it’s doesn’t work, it stuck on a plugin scan screen and doesn’t go further scanning a…