Maschine 3.0 desktop software update not available for M+ license owners (FIXED)
Dear @Matthew_NI Starting a new question as it looks to be a new issue. I tried to buy Maschine 3.0 update license on NI web site (the $29 option). However, it says "Wrong License", so to say I don't own the necessary license. I own a Maschine+ and thus I have Maschine 2 license included already. But I can't update, it…
Maschine Software won't show up after Hardware registration
Hello, I bought Maschine MIKRO MK3 and registered the hardware in NA. The instructions says that the software serial should show up in NA after registration of the hardware and I've refreshed NA several times now. So far only Massive, Monark and Prism show up but the MASCHINE software not. How can I resolve this issue?
I bought a Maschine 3 Bundle but only got the Maschine 3 update, no Maschine Central.
We have received a few reports regarding customers receiving the Maschine 3 Update instead of the Maschine 3 Bundle Update, which includes the Maschine Central Library. If this is your case, please reach out to support and we will switch the license as soon as possible. Here's the link: https://bit.ly/n1acc
Ending software support for some earlier generations of Maschine
We want to let you know that Native Instruments will soon be ending software support for Maschine MK1, Maschine MK2, Maschine Mikro MK1, and Maschine Mikro MK2. (Maschine Jam, Studio, Mikro MK3, MK3 and Plus are still supported). As is often the case with older hardware, we are at a stage with these Maschine products where…
How do I route my drums to my hardware compressor ?
I have a Scarlett 18i20 and the Scarlett octopus pre with compressor and Im just so confused on routing the drums to the compressor. I have inputs 3 through 7 wired to the the octo pre 1 to 5 inputs and the out from the pre to the 8 input on the 18i20 now what??? did I do this right I can't find any videos and the manual…
How can i reset a maschin mikro mk2 device
My pads 1,2,3,4 just startet to sound very low and the lights are on, on the pads even if the laptop is closed and everything turnt off
why can i not put maschine 3.0 in my shopping cart
I am trying to download maschine 3.0 and it will not go into my shopping cart.
Wie kann ich maschine mikro mk2 gerät zurücksetzen
ich haben ein Maschine mikro mk2 gerät. Das Einwand frei funktioniert jedoch hat es plötzlich bei den Pads angefanen zu leuchten obwohl das gerät ausgeschaltet war. als ich wider arbeiten wollte und alles hochgefahren habe leuchtet den die pads 9,10,11,5,6,1,2,3 und 4. Nr. 11 leuchtet in einem pink Nr. 6 leuchtet in einem…
Recording audio using line in connection
Hello happy NI users I am intending to record sounds from my keyboard to Maschine. While the mic input is working fine on sampling, line 1 and 2 input show no incoming signal. Even though I have unplugged the mic input to get the line inputs working. Any clue to make this works ? Appreciate your help in advance 😉 !…
Exported .WAV Files changes Waveforms
Hey Guys I really hope someone can help me out, I'm really getting frustrated and thinking about changing my Production setup, because Maschine has been a headache for me… Here are my 2 main Problems: I'm producing Songs in Maschine, then exporting the Files as .WAV, so I can mix in Logic Pro X. I noticed, as soon as I…
maschine mk3 download
i bought the mk3 let it sit a few months before i even opened it and now i cant get it registered or show up in my computer, no program sees it well they are all greyed out can anyone help, i just wanna download mk3 and make beats.
Maschine MK3 stuck on "Production and Performance System" screen.
Maschine MK3 stuck on "Production and Performance System" screen. I've connected to root USB port on my Windows 10 computer and used power adapter and this screen won't go away. A few times it would boot properly but then hang and not respond. I know the USB is connecting properly using USBview utility, it shows successful…
More information on future updates M+
Hello @Kai_NI , From your previous comment on the topic about the Maschine Plus 1.5 update, I understood that you were going share some information on future updates for Maschine and also about the compatibility of audio interfaces. I’ve interpreted your comment as it would be available within a couple of days. So maybe…
What about the new firmware update for Maschine + ???
How is going the development of the new firmware update for Maschine + ?. Any progress? Can we know a date? Since the debut of Maschine 3.0 nothing has been heard about the firmware update. And even though I have paid for the Maschine 3.0 license, my Maschine + is still not compatible with 3.0. NI. I would appreciate…
The Support 9th Circle of Hell
I am so very exhausted by trying to interact with what is labeled support but in practice is a blood pressure spike. It runs you in a circle, over and over and I am so frustrated. How, HOW can a company be this hard to get support from? have Maschine 2 and I am trying to do the SOFTWARE ONLY update for $29. It shows up as…
Absolute and utter newbee seeking advice
Hi Folks, I am looking to buy a Maschine Plus second hand through Reverb, but want to know what I would have to do to ensure that I can get all updates, additional downloads and expansion packs if the seller is unable to transfer the license or even has one at all. Is there a way to buy a new license or similar proceedure?…
bought new iMac 24" m4 chip, nothing is connecting, everything is crashing
did a old iMac to new iMac transfer applications only now programs are crashing on start up and won't open e.g… cubase, logic. Maschine mk3 won't connect, receives power but doesn't turn on for the program my iloks and installers are up to date, everything is haywire, help currently I just want to get Maschine connected,…
My NIHardware service keeps on stopping even after resetting it to Automatic start
My NIHardware service keeps on stopping even after resetting it to Automatic startand rebooting causing my Maaschine 1 and Maschine 2 hardware to stop working with Maschine software. Ik have already set the Windows PC power management settings "seletive USB interruption" and "PCI Express Lik state power management" to OFF,…
Maschine Sample Rate Issues
Hi. Recently I opened a project that uses Serato Sample. For some reason when the sample played there was lots of clipping and some weird artifacts playing. Samples sounded extremely distorted in a bad way. I thought adjusting the sample rate or buffer might help the issues. After adjusting the project wouldnt play at all.…
Kontakt - Only Out 1 audible
Hello, in „40's VO Drums“ i routed each sound to it's own output and the signals show up in Kontakts Mixer but … - using Factory > Stereo configurations i only get to hear „Out 1“. - using Factory > Mono configurations it's just „Out 1“ (Left Speaker) & „Out 2“ (Right Speaker). Why is that? … What needs to be done in order…
cannot find missing berlin concert grand files
I have the both new york concert grand and Berlin Concert grand in my Native access list but it shows up as unable to locate. It will also not allow me to reinstall with the three dots. There are no files for me to relocate or designate on my hard drives
Play Series available on Mpc but not Maschine+
So Play Series is now available on Akai's Mpc, but not available on Native Instruments Maschine+. NI does not give af about its users, just a money grab at this point. Absolutely terrible!
MASCHINE 2 Plugin in Studio One - 'could not be loaded' error for Instruments
Hello. In the MASCHINE 2 app, I am able to load instruments, but in the MASCHINE 2 plugin within Studio One, I get the message '** could not be loaded.' Groups, Sounds, Loops, and One-shots load without any issues. However, I cannot load FX that seem to be associated with the instruments. If anyone knows the cause and a…
NIHostIntegrationAgent Service stops running
Hello, I've a big problem. As the title says "NIHostIntegrationAgent" service stops running during a session (observed in Task Manager). Makes the hardware freeze and not usable until Hardware & Software restart. Scenario: "NIHostIntegrationAgent" is running. I start Maschine 3 Software, service still running. I start…