Share your no. 1 Maschine tips

Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,936 admin
edited October 2022 in Social Club

Maschinerists, how do you use your gear?

We've been sharing our own Maschine tips and tricks lately, but we all have different workflows and we want to hear from you.

Whether it's the tried-and-true way to fatten up your drums or the best way to use modulation, share the hot tips for Maschine and Maschine+ you can't live without below. 👇



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
    edited May 2022

    Wow! I didn't know that one, even after so many years in support 😅 thanks so much for the tip, how did you find about it ?

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,359 Expert

    I've found references to this tip from as far back as 2013!

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,305 mod

    Using maschine stand alone, using (group) macros, create a starting template (set it in prefs) with some of your favorite reverb/delay FX on the lastbup group, then you just can send something to it quickly,

  • Tom Mosler
    Tom Mosler Member Posts: 15 Advisor

    I always save Groups as full compositions together with all Patterns. The problem is when I want to work with polyrhythms inside one Group. Using Shift+Pattern length is only great for polyrhythms across different Groups. My solution for mixing 4/4 beats with polyrhythms inside one Group, is to extend Pattern length until polyrhythmic sequence loops/starts again at the next first beat.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    Cool idea! What kind of mallets have you tried already? Any recommendations?

  • Season
    Season Member Posts: 26 Member

    I tried to post this here the other day, but I posted on @creative dwill's YouTube page a while ago [I was probably half asleep though LOL!]:

    "Add a sound, Set to legato under Voice/Settings Engine, Set to ADSR under Pitch/Envelope. Then under Sampler turn loop on and drag the loop points to an area you want to extend and zoom in and precisely put the loop points either on a zero crossing or if you can't do that look at the pattern of the waveform and place the beginning and end at a section that probably looks the same on both ends to avoid clicks and pops. Under the AMP Envelope, you might want a fast attack, short decay, a sustain around 3 o'clock, and a release around 2 o'clock. I used to do it on my MPC back in the day to sample one-shot instruments, a couple of seconds of record crackle before a song starts (it's even better if you recorded it with the needle being placed on the record too), I also used to use it for taking a heavy kick and turning it into a bass, or I would sample a bass and just loop it. LOL! I learned it back when I had an MPC 2000 back in the day but got better with it by using the old Sound Forge where I could store the loop points within the wav file and just drop it in any DAW or MPC and all I would have to do is set the ADSR and if I wanted to filter it or not. From what I understand, the newer versions of Sound Forge doesn't save the loop points in the wav file anymore, it just saves it in the sound forge project now."

  • Seqsual
    Seqsual Member Posts: 42 Helper

    I went DIY route using wine corks and sort of thick soft material (normally used as vacuum cleaner filter). After some adjustments it worked well with velocity sensitive patches (like Pianoteq). The pads were a little bit rattling but again - a piece of soft material placed over them solved it. I think the size of pads makes Maschine perfect for this and it really change the flow (compared to finger drumming).

  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 405 Pro

    Use plugin doctor on 3rd party plugins to find latency values for plugins, Maschine has no PDC.

  • ShelLuser
    ShelLuser Member Posts: 270 Pro

    It's not "just" a drumpad!

    The Maschine is to Komplete what the Push is to Live...

    Many people that I am aware of look at Maschine and when seeing the 4 x 4 pad grid they conclude: "drumpad", so obviously it's not for you if your goal isn't percussion, right?

    Well, no, wrong!

    Now, context is a thing here, there is no 'one size fits all' approach when it comes to Maschine, but just for contexts sake... I own both the awesome Symphony Series (fanboy modus goes into effect here; this is the prime of my home studio!!) and I also managed to pick up an amazing support product called:

    Versilian chamber orchestra 2!

    Powered by Kontakt, if you haven't guessed already; which is exactly my point here... 😎 Notice me saying Kontakt and not mentioning NKS?

    So about that...

    Here I loaded Kontakt in Maschine, then manually (using keyboard/mouse) loaded VCO2 into Kontact and.. see above.

    Looks may be deceiving but if you look closely you'll notice that I can't really customize or affect anything using the Maschine controls.

    And yet here I am... squeezing out some some really solid orchestral scores using nothing more than a 4 x 4 pad grid (and it's awesome pitch slider!).

    So summing up: do not underestimate what you can do with a "mere" 4 x 4 grid to play notes.

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