Native Access "Download failed"?
Hi All, Since installing the new improved Native Access I am having ongoing issues with a "Download Failed" message, most recently with the latest KK update. But Block Primes has been like this since the Native Access major update. Why would KK update not download (tried for several days now)? (Windows 11 user)
Unable to Install Aurora, Plasma, and Cascadia in Native Access (Location Preferences Error)
Hello, I am having issues installing Aurora, Plasma, and Cascadia through Native Access. Every time I try, I get the error: "Installation failed: Review your location preferences." What I’ve tried so far: ✔ I set all installation locations to their default paths: Download Location: C:\Users\Public\Downloads Application…
Any plans to support proper uninstall with Native Access
The current manual delete to uninstall products is terrible UX on Native Access. Any plans to release proper automated uninstall with Native Access supported products? What is the current status? Would also like to see a "move library" feature to move and reindex sample libraries to other drives (important when users buy…
I've lost the .nicnt file for Electri6ity
Sine time ago I relocated Electri6ity from C: to an external SSD. The other day, the SSD broke down and the data-recovery company said that it could hardly be restored. Now my Native Access 2 is telling me to relocate Electri6ity, but I can't because the .nicnt file can't be taken out anymore. I guess reinstallation will…
Native Access "Download failed"
Hi all, If anybody has a solution to this it would be greatly appreciated. I'm not having much luck getting through to the NI tech support. I recently updated to Sonoma . I have the latest version of NI access with NTK daemon and NI Access enabled in Disk Access. I've tried deleting and re-installing as well as restoring…
NTK Daemon ''Error Service' NTK Daemon Service' failed to start
I cannot install NTK Daemon which is needed to download Native Access. The same message appears every time: ''Error Service' NTK DaemonService' failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start service. '' I've tried many things but nothing works. Please help. Thanks, Kornel
impossible to relocate library location
Kontakt shows this library as not found, it's installed in Native Access but for some reason when I click on Installation Paths it points to a Documentation folder and there is no way I can switch it to the correct folder, which is Instruments. How can I make Native Access see my installed library without having to…
Analog Dreams and Ethereal Earth versioning shambles
Hey all, I just moved to a new computer and on installing Native Access it's telling me it can't install Analog Dreams or Ethereal Earth due to me not having the right version of Kontakt installed. Now, this message is clearly wrong as I have the full version of Kontakt 6 plus the latest versions of Kontakt 7 Player and…
Where do I find the “Don't remember your password?" link on the login page?
Did not work with NI for more than a year, and I have to get a new password for Native Access. I work with logic and not sure if I need Native Access 2.
Maschine Plus Hardware Upgrade
Hi. I love using my plus, and made the choice to buy native instead of akai. I think I made the right choice and I hope a lot of people will agree with me. 1 thing I'm asking is that you make an upgrade motherboard for my plus. I'm not asking for something up to date, asking for a motherboard with an old i5/i7 6th gen…
Over Half My NI Library Needs Repair
Updated Native Access and now, 3/4ths of my Complete 14 CE Library is bricked and needs repair… I haven't moved any files. Nothing has changed. I just wanted to make some music, now I have to spend the morning/afternoon fixing something that wasn't broken. In addition, some of my items (almost ALL of my Machine Expansions…
Native Access 2 ver3.16 - blank login screen
This has been going on for quite a while now, but whenever I try to launch Native Access it pops a blank login screen preventing me from getting any further in the app. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling Native Access/NTK Daemon, I've cleared the cache, swept and deleted every file and folder related to Native Access…
Why i can neither open Maschine 2.0 nor install NAtive Acces nor the NKT Daemon?
Hey Folks, i had troubles with my Maschine 2.0 Software. After years of using it, the Software suddenly tells me to activate or to purchase a license. The Thing is that i bought the Maschine Jam years ago. That also included the license Code. So uninstalled Nativew Acces, installed it again and tried to start it. What now…
Native Access, now with Uninstall!
Hi everyone, Been a long time coming, but as of version 3.6.0, Native Access now allows you to uninstall instruments and expansions! If you navigate to your installed product, you'll see an option to uninstall. There you will be prompted if you're sure, and then proceeds to uninstall your products. However, not all…
RX 11 Elements installation errors using Native Access (Mac Sonoma, then Sequoia)
Hi all, I'm having multiple problems trying to get RX 11 Elements installed on MacOS Sonoma, then on Sequoia. I'm really hoping someone could help so I can actually start to use this. Been trying to troubleshoot since Jan 25. Here are the problems I think I fixed, all from knowledgebase or community forum suggestions:…
"A newer version is already installed" - considered an error
Hi, This week I installed a new drive in my computer, one dedicated for my production software. Because I decided to just download the products instead of relocating, I ignored the update-tab. After the download, my Updates-notifications don't update. The tab says there is an update available for "Controller Editor". When…
Error After Reinstalling Traktor Pro 3 & 4
I recently did a fresh reinstall of my entire desktop system, add ssd drives for increased space/speed, partitioned the system to support music production work, reinstalled Windows 11 Pro, and clean/retagged/optimized audio library. I reinstall Native Access as the first audio intensive software, to install Traktor to…
Native Access for Windows downloads very slow for 3rd party vendors?
I just built a new PC and started the lengthy process of downloading all the VSTis I own. In downloading the ones that work under Kontakt, I noticed something rather strange. When it's an instrument that comes from a 3rd party company, for example Cinematic Studio Strings or the Royal Albert Hall Organ, the download is…
Impossible to instal Native Access 2, cannot install & use products I have bought
Good morning, I have recently bought Vibe Rewind VST and it specifically said I have to upgrade to Native Access 2. I went to Native Access app to check if I do not already have version 2, it offered me an update, I clicked yes and that is where it all went to sh... NTK Daemon failed to start and from that time I am not…
Problems with SOULFI DRUMS on Mac M1 Sonoma / Kontakt Player 6- 8
Hi there I had written in before when I tried to install Kontakt 8 via NA and received a standalone installer ( thanks ). The reason I wanted to install Kontakt 8 was to use the SOULFI Drums library. No matter what version of Kontakt I try ( 6.8 – 7 – 8.01. all tested ) the UI of the library is completely scrambled and…