[NKS] Freelance Soundlabs 3rd Party NKS Libraries for Komplete Kontrol / Maschine
NKS Compatible Libraries Available Here: Freelance Soundlabs has been developing and supporting NKS libraries to add support for 3rd party instruments for 10 years since Komplete Kontrol V1 and through your feedback have been able to constantly improve library mappings to offer what users are asking for. All feedback is…
Maschine 3.1 Update - Ableton 12.1 MIDI Remote Script Issue?
I'm trying to use my Maschine MK3 with Ableton Live 12.1 with the new updated MIDI remote scripts, but I can't seem to launch clips using the pads. Only thing I can do is transport control, and mixer controls (Volume, Pan, Solo, Mute all works). The pads don't do anything. Clip colors don't show up (all 16 pads are just…
CustomMaschineMK3 - An open source Ableton MIDI Remote Script for Maschine MK3
Hi everyone. This is quick introduction of my custom MIDI Remote Script. Motivation Of course you know, We already have MIDI Remote Script for Maschine MK3. I couldn't satisfied with these because of lack of features or experience of use. Then I decided making better one from scratch. Current status Script development is…
Kontakt 8 VST3 plugin error in Ableton 12.1.10
Hi! The VST3 version of Kontakt 8 is not showing i the plugin window in Ableton. The AU version is visible and working fine. After some usual trouble shooting (as reinstalling both Kontakt8 and Ableton) I found an clue in the Ableton Live PluginScanner.txt: "VST3: check plugin at path: "/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3…
Maschine Mikro Mk3 Ableton template?
Does anyone know if Mashine Mikro Mk3 template/remote script is to be released soon? Maschine Mk3 is already released, does it works in mikro too?
[v1.6.1] MASCHINE PLUS/MK3/MIKRO MK3 Ableton Live 11+ & 12.1+ MIDI Remote Script
MASCHINE PLUS, MK3 & MASCHINE MIKRO MK3 total integration with Ableton Live 11+ & 12.1+ (Windows & Mac OS) Introduction: This Control Surface/MIDI Remote Script, providing total integration for Ableton Live 11, 12.1 and up, was exclusively built for MASCHINE MIKRO MK3, back in March 2021, but compatibility and same…
Ableton Live 12 Template for MK3
Anyone knows when they do realese the controlling template for Live 12?
Native Instrument vsts showing as DEMO mode in Ableton
No fix I’ve tried online seems to help. Even a fresh install…
absynth 5 runs in stand alone but does not show up in live 11
What’s up guys. I have absynth 5. I installed it thru native access with no issues but it’s not showing up in live 11.I recently went from live 9 suite to 11 suite. I have done everything from redownload,change file paths in ableton and in native access and trying to move folders in windows to no avail. Weird thing is I…
Are there Maschine Mk3 DAW integration scripts for Ableton Live 12?
I understood a while back that the new Live 12 would not be supported any more, but seemingly this has changed? I just saw the release notes for 3.1 and read that Maschine+ now has "Updated DAW integration scripts for Ableton Live versions 11 and 12." Is this also implemented for Maschine MK3? Or was it already and I…
Maschine+ not connecting to the software after 3.1.0 software update
I am running Logic Pro 11 on an iMac (Intel i7, Ventura 13.7.4, 64g ram). I was trying to test the Ableton Link feature. Here are the steps: Launch Maschine+ 3.1.0 (with a project loaded) Turn on Ableton Link Launch Logic Pro 11 Turn on Ableton Link After enabling "AbletonLink" in Logic Pro 11, the software responds and…
Maschine 3.1 Update where can i find the Ableton Live Daw Integration for Maschine +?
What does it mean Added Ableton Live Daw Integration for Maschine Plus in Controller Mode? In my opinion, i can now controll Ableton Live with the Maschine Plus. am i wrong, because ican´t do it, icant find anything on the Native side to explain that. Can anybody help me?
How to set-up Push 3 and Kontrol S88 mk3 for Ableton Live
Hello, I have been using my Push 3 for Ableton plugins and DAW control without any issues. I recently purchased a Kontrol S88 Mk3. For some reason, the Push stops functioning properly whenever I load up Komplete Kontrol or Kontakt on the new keyboard. How do I get these two controllers to cooperate? Thanks for any ideas!…
I did not recieve the abelton live lite. I followed all steps
I want link abeltin live lite
Maschine+ Hardware not compatible with Logic Pro 11 after 3.1.0 update
I am running Logic Pro 11 on an iMac (Intel i7, Ventura 13.7.4, 64g ram). I was trying to test the Ableton Link feature. Here are the steps: Launch Maschine+ 3.1.0 (with a project loaded) Turn on Ableton Link Launch Logic Pro 11 Turn on Ableton Link After enabling "AbletonLink" in Logic Pro 11, the software responds and…
So... does Komplete Kontrol mk1 just not work with Ableton 12/11?
I just got an mk1 second hand and upgraded to Ableton 12. When installing the MIDI remote scripts Ableton tells me that the scripts don't support Live 12. I know that NI has disontinued support for mk1… does that mean it's just a paperweight for Live 12 beyond the basic keyboard midi functionality? Even in Live 11 I could…
Major bug on the channel strips of my Maschine Jam with the Ableton Live 12 template.
I've tried everything, but nothing works. When I connect my Maschine MK2, I have no issues controlling track volumes in Ableton Live 12 or even accessing my plugins. However, when I try to do the same with the Maschine Jam, the channel strips simply don’t work—there’s no interaction with Ableton, and no LEDs light up. Even…
Komplete Kontrol 3.3.3 Crashing Ableton Live 12.1.1 Projects on Launch
Recently ran into an issue where having an instance of Komplete Kontrol 3.3.3 on any Ableton Live 12.1.1 track causes the project to crash at load (screenshot at end of post). I've seen some other older posts about KK crashing, but they're either (a) closed (example) or (b) aren't the same behavior I'm seeing. I can load…
Battery 4 does not load as vst3 in Ableton. It only loads as stand alone, outside of daw.
Battery 4 does not load in my VSTs in Ableton. It only loads as standalone outside of the daw. I'm not sure what to do to get it to work in Ableton.
Ableton Live 12.1 Controller Remote Scripts update
We need new controller Scripts for Ableton Live 12.1 for Maschine Studio, Jam, Mk2, Mikro Mk2!!!!! All controllers. Would be great if NI could update their scripts and even add some more screen integration. I think that would sell much more devices if the Ableton live integration was deeper on the KK keyboards similar the…