Is this a bug: preset window not showing in some plugins inside of Maschine 3.0?
Hi, Is anybody else experience this issue: preset options/ window not showing up in some plugins? So far this has affected my Arturia, IK Multimedia, and Safari Pedals plugins. I've tried both VST3 and Audio Unit versions. Same problem. I'm have a 2021 MacBook Pro, with the M1 Pro chip, running on Sonoma 14.7.1. Is this a…
No Sound and Trouble Recording
I just purchased an S88 MK3 and have been trying to get sound out of it but can't find the correct MIDI settings, and for all my scouring on the internet I've find NO ONE that spells out, step-by-step, how to setup MIDI settings for Windows using Kontakt or Komplete Kontrol. When I play the keyboard, the indicators light…
Session Drummer: how to output each instrument separately?
Just picked up Session Drummer in a sale. Loving it so far, but something I'm not quite able to work out even when going into the "tools" section: My DAW of choice (Bitwig) allows me to add output chains inside the device, to which I then map each output in the VSTi (in this case Session Drummer). This means that e.g. the…
The Usual Suspects NKS
This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library. This folder contains full NKS for Vavra and Osirus, and templates for OSTirus and Xenia Mostly by Kymeia and Diam
Kontakt in Demo mode ...
Hello, I suddenly found that Kontakt 7 was showing Demo mode. I am running Sequoia 15.3.1 When playing a midi region in Logic (11.1.2) i can see the midi and notes being played in Kontakt but no sound (checked the outputs, Midi in is on OMNI → cannot hear my keyboard when playing either). I found the NI page and did…
How do I record ARP mode notes in Ableton Live 12?
I am currently running Ableton Live 12 on Windows 10. While using my Komplete Kontrol S61 MK3 I am able to play with the ARP mode but it does not record the resulting notes. It only records the notes held and not the progression and other notes produced. Am I missing a setting to be able to record these notes? As…
Traktor pro 4 has reset to default?!!
I have just switched on tp4 and it has set itself back to default, track collection has disappeared and only contains 13 preloaded tracks. I`ve tried setting path, importing collection but nothing seems to work. PLEASE HELP
Unable to Install Aurora, Plasma, and Cascadia in Native Access (Location Preferences Error)
Hello, I am having issues installing Aurora, Plasma, and Cascadia through Native Access. Every time I try, I get the error: "Installation failed: Review your location preferences." What I’ve tried so far: ✔ I set all installation locations to their default paths: Download Location: C:\Users\Public\Downloads Application…
N I and MAC M4 sequoia compatibility
Q: Translation inserted by Moderator (translation by DeepL) Hello I've just bought a Mac mini. I've connected to native access and the Mac doesn't recognise the plugins. I've installed rosetta and same problem. How can I get my Mac M4 to recognise the NI plugins? Thanks in advance. Community Code of Conduct - Please read…
No visual window of insert FX in Maschine 3 software for master, group or sound
Hi, Cannot have the FX window on Maschine 3 of a Soundtoys FX such has Superplate, but only the various control pages are available. Therefore cannot use my saved templates , same problem for Replica XT or others. Never having that problem with Maschine 2, I close Maschine 3 open up 2, then Logic and Maschine closes down,…
amp presets and midi / Guitar Rig 7
Hi All. How can I Ioad / change an custom amp preset into the rack by midi commands? Which is the right one? Also cleaning the rack by a midi command - how? Thx for help. KG Volker
Any plans to support proper uninstall with Native Access
The current manual delete to uninstall products is terrible UX on Native Access. Any plans to release proper automated uninstall with Native Access supported products? What is the current status? Would also like to see a "move library" feature to move and reindex sample libraries to other drives (important when users buy…
When will you update the GUI on Machine and Komplete control without requiring binoculars!
Hi I have just one question. When will you update the GUI on Machine and Komplete control without requiring binoculars! I guess we all are on 4K size monitor resolutions but your GUI is made for HD, it's not just a scaling thing its a font size too! I'm even willing to pay for this! As it is now, it is not possible to use…
ATTN: Analog Dreams Users - New Update requires Kontakt 8
Just noticed this come down via Native Access: If you are still settled into Kontakt 7 - and have not made a move to K8 yet - if you mistakenly click Update - you will get the good ole - "your version of Kontakt is too old". Stay frosty when heading into Native Access peeps. VP
Traktor Kontrol S4 MK2 stopped working in Traktor Pro 4. Possible bug with device setup.
I had a situation yesterday where I had used my S4 in the morning and it was fine. Opened Traktor 4 with out the S4 connected at some stage after that but just to look at play lists. Opened Traktor 4 with the S4 connected later in the evening and S4 was detected as an audio device but none of the controls were working. I…