Need help understanding Guitar Rig 7 Browser incl Filters component tiles, etc...
I love GR 7 but confess I'm mystified by the preset management. Is there anyone here to help me understand it? I would be happy paying for help. Thanks, James
Is there a possibility we have our iZotope licenses listed in Native Access
Hi, I had 2 accounts, as many of us, one for iZotope and one for historical Native Instruments. Then the companies merged and choose Native Instruments as name. I bought products in my iZotope accounty and in my NA account. Especially I bought a pack containing Guitar Rig 7 form iZotope. After registering I see that it is…
Komplete Audio 6 MK II Audio Issues in Windows 11
Evert since I got my new PC and upgraded to windows 11, I have INASNE latency issues when gaming and playing music at the same time. I have tried all the troubleshooting guides on the NI website and nothing worked. The only thing that fixed my issue was completely uninstalling the Komplete Audio 6 MK2 drivers from windows,…
Ni mashine mk3 & keyboard no display working
I up graded to mashine 3.0 . Now the ni mashine mk3 will not connect and the display screen stop working. On both device komplete 49 a- ni mashine mk3 . Both devices are up to date . I’m Using a powered usb hub . I need help to resolve this issue .
Unable to Access Izotope
Hello I am unable to reset my password for izotope. No matter what I do i cant get an email for resetting. Is there a way to get a one time tcode to let me into my acount ?
License Transfer and Download of machine mk3
I recently purchased a used MACHINE MK3. At that time, the seller gave me a transfer ID, which I used to import the purchased product into my account. When I checked the website, I found MACHINE MK3 in the list of registered products, so I assume that I succeeded. However, when I then open the Not installed tab in Native…
How to integrate Battery and Machine into my Cubase 14 Environment
Hi Guys, I stopped making music for a long time and now start again with my existing environment. So I recognized that some of my instruments ((Massive, Machine, Battery, Reaktor) exist only as stand-alone programs, not available through CUbase. I tried to reinstall them inside Native Access but was not successfull. How…
Komplete Audio 6
Hello, my "Komplete Audio 6" won't connect to my PC. Latest driver, several times installed, no change, windows 10
Cannot find an installer for TRAKTOR SCRATCH PRO 2 MK2 for TKZ2
Hello all. Probably a real simple one to solve. I've bought and paid for TRAKTOR SCRATCH PRO 2 MK2 for TKZ2 but I had to wipe my Mac Before doing so I checked I could access my licence, which I can from my account here, however, what I didn't check is whether the installer was still available. Well, this is where I'm…
Kontakt making Logic session bog down
When using Kontakt in Logic, it takes forever to save a project. When I remove Kontakt it's back to normal. Kontakt app flickers as well
Consistency check on the playlist HISTORY?
Why can't we perform a consistency check on the playlist HISTORY?
Guitar Rig 6 - no factory presets left
Q: Translation inserted by Moderator (translation by DeepL) Hello, As I said in the title, my Guitar Rig 6 software has suddenly deleted the factory presets and it no longer saves the presets. I have reinstalled the software via Nativ Access but the result is identical. Do you have any information to give me on this…
is there any way to control stems with s2mk3 on trakror pro4 version ?
Claire Avant upgrade price
This discussion was created from comments split from: Q&A with the creators of Noire, Claire, and the new Claire: Avant piano.
Filter Expansions by Genre?
Hi TL:DR Can I edit the Genre of expansions on a global level? Meaning, everything from that expansion will get tagged with "DnB" for example? I have at least 4 Drum and Bass expansions and none of them are showing up, by genre, when I browse from the software. Also, I've just realized that after looking at the website for…