Rane A-trak(tor)/70 Battle mixer Map - beta testing

Toltemic Member Posts: 63 Helper
edited March 22 in Mapping Traktor

Hello all,

for the last couple months I have slowly but surely been mapping my Rane a-trak to give me all the features I want- as a sort of alternative to the z2 (a pillar to climb, I know), this is across 8 files so far 4 for deck A & 4 for deck B. This is a very big write up as this is also a pseudo manual

There's a few bugs I'm aware of but I wanted to get this out as soon as so I get criticisms and ideas as it just been me with no feedback

I'd imagine other people with modern style (serato) battle mixers might like to make use with my mapping(s). With the use of cmdr you can probably mass change the commands to work with s11/s7 and more. However be warned this is a hefty map with nearing 10,000+ lines across all 5 so you may need to let your computer breathe when editing.

This map is for use in conjunction with external mixing. After doing some testing the meters just don't work using midi out. Moreover other things that only use HID are software effects (to disable flex fx control) and syncing the clock between traktor and rane. Which is a shame because that as well as defined headphone output would've made the rane a near perfect battle mixer for traktor. Other than that, traktor itself needs a mapping rethink as well as many more option for input and output on external mixing considering yes, mapping is very malleable but full flat on its face when introducing a hybrid style mixer. Through out this project I have written a massive write up in my drafts of every feature that would be nice to haves in traktor relating to mapping, freeze, remix and needed audio routings, albeit I imagine it'll be talking into a void

To use postfader traktor fx several things need to be in place- namely setting input C and D to 7&8 and 9&10 respectively, setting mixer EQ to Z ISO and C & D output being 5&6, FX 3 & 4 set to postfader and lastly setting both C & D to live deck flavour, make sure you are using tailing FX as the latency will be noticeable if using FX like modulation & audio capturing

Because Software fx doesn't work as in, it will lock out flex fx control, I've subbed it for advance fx control using pads, but realistically I think an f1/d2/or x1 would do better. But you do have the control nonetheless. There's mixer fx enable - this uses the filter knob to control mixer fx, so you are practically doubling the filter. This will eat into headroom but the option is there. Been removed for post fader enable, I do need to figure out where else I can put it

What's annoying is that traktor can do dvs flux outside of looping, and can do post fader fx per channel, in fact I managed to get both working but because it uses deck c & d to hot swap - Because I haven't done remix deck yet, post fader fx is on by default

What I may do is depending on what the sync button is via hardware, (sync, silent cue or ID) this will choose your load out which has a choice of effects postfader, remix or scratch (flux and scratch bank for dvs) this maybe my work around until traktor team adds proper functionality support (remix is not a deck flavour, but a per track deck feature. Ext post fader fx module. Internal playback on timecode is a playhead when using flux on dvs) I'll think about it

Stems and remix control is coming soon™ but I may need to take a break for the moment and to figure out how I'm implementing all the controls as well as pattern record, marco scroll control may change because of this

I also need to rework some led output things to visually help with where you are namely the layer/mode buttons, what semitone you are at and more visual communication with fx

Ignore the Gen stems button as that is currently default all modifiers to 0 on all mappings (reset) which I may keep until I'm satisfied that mapping bugs have been sorted and also generating stems is less buggy

There's a few bugs in traktor currently that impedes some features mainly freeze bug and bpm adjust not working with grid markers placed

Currently I have a lot of pages and features which includes:



You can scroll through all divisions and the page is memorised when going to another layer page number is shared across q loop, roll, and backloop but it is deck independent



you have access to +7 and -7 when shift pressing a pad it'll shift the centre semitone (0) for example the image above you have a range of -3 (blue) to +4 (light pink). The scale ascends from pad 5.

Cue type starts at just key adjust to cue play and then hotcue play 1-8

Centre placement is also stored

Transport 1 & 2:


* the special button allows you to go to pattern sequence if on pattern player or turn off toggle button which will allow hold interaction instead on group and single, I cool way is to think of it as a limited pad fx especially when in use with group

There's also more features and button combos that haven't been shown

and when holding load prep you gain access to 5(6) more utility pages which I will follow in a comment with more explanation

P 1/2


  • Toltemic
    Toltemic Member Posts: 63 Helper

    P 2/2

    When holding load prep you get access to further gridding and other features



    Grid Markers

    Deck Extra

    Pressing deck extra again will give you options to choose what sync button does as well as shift sync button - Note this only works when the mixer is set to sync in settings, not ID or silent cue

    shifting and pressing these pads will define what shift sync does

  • pixel
    pixel Member Posts: 360 Pro

    nice that you share your work here.👍️
    that looks like a lot of work. 10k lines🤪🤯🤣
    unfortunately I can't test it

  • Toltemic
    Toltemic Member Posts: 63 Helper

    Thank you man, that 10000+ is no joke especially dealing with the limited control with the controller manager GUI and making sure all the modifiers across the TSI's follow along, I imagine there's not much cross over with modern rane mixers and traktor- so literally its niche of niche, but hopefully if phase HID becomes a thing, there's now a battle mixer outside of Z2 ready for all scratch DJs

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