TRAKTOR PRO Ideas breakdown 2023

Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,937 admin
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

See the latest status of the most requested features for TRAKTOR PRO.

A total of 204 ideas and 600 insights have been shared in our online community ever since we launched a dedicated space to collect your feature suggestions last year. 6 months and 1,676 votes later, you made it clear which features for TRAKTOR PRO are important to you.

Out of the 204 ideas received up until April 1, 9 ideas have garnered enough support from the community. As promised, the community team has brought your feedback up to the TRAKTOR team for a review.

While some of the top ideas have already made it to our roadmap, we're here to update the status of the rest of the top ideas so you're informed which features are in the queue. Here’s a breakdown.

In the roadmap

As a recap, here are the features that, thanks to all your votes, are in our pipeline and we’re actively working on.

In consideration

These ideas have been added to an Improvements Board, an internal tool used by the TRAKTOR team for tracking and prioritizing features. Please be aware that there are multiple factors and dependencies that go into the decision-making and prioritization process. While we are not able to commit to a concrete timeline at this stage, rest assured that this is a confirmation that your ideas have reached the TRAKTOR team. If resources allow, they might be added to the roadmap and get picked up for implementation.  

Notes from a TRAKTOR Product Manager:

We are in the process of overhauling our graphics framework for enabling us to address requests like this one in the future. Displaying Hot Cue names and giving more options for Hot Cue coloring are already part of our backlog in this area.

You can therefore expect displayed Hot Cue names in context of the next user interface update in this area.

Notes from a TRAKTOR Product Manager:

This request totally makes sense and is on our todo list for a very long time. Thanks for bringing it up again. This will allow us to prioritize this feature correctly.

Notes from a TRAKTOR Product Manager:

Thank you for this well formulated request. It looks more like an oversight, that we haven’t provided the “is adjacent” operator for the Key property operator - we’ll create a ticket for that. But the main topic of this request is the nested AND / OR concatenation. We have so far intentionally left this out, because it requires thorough UX design to make it as intuitive and universally applicable as possible. We’ll start having a look into this topic but a convincing implementation may depend on improvements in the graphical user interface.

Notes from a TRAKTOR Product Manager:

The integration of more streaming services is high on our priority list and we’re aware that Tidal is the most requested one of them. We’d love to be able to implement this, but at the moment we have to prioritize other features in our backlog over building an integration. Although this isn’t currently planned, we'll continue to monitor requests and will follow up as priorities are updated.

Once again thank you for all the suggestions you shared with us over the years. We're grateful for your continued support and collaboration in helping us improve TRAKTOR! 

Want to share your insights and help us prioritize what to build next? Add your use cases to the top voted ideas here. Note that our ideas portal is a members-only area. Sign in with your Native ID to view and vote. 

To read more about how your ideas reach the TRAKTOR team, see here.



  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,875 Expert

    Thank you for coming back to us 🙏

    nested AND / OR concatenation. We have so far intentionally left this out, because it requires thorough UX design

    That is what I thought. It already works partly by manipulating the collections nml file. But only with a single OR. For example A & B or C works.

    I know this is a long shot, but if you can give us brackets, just for the adventuring power user who are willing to mess with the nml that would be appreciated.

  • ranger930
    ranger930 Member Posts: 29 Helper


    my wish to have more midi modifiers was not accepted, I think that's pretty stupid, especially since this request from many users has not only existed since this voting campaign, but has probably existed for years. I'll try Mixx now and look at the Denon hardware. Because without a proper control protocol for ext. Hardware ( by that I mean an open protocol and not the top secret NI HID protocol ) Traktor is slowly degenerating into a program for mouse nudgers.

    Or you just have to buy 4 controllers from NI. That's called marketing.

  • Visor
    Visor Member Posts: 1 Member

    thanks so much for interacting with the community like this. the last few month there seems to have been amazing changes at NI For product transparency. Please keep it up :)

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,937 admin

    Hi @ranger930 this review is based on the number of votes up until April 1, 2023. Your idea passed 30 votes a few days ago so it will brought up in the next round.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,937 admin

    Hi @pARty_bOy thanks for resurrecting that idea and congrats for surpassing 30 votes. Since this review is based on votes received up until April 1, we'll review your idea in the next round.

  • Rafel
    Rafel Member Posts: 8 Member

    Notes from a TRAKTOR Product Manager:

    The integration of more streaming services is high on our priority list and we’re aware that Tidal is the most requested one of them. We’d love to be able to implement this, but at the moment we have to prioritize other features in our backlog over building an integration. Although this isn’t currently planned, we'll continue to monitor requests and will follow up as priorities are updated.

    Once again thank you for all the suggestions you shared with us over the years. We're grateful for your continued support and collaboration in helping us improve TRAKTOR! 

    Want to share your insights and help us prioritize what to build next? Add your use cases to the top voted ideas here. Note that our ideas portal is a members-only area. Sign in with your Native ID to view and vote. 

    To read more about how your ideas reach the TRAKTOR team, see here.

    After this comment, I think I'm going to ditch Traktor and go to Pioneer/Rekordbox.

  • pARty_bOy
    pARty_bOy Member Posts: 155 Pro
    edited April 2023

    so this explains why the first voting poll was deleted....

    when will be the next round?? thank you

  • Kayya
    Kayya Member Posts: 198 Advisor

    A post that will make people fall in love with this community. Thank you for the beauty and orderliness of your notes. Although I have been hanging out on other platforms for a while, I must say that this is the highest quality platform. Maybe it can be made to include all the competitors' issues. I say this with all sincerity. I say this because I can access the Pioneer forum site by changing the web browser security settings. An embarrassing experience.

    I wish we could talk to you under the subject headings. Everything will be better. This is especially important in these difficult times.

    Speaking of hard times, when I read your notes, which is a topic on the other side, I feel the fall behind. I feel that improvements will take years.

    do a craze, with an aggressive move, transfer all the experience to your software with investments. Have a software ready for everything and innovations. I think users expect this energy.

    I send my love.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro
    edited April 2023

    i had a little think about this comment...

    and with a program like Bomes Midi translator pro.... you could effectively add separate midi maps via the virtual ports that Bomes midi software creates.

    your mappings would be created within the Bomes software...whereby you could enable and disable the mappings you created... and pipe the midi through to the bomes virtual ports, no doubt there would be some limitations in some cases.

    I believe a similar aspect of midi mapping can be achieved with Reaper & realearn... but you would require some form of Virtual ports to be setup... in order to pipe midi through to Traktor

    the above methods are NOT adding modifiers... rather midi-maps which can be swapped or enabled and disabled upon a midi press... so slightly different to modifiers

  • dj_estrela
    dj_estrela Member Posts: 167 Pro

    this is exactly what I did on my ddj-1000 map:

    Doing BOME was crucial for both impossible traktor features and breaking traktor limits:

    #1: 14-bit out messages: 

    #2: Sequence of Events: 

    #3: Timers: 

    #4: Any event as a Conditional

    a) more modifiers: 

    b) preferences window freeze: 

    c) more conditionals: 

    d) global modifiers:

  • re5etuk
    re5etuk Member Posts: 4 Member

    It’s a nice list of updates , perhaps it fill fix the constantly flickering browser issue that has been around for many many years.

    will it also import from more than one folder from the default paths list .. I have 2 paths and it only imports from one of them automatically. I have to reselect the tracks again ( on mac )

    I think there are still basic issues to be fixed though these won’t be big ticket items that being in new users.

  • myalteredsoul
    myalteredsoul Member Posts: 255 Pro

    Happy to see hotcue coloring and visible labels at the top of the list. :-) I’ve been dropping that request for years.

This discussion has been closed.
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