Reason NKS problems
This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS for Reason.
Adding serial through Native Access doesn't work
Hello, I'm trying to add an old serial of TRAKTOR PRO 2 for TRAKTOR KONTROL S4 MK2 HW. When I add the serial in Native Access I get the SUCCESS pop-up message stating that I have successfully registered Traktor Pro 2. However, nothing appears in my library, which only contains the free default products. Any help? Thanks in…
Looking for an NKS2 Compatible Sampler that loads .sf2 files
Hi, I never thought I'd need to get on a forum to ask this, but I'm looking for an NKS2 compatible sampler that loads .sf2 files. Has anybody seen any? I'm having problems mapping controls of Sforzando to my S49 MK3. I'm guessing it's not NKS2 compatible…. Don't really want to pay for Halion, but I guess I will if I have…
Guitar Rig 5 messed up - won't reinstall
I am trying to reinstall Guitar Rig 5. I am using Native Access. When I go to the library I see GR 5 and I click install. It just spins and spins and spins and spins…….. I cannot find anything in the Community. Windows 10 Pro. I have turned off my firewall. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
Guitar Rig 7 Player not installable?
I've installed Native Access, and tried to install Guitar Rig 7 Player. However, the install kept failing until I uninstalled/reinstalled Native Access. Now when I try to install GR7 it says install successful, but it doesn't show up in my installed products and only gives me the option to install again. Anyone know how to…
Email Support Discontinued?
I tried downloading a free offer using an e-voucher. Native installer said I need to update. I updated and now the e-voucher offer has disappeared and I can't email for support, it just sends me back to the general support home when I do. What happened to being able to email for support? Is this an "improvement?"
After Clean MyMac I can not load libraries KONTAKT7 I can view only at the new window.I can not load Native Access too.Though still I can listen my Logic Pro projects.What to do Thanks Robert
session horns
I don't see what the exact difference is between the performance and the articulation page. thx
Installing Session Horns
I had bought Session Horns and installed it on a computer - now i want to install it on another computer - how can i do that - it does not appear for installation on native access?
Good morning, my name is Arnaldo. I need help. Thank you!!! I had the option active: excellent icloud memory, and I lost everything. How do I insert the backups? Do I have to insert both the collection folder and also settings?
Denon LC6000 Update
Hi, I saw that the thread below received enough upvotes to warrant being brought up with the Traktor dev team, however the thread appears to be locked with no official update. So, would somebody from the Traktor dev team please update on whether this is at all on the roadmap or is dead in the water.…
Kontakt "Multiprocessor support (AAX plugin)" Settings
I've been having some major problems with Kontakt lately, specifically it running out of cpu (cpu maxing out inside Kontakt not Pro Tools). After trying everything possible I finally changed the setting "Multiprocessor support (AAX plugin)" from OFF to "16 Cores" and the difference is absolutely wild. Gone from the Kontakt…
Using other brands
Hello I am new to using any Komplete products. I know full Kontakt 8 is installed along with the instruments in Komplete but am I able to use other brands such as Sonuscore products without having a separate Kontakt 8 installed. Steve
How to resolve installation Port Conflict error
RE: Setup challenges. I have a PC - Windows 10 OS, Laptop with 1 USB "C" and 3 USB ("A/B") inputs Studio one 7 software, NI S61 MK 3 Kontroler/Keyboard. ~~~~~~~~~~ Nothing wrong with the S61 MIDI controller, powers up, lights display all looks well. have ran the 5 or 6 step setup process, entered serial number and…
maschine mk3 unable to link while using maschine 3.
so im having a issue with ableton link. i have managed to get traktor and ableton to work correctly but when maschine 3 is added it is unable to change the tempo, traktor and ableton are able to change maschine 3's tempo. now when i go back to maschine 2 everything works fine. i also noticed that maschine 3 never asked to…