Pro 4 Crash
hello I was using pro 4 for a gig friday. After 3 hours of djing, the right deck would not play the track loaded in. About 30 seconds after this, The track that was playing on the left deck stopped and i couldnt use the software. Had to close and reopen. Anybody experienced this and know a fix? Thanks
New download issues with Claire Avant
Is this Normal for new Purchased product?
LO-FI Vibes content missing/No reinstall path
Does anybody know how I can re-download it?
Why are some files loading at Installation
I installed Kontakt 8, restarted the PC and launched my SONAR software. Kontakt 8 was not recognized. I tried loading as a stand along and was told MFPlat.DLL, MFReadWrite.DLL, MF.DLL, & EVR.DLL were missing. I tried uninstall & reinstall twice but same result. Also Kontakt does not appear in any VST folders. I loaded…
Will a S49 MKIII Using KK 3.3.1 Drive an S88 Using KK2.9.6?
I've done MORE than due diligence hunting for answers to this question, and NO ONE in the NI Community will answer it. I want to know if KK 2.9.6 will cause conflicts in this set up. I'm not using the S88 to "drive" anything per say. I just want it to play, and respond to what I have dialed in on the S49 that's using KK…
M32 compatibility with Kontakt 8
This discussion was created from comments split from: Ask Kontakt 8 creators anything.
Cannot complete a VST Scan
Every time I try to do a VST scan on Maschine 3.01, it freezes on some random plugin. I remove the plugin and rescan, and it just gets stuck on another. I've done this with over 30+ plugins and I'm tired… I just want to use Maschine, even if with just NI plugins, but I can't even get that. Can anyone help? (Windows 11)
I had my windows refreshed re installed and had forgotten to tell them to save any maschine mk3 info. When I hooked it back up my maschine wouldn't work. let's me DL native access but computer doesn't see my maschine.
Switching from song mode to ideas mode ?
It seems that now that I am in the song mode, the button to switch back to ideas mode is struck through and I can't switch it either on the computer, OR using the MK3 controller in the arranger/ shift/ ideas or songs buttons OR in the controller using shift/navigate/ ideas or songs.. the song is named weird1, appropriately
Question about Rhythmizer Fusion
I have Maschine Mk3, and I'm trying to discover if the Rhythmizer Fusion arpeegiator will work inside of maschine? I have the NI Midi keyboard and my audio interface has midi inputs, im still relatively new to the platform so any help would be greatly appreciated. Larry B
Installation of Native Access and Guitar Rig Pro 5
Hello, I have the following problem: I specifically bought an external SSD for the libraries, where I was able to install everything accordingly. However, Native Access is stored on the internal drive (I can't install it elsewhere). Now, whenever I try to open Guitar Rig 5 Pro, it tells me that it can't find the Service…
This is where to download driver for S4 Mk3 BD & DFU
If you encountered the problem that your s4 mk3 display screen not working, and you tried the method in NI support but the Windows Update can't find the driver This is the website you can find the driver for the display screen of s4 mk3 (I can't post link right now, so I'll show it in a picture ) just download any one of…
Guitar Synth
Hello, Community! First of all I would like to thank Native for their exceptional products. I am a delighted owner of Guitar Rig 7 Pro. I would like to know if it's possible to generate synth sounds from a guitar signal like DigiTech Dirty Robot, Boss Guitar Synthesizer SY-300 or Electro-Harmonix Mono Synth does. I loved…
Why doesn't the firmware detect my Komplete Kontrol M32 midi keyboard?
I bought a komplete kontrol m32 midi keyboard and at first it worked fine until one day it just stopped working, I bought another pc thinking that was the problem but now it doesn't work either and the error comes when I try to scan the midi with the firmware driver
No sound from TRK 01
Hi all I can't get any sound from the TRK 01 in Logic, the TRK 01 Bass works fine, any ideas where I should be looking? Also I want the kick and bass routed to separate tracks in Logic, can I do this, if so how? FYI My midi keyboard is set to channel 1