S61mk2 Aftertouch not working anymore.
Hi, Recently my aftertouch stopped working, in my 2 DAWs and Komplete kontrol. No settings were changed (cant even find aftertouch settings in the KK software). It just to work just fine. Is there any way to check if its broken? Or is there something else i can do?
Difference between S88 Mk2 from 2018 and 2020
Is there any difference between the same keyboard from 2018 or 2020 regarding software compatibility with Kontakt or anything else? Also does the keyboard function as a workstation for other sound sources (e.g. Opus, Spitfire)? Thanks!
Windows 11 won't recognize the Komplete Kontrol s88 MK2?
I have a USB-b cable I've been using for years with my m-audio keystation 88, and the one that comes with the s88 is not long enough. So my new keyboard will power on, run through the startup, then a few seconds later usb device is not recognized. I've installed the proper drivers, but nada. Is this the USB cable not…
Arturia, NI or something else for 88 note
Hi, I’m struggling to decide which 88 note controller to buy, I appreciate this is Native Instruments forum, and I appreciate that what one person likes, another might hate, but. would like honest opinions if you can. My main, well only keyboard connected to my PC currently is NI S61 mk2. In another room I also have a…
Sustain pedal ports no longer seem to be working.
I'm reviewed both of these: https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005166305-How-to-Configure-Sustain-Expression-Pedals-on-Kontrol-Keyboards https://community.native-instruments.com/discussion/5234/tips-how-to-fix-sustain-pedal-issues-on-our-mk2-keyboards Issue occurs on either macOS or Windows.…
S49 MKII keyboard
Hi guys, wow do I setup my keyboard S49 MK II in Anbleton Live Suite 10? The tutorials I found didn't help me much. I set it up as DAW controller following NI youtube video, but I would like to access the browser and plugin button but they are inactive now??? somehow I do not manage to select thes buttons What do I do…
If I buy a used S88 Mk 2 will it work with my Native Access software?
If I buy a used S88 Mk 2 will it work with my Native Access software that I have already purchased independently? I'm thinking of switching my Kurzweil workstation for a NI keyboard. Thanks
Boss EV30 Expression pedal cannot connect to S61 MK3 & S88 MK2
I tried all options on both s61mk3 & s88 mk2 but couldn't get the boss ev30 expression pedal to work with them. Any ideas? Just bought this brand new pedal to be used with both keyboards but no luck 😞
S88MKII Expression CC11
I've just noticed something recently in my usage of the S88MKII. I load in Spitfire Labs, or BBCSO or the VSL Big Bang Orchestra or Fujara Flute. Anything where there is an onscreen slider for CC11. The values constantly jump around from around 21 to 49, very very fast. Has anyone experienced this? I thought my touch strip…
How to make Expression Independent of Dynamics
I was trying to remap the midi CC’s in Native Instruments’ Symphony Series in Logic and whichever knob I setup for CC1(expression) also controlled the CC11(dynamics). I am using Arthuria Keylab MkII 88 and want to control CC1 and CC11 independent of each other. Any suggestions?
Whats this keybed sensor strip for and can I glue a new felt on?
Hi all. I took apart my S88 mk2 as the previous owner had smoke saturated the keyboard, Im a non smoker. I took it apart and found the main issues where the felt and rubber buttons. The two felt strips that are stuck onto sensors I had to remove to wash them, but they are now stretched. Question is, what are these two…
Can't get my Komplete Kontrol S88 Mk2 to output sound when using it with Maschine Studio
Hi I'm having trouble getting my S88 to output sound when using it with the Maschine Studio on my Macbook Pro that is running macOS Big Sur 11.16.1. I recently started running Avid Protools with an Apollo Twin X in my studio setup. When I load an instrument it loads but when I press the keys nothing happens. Here are my…
Using Komplete Kontrol S88 MK2 with Reason
Hi. I read that there was an update that allows this keyboard to be used with Reason which is not fully supported like Cubase for example. I ran across this possible fix and was wondering if anyone else here used the files and have the transport buttons working for Reason?…
Kontrol S88 MK2 Middle C down to F3 not sending response
Hey everyone! Recently bought a Kontrol S88 MK2 used from Guitar Center and I'm bumping into an issue that makes the controller pretty unusable. The keys from F3 to middle C (8 keys) don't seem to be sending any MIDI information to the PC. When I press down on any other key, the board light right above the key lights up,…
Can't control/load the songs on Traktor pro 2
I use a Traktor s8. And for some reason today when I went to do some mixing... I thought I had blown out my speakers because I was getting so much static. However, I noticed that the load in the traktor software was in the red and there was nothing I could do to fix this. SO I reinstalled the latest driver for windows and…