Boss EV30 Expression pedal cannot connect to S61 MK3 & S88 MK2

frkh09 Member Posts: 59 Member
edited October 22 in Komplete Kontrol

I tried all options on both s61mk3 & s88 mk2 but couldn't get the boss ev30 expression pedal to work with them. Any ideas? Just bought this brand new pedal to be used with both keyboards but no luck 😞


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,047 mod
    edited March 11

    @frkh09 It's a different process on both keyboards, have you checked this article? How to Configure Sustain / Expression Pedals on Kontrol Keyboards

    Regarding the MK3, we've seen some issues with some pedals. Can you try these steps again but this time, do the calibration the reverse way, pedal up when it asks you to pedal down and pedal down when it asks for up?

  • frkh09
    frkh09 Member Posts: 59 Member

    Yes, on s88 expression pedal settings are on the komplete kontrol software where as on s61 mk3 its on the keyboard.

    I read that article to see if it would work but no luck. I tried with opposite sides calibration and tried different settings on both s88 mk2 and s61 mk3 but it feels like nothing happens when I press the pedal. What am I doing wrong? The roland EV5 is on your list of compatible panels, so EV30 shouldn't be of no please..

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,047 mod

    @frkh09 EV-30 pedals have not being tested, AFAIK it's more an expression pedal aimed at guitar pedals and such. I'm not sure if it is supposed to work or not.

    Have you tried to inverse the polarity? It seems that you also have these min buttons to dose how much of the expression comes through, have you tried full clock wise and full anti clock wise?

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