Creating & Assigning Komplete Kontrol Template In A DAW
Hello. I would like to use Komplete Kontrol templates with my 3rd party plugins in Cubase. I use an S88 Mk2 controller running KK 2.8.0. When using KK in a DAW, the 'MIDI' icon which allows you to create templates (light guides, knobs, buttons etc.) is not visible. In its place is a little grey block top right, next to the…
S88 triple pedal with half-pedaling support?
I’m looking for is a triple pedal with una corda, sostenuto and continuous sustain. Several NI Kontakt piano instruments support this in software, and I just purchased the S88 Mkii controller, so what pedal do I need to purchase to get this working? The Studiologic SLP3-D is the only triple pedal I can find that offers…
S88 Mk2 users, do your black keys send aftertouch channel pressure messasges?
I started playing around with Arturia's Yamaha CS-80, which utilizes (polyphonic) aftertouch, for some classic Blade Runner pad movement. None of my black keys would trigger aftertouch! I opened up MidiView, and sure enough, every white key sends channel pressure messages, but NONE of the black keys do. I've seen a couple…
Mixer gets pan extreme left while DAW is center
Hi there, Not sure if this is only me or someone also experienced this: When connected to DAW, under "mixer" view, I sometimes see the pan of a track is left on my keyboard, while in DAW its center. This doesn't seem to cause any problem but I hope there should be consistent with each other. I'm on s88 mk2 on latest…
s88 mk2 Display no showing anything
Hello everyone, i have a s88 mk2 here, it works just fine as a midi keyboard but cant seem to get the display showing up any libraries from Kontakt. Ive tried driver reinstalls etc, and just doesnt seem to be working, the buttons dont work controlling Kontakt either, they arent broken as they do work when doing a MIDI…
Very simple question about the NI S88 mk2 Sustain Pedal - Port A
Can anyone give me a definitive simple answer to whether or not the S88 Mk2 can send CC64/Sustain to a hardware synth when NOT connected to Komplete Kontrol or via USB? When my controller is connected via USB to the computer, the sustain works as it should in all of the software and when using VST's in my DAW. However, I…
Sound broken when I connect the VFP3-15 pedal to my S88 Mk2
When I connect the FATAR-STUDIOLOGIC VFP3-15 pedal to my N.I S88 MK2 keyboard in my Mac (MacOS Monterey 12.7.1 and Logic PRO 10.7 and Cubase 13 PRO), I have these problems. Only the sustain pedal works (the other two are doing nothing). I used the instructions of Native Instruments on how to setup the pedal(s) in KOMPLETE…
Order problem
How can I cancel an order? On 5 July 2023, I ordered a Komplete Kontrol S88 MK2 keyboard. The order was confirmed. The purchase price was charged to my credit card on the same day. 9 days have passed since then, I got no information about delivery, the order status is "in progress". NI has promised a delivery time of a few…
S88 Mk2 not playing sounds keyboard mode
Hi I’m experiencing a problem with my S88 Mk2 midi controller. I have a 2020 MacBook Pro that has 4 thunderbolt ports as the hub of my production studio and use a Universal Audio Apollo Twin X Quad as the center of my production studio. Recently started to record so I installed Protools as my DAW. Now my S88 midi…
Looking for foam strip for S88 Mk2
Hello Native instruments Your Hardware support it totally useless, when the person trying to get support knows what he needs. Can I please get a direct email address, for support, so I can ask what I need: I need to purchase the Lower Foam strip for the S88 Mk2 where the hammers rest/bounce on. Its a Long foam strip 9mm…
S88 MK2 makes a strange modulation distorted sound in Logic/Garageband
Hi! All my Logic and Garageband Pianos and other stock instruments are sounding weird. The have a slightly modulation on it. I f I choose a plugin from Native instead, it sounds nice . Here is a link to a short Video with the Soundissue https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zH37nHzowE3Xz9vpWVcRHoq8tELL8J7z/view?usp=sharing What…
Maschine MK 3
When bouncing a group audio im getting asked to stop and change the sample rate , never before happened in 2 years ( therefore now prevents me getting my audio and have to force quit each time. only a new hic up. October 2023 PS I'll re try another project incase ive tweaked the params Thanks Wondering if someone can give…
How to solve a malfunctioning Komplete Kontrol S88?
Problem: I start Komplete Kontrol. Next I turn on the Komplete Kontrol S88 but it gets stuck at the 'Komplete Kontrol; Smart Keyboard Controller screen'. The S88 buttons are inresponive ((see https://youtu.be/D4VLAxASz6w)). When I then disconnect and reconnect the usb cable, it will go to the general midi screen. However,…
Has anyone else suffered from a broken warranty replacement with zero response from NI?
Purcahsed a new S88MKII 2 years ago that had issues. The warranty replacement came covered in white cleaning proiduct, and is clearly refurbsihed, not new. Loose screw inside. I have tried for over a year to get support on this with absolutely no ability to speak to a human or have this solved. After 2 years, basically NI…
How do you hook up Maschine MK3 and Komplete Kontrol S88?
Okay, so I have a Maschine mk3 and a KK S88, I also have several hardware synths such as the Jupiter X, Fantom, TD3, Akai MPC, TR8S, and a Minimoog clone. I’m using ProTools to track, but need a couple pointers on how to hook all these pieces of gear up to get them talking to each other. Getting audio routed to ProTools is…