Using Roland DP-10 with Kontrol S61 Mk3
Hi - Ive been trying everything to get a working DP-10 sustain pedal to work with Komplete Control (standalone) and I have failed. I have tried switch/continous combinations (including the hardward swith on the DP-10), checked MIDI to 64, tried the "reverse" calibration method (ie: ups id down, and vice versa) … all to no…
about the chat
hi I just can't find the chat, can you help me? thank you
KK Software vs. Action Strings 2
I have been noticing very slow response times with some NI libraries and I seem to have isolated it to Komplete Kontrol software. I'm using the latest version of Reaper as a DAW on my Mac and find I'm waiting a long time for some actions to finish. Action Strings 2 is an extreme example of the problem. Here are some test…
Record MACRO knob movements in Maschine and Logic Pro ?
Hello, I have Maschine MK3. Is it possible to record the movements of the Macro knobs in Maschine2 and Logic Pro? If it is possible how to do it? Thanks. Jérôme.
Komplete Kontrol MK1- does preset browsing/previes still work on both old an new instruments?
Hi , I have the opportunity to buy a Komplete Kontrol keyboard MK1 S61 very cheap. My question (since support has stopped): could I still use it to browse with it through the Kontakt instrument presets (by using the final Komplete Kontrol Software verion that still supported MK1, i.e. 2.9) to select presets and preview…
Most of my Libraries on Native Access Disappeared
I recently got a new Macbook and re-downloaded all my libraries and stuff from Native Acess (Komplete 12 + Libraries that I purchased from different Companies). They all seemed to be fine until today when I formatted my old macbook. I saw that you don't need to move licenses. Suddenly all my libraries on Kontakt…
Kontatk 7 Recalling - Can't Click OK - Ableton Live 12 - macOS Sequoia
Hello, I am currently experiencing an issue after setting up my new Mac and installing all necessary software. When attempting to open an Ableton Live session, the standard Kontakt relinking prompt appears. However, I am unable to proceed past this point as the "OK" button is unresponsive, causing the application to hang.…
MK2 S49 keyboard keys don't are out of wack
I bought (for very cheap) this keyboard off someone who had given up saying it didn't turn on. It now does turn on. But my firmware doesn't update. It connects really nicely with Komplete Kontrol software and screens work. The sliders work too.. not really sure if all the lights on the top work. But currently the biggest…
saving times taking 3 mins since loading Kontakt 8 (KT-10248)
Is there a known issue with Kontakt 8. Since I loaded it last week , my cubase13 project saving times takes nearly 3 minutes. Is this a known problem? Always taken a few seconds to save projects previously. I am inclined to remove it from my work.
Is it still possible to buy the Kontakt factory Library/Selection?
I would like to get it, but i dont see anywhere to get it
Trying to reinstall Shreddage Hydra 3
Hi Trying to reinstall Shreddage Hydra 3 How do I contact tech support. The chatline is down. Is there an email? I thank you for your time… Robert (Zack) Ferris funktofugue.net
How to Efficiently Map Third-Party Plugins in KOMPLETE KONTROL S88?
How to integrate third-party plugins (FabFilter, Valhalla, Sonible) into KOMPLETE KONTROL S88 MK2 and create presets? Hi everyone, I want to fully utilize my KOMPLETE KONTROL S88 MK2 and integrate it with third-party plugins like FabFilter, Valhalla, and Sonible. I have a few questions: What is the best way to load these…
LIVE Input is boring 🥱
I like a lot to mix between vinyl and digital on my s4mk3 (with Joe Easton screen mod) It’s great but why can I not use the loop function like you would expect. I mean I could use the loop recorder but this is not the same special with a S4. I would really love to be able to have more of the powerful digital features even…
TraktorKontrol S4 activation
TRAKTOR KONTROL S4をPCにインストールして使ってましたがPCが故障してしばらく使っていませんでした。今回PCを買い替えましたのでTRAKTOR PRO2のソフトをインストールしてアクティベートを試みましたが何回やってもインターネットの接続が切れて出来ませんでした。どうしてもS4のコントロールを使いたいのでアクティベートをお願いします。 いちばん最初にTraktorKontrol S4をアクティベートした時のメールアドレスとパスワードを教えてくれませんか!インストールした時のPCが故障して確認できませんので。よろしくお願いします。 I installed the TRAKTOR KONTROL S4 on my PC and…
Any body have a fix for this machine just is not loading in studio one 5 deleted and reinstalled
deleted maschine and reinstalled still getting the same issue anybody else have issues like this?