How to fix freezing s4 mk3?
Hi, I bought a new s4 mk3 but there are problems with it! When I run Traktor pro 3 (3.6) on my laptop without the s4 mk 3 connected there are no problems, I can play 4 decks at once and the audio is good no pop, cracks, glitches. Also latencymon shows that my laptop can run the software without any problem. But when I…
Another Traktor update fail!
Recently thought I'd try the pro plus and reluctantly decided to update Traktor pro from 3.4.2 to current version. During install my laptop crashed. When I returned to native access it showed Traktor pro 3 as being queued. When I try to install it keeps failing and the info box directs me to a support page regarding giving…
Traktor Pro 3.6.1 Can't load song into deck A
Hi, I have just upgraded to Macbook Pro M1 and Traktor Pro 3.6.1. I have experienced this problem before in May 2020. Suddenly I couldn´t load a new track into deck A while playing. I know a workaround is to untick the box "Only load track into stopped deck" but it is a bit risky when playing Live. In Traktor Pro 3.4.256 I…
my recording in Traktor isn't working??
Hai Guys, I'v a little problem: I'm DJing with Traktor Pro 3, a XONE 96 mixer, a Pioneer RMX 1000 effect and NI hardware F1 X1. When I want recording my mixes it isn't working?? I've checked all my presets with "audio setup, output routing, input routing. Everything is working except my recording. I looked the video's from…
How can I mix externally in Traktor WITHOUT the headphone cue/vol being disabled/greyed out?!
This is incredibly frustrating.. I spent several hours installing and setting up Blackhole software to allow me to put Traktor Pro 3 into external mixing mode for the sole purpose of being able to separate the audio from each deck and record them separately in Ableton Live... After doing so I discovered that I cannot…
onely traktor 3.8 download in Access / need the 3.7 download
Hello got new windos on my computer so i need traktorpro 3.7 againe but onely have traktorpro 3.8 in Access for download, wehere can i find the traktorpro 3.7 download ,..please help
Different waveform sizes resulting in volume decreases, clipping and stuttering
Hi, I am new to using Traktor and can't figure out what is happening. On my songs, the waveforms are of different sizes which results in volume decreases, clipping and stuttering. It is un usable until this is fixed. Can anyone help me out as to what is happening. The small waveforms are quiet but not clipping but as soon…
Troubleshooting Network Error when loading a deck!
Hi! Is anyone have had the same problem when loading a deck from Beatsource? Get "Network Error" - I've used even my mobile as a hotspot before without any problem but now all "crashed". Any idea and how to solve it? Thanks for help!
Multicore cable alternative
My multicore cables are broken and I wanted to order new ones but they are out of service so my question is what is the alternative? I've found this post but I cannot find the 1x female to 2x male cables. Can somebody guide me please?
Traktor Remix Decks - bad or bug?
I'm trying out the remix decks for the first time in a long while. I was surprised that it has no "automagic" features, like automatic loop bpm syncing, so it was pretty frustrating to work with. I read in this forum that a user was having problems in March of this year, those problems sounded a lot like mine. An NI…
Cueing tracks in Sync Mode - Pressing play never starts at right time
Hi everyone, Has anyone else found this to be difficult? 9/10 times I press play when both tracks are synced, I appear to be pressing play at the precise moment needed, but the track will jump to the next beat in the grid. So this means it'll start the sound after the time I've actually intended it to start. To get around…
S4 MK1 sound issues
Hi, As my old Mac broke down, I've tried to get my S4 MK1 to work on a computer with Windows 11. I downloaded Traktor Pro 3, and the Windows 7 and above driver. The problem I'm experiencing is that the sound goes up and down without me doing anything when I'm playing the songs. The sound volume is uneven and unstable. Does…
When we can expect Traktor Pro 4.0 ?
Since I consider to buy Traktor Pro I am wondering when Traktor Pro 4.0 will be released. Also I am wondering why there is no pro subscription which will allow us to use Traktor Pro without owning the base version. For now there is no way around to purchase Traktor Pro.
Crackling noise when playing Beatport Link in Traktor PRO 3
Hi, I have issues with playing Beatport Link music in Traktor PRO 3. All songs come with a crackling sound when the bass kicks in. This is not an issue with any songs played from .wav, .aiff or .mp3 files on my computer. Only songs from Beatport through the Link menu. (Not even the offline locker makes any difference) The…
Traktor Pro scratching problem after 3.5 version.
Hello everybody, I got Macbook Pro 15' 2017 (Radeon Pro 560 4 GB Intel HD Graphics 630, 16 GB 2133 MHz) Mac os X ventura version (13.2.1) latest version. all was working fine until 3.5 version installed. after this version i notice a big scratching problem. for example: when im scratching on (Hot cue A) back and forward,…