kontrol s8 closing when loading track on deck
someone who owns the kontrol s8, updated, with updated traktor. I already had a problem loading the music through the browser, traktor simply closes, crashes without showing the log. I have a mac 2015 on catalina. using the keyboard to load does not crash. obs, I use an external nvme ssd where I load some emergency…
Ableton Link, Sync, BeatSync, TempoSync, S4mk3 - MASTER
hey ho, i have a problem with traktor.i use traktor 3 and have a s4mk3 and sync via ableton link other instruments. for this trakor switches internally to master bpm. but if i then press master again on the deck (on the s4) then it uses that as the master. so far everything is great. but this is normally not possible in…
Traktor sounds slow
Hi anyone else having the problem with songs sounding very slow and a bit distorted in traktor pro 3, i am using a kontrol s4 mk3 controller
Numark 4trak setup for traktor pro 3
Dear community.. Does anybody know how to setup Numark 4trak with traktor pro 3? I can't seeme to make it work. Hope someone can help. Thanx
How to organise playlists by bpm or key and reposition tracks
Hi there, I''ve looked but can't see anything on this in particular. I spend so long having to re-organise playlists and thought there must be a simpler way of doing it. I have Traktor Pro 3 What I want to do is to be able to organise a playlist by key and then be able to reposition tracks in a specific order whilst having…
Automatic cursor selection in the search bar.
Wouldn't it be great to have automatic cursor selection inside the small search bar above the track collection after deleting the first search written in the bar. When searching for a song or word and then deleting the search with the X in the search bar the cursor does not become active again in the search bar for a new…
Issues when club doesnt have wifi
Hi I am playing at a club on Saturday that I know has no internet connection. When trying to run T3Pro 3.6.xxx with an S8 at home to test this- the SW stalls, glitches and is very slow to load tracks and respond to mouse clicks and S8 inputs. Macbook Air 2017 Im assuming the SW is now constantly trying to check for…
Tsi bug? 2 inputs and outputs are present when plug in 2 f1
hi team, I’ve tried all combinations with all senerios and mappings. I have a Traktor s4mk3 and 2 f1. When I plug in 2 f1 I get this strange bug where 2 inputs and outputs are present. Every time I start Traktor I have to physically go into controller manger and change to bottom input and output or it doesn’t work. Driving…
Sound Cloud Go or iTunes
Like so many others I am having difficulties importing tracks from iTunes into Traktor Pro 3. Is it better to switch to Sound Cloud Go or is there a solution? I followed instructions from Native with no luck.
Traktor pro 3 dvs timecode not working
My processor is 2.6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7, I have a macbook pro with Big Sur. The program and dvs pick up my mixer but my timecode vinyl does not work with my computer but it does work with my friends computer that is a bit older than mine with ventura OS and he has a cracked version of the program. Does anybody know…
TRAKTOR and Ableton out of sync when connected to S4
This is driving me crazy. I'm running Traktor 3.8.0 and Ableton Live 11.2.11, when I'm just on my M1 MacBook Pro, everything is in perfect sync. As soon as I plug in my S4 MK3, Ableton goes out of sync and becomes unusable. I've loaded the same loop I have in Ableton into a remix deck for testing, and it's completely out…
all of a sudden in can't import tracks in Traktor 3.9?
what the heck... I've used Traktor for three years now, so I'm still a newb but I'm not THAT much of a newb. They're just MP3s from Bandcamp, same as usual. Windows 11, Traktor 3.9
'not played in the last' excludes unplayed tracks - bug?
Maybe I just hadn't noticed before, but I was working with smart playlists using the "last played date: not in the last" and realized that it's excluding anything never played (so new tracks are missing). Has this always been an issue? Is it a bug or considered working as intended? I don't see a way to workaround other…
DVS with Traktor 3.9 and M1 Pro
I'm using a Pioneer DJM-850-K, which is Traktor certified, on an M1 Pro MacBook, and just installed Traktor 3.9. The issue I'm having is that there is no input signal being recieved by Traktor. For example, the timecodes are not being picked up in order for the calibration process to begin. However, when I play a song…
Song quality sounds like an MP3
I just bought a Hi Rez Album Tears For Fears AAIF 96K and it sounds amazing on everything but Traktor... It sounds amazing on Audacity, iTunes etc... but in Traktor it sounds like an MP3... and the panning of the drums is lost... I've noticed this sort of thing before but I can't understand why some tracks sound horrible…