Traktor Kontrol S3 - An Error Occurred While Processing Your Serial
I am unable to install the Traktor Pro 3 software that came with my hardware purchase, as Native Access is providing me with an error message after typing in the serial number.
Mixed in Key and Traktor Pro key lock?
Hi, I'm using Mixed in key for key notation. Mixed in keys writes its keys into 'Key Text' field. I can display 'Key Text' field just fine. However, I also have Key lock turned ON. Does this mean, Traktor Pro 3.11 is still using 'Open Key' so i need to disable key lock? I'm only using Mixed in key so i can keep both…
Mapping Traktor pro 3 / Maschine plus
Hi, I'm searching a plug & play mapping to control Tractors pro 3 pads with Maschine plus pads. Steve
effect volume
the volume of the effects reverb and echo (in freeze mode) is really low, even with "size" and "D/W" turned on fully. Are there any settings that I'm missing? What can I do? (Traktor Pro 3, S4 MK3, MacBook Pro)
Preventing all hot cue LEDs from activating when one cue is pressed
I'm putting together a fairly advanced mapping of a Launchpad Mini MK3, and I'm trying to achieve: 8 buttons on each side are mapped as Select/Set + Store Hotcue 1 through 8 for each deck. These work as intended. These 8 buttons should always be lit in a dim colour which corresponds to the type of cue (e.g. no cue = no…
Traktor s3 bad sound
Traktor s3 in traktor pro 3 sounds worse than a similar track from an iPhone. Picks up high and medium tones on the main output and in headphones. What could be the problem ? Win 11. It feels like the equalizer is turned on on the master, but all settings are reset to default.
tracks not saving cue points?
any idea why a select few tracks refuse to save cue points? i have a few that are totally stubborn and just refuse to save the cue points i set. every other one is fine. is there a setting or something, maybe?
Traktor 3 4-channel Maschine Jam mapping anyone?
Any chance someone still happy to share?
BUG: Traktor 3.11 with S8
Hi there there's a major bug with the Traktor 3.11 latest updated. My s8 which was used to work perfectly, cannot control the cue. So basically I cannot hear on my headphones the preview. Buttons don't Light up in the software and the Cue mix or Volume doesn't work ( also in the software the virtual potentiometer doesn't…
3.7.1 Not saving playlist content
I just upgraded to 3.7.1 from 3.5.3 and the latest version of Traktor will not load or save my playlist content. The playlist folders are there but they're empty. I can import the collection for 3.5.3 and it'll load and I can play just fine, but it won't save them. Even if I manually save the collection, every time I open…
TRAKTOR 3 software opens but crashes
Hi, I have the hardware traktor mk2 S4 for 10 years now, I just recently erased my drive to clean up and restart. I downloaded the native access and downloaded the traktor 3 assuming this is what is replacing the traktor that was the version I had before erasing my drive.... Why is it so complicated? When I…
problem with s4mk2 and mac installation of driver
hello everyone, i have a problem with my s4 mk2. i have TRAKTOR 3 pro on a MAC BOOK PRO but it doesn't recognize my traktor kontroller. I' m trying to install the driver but it' s impossbile, always the message: " there is a problem, try to contact the producer od the driver". someone have something to suggest?? i m…
Is timecode mk2 interchangeable with mk1
Greetings all, This is just a question of clarification. The other night, one of my Timecodes (mk2) seemed to be producing weird results. I thought the record was damaged, so I swapped it for a backup. I put an older mk1 timecode on, but Traktor didn't like it. It gave me the "poor quality timecode" message. But the thing…
every time i close the traktor program it deletes all my playlist
since i updated my program to the last version every time i close the program it clears all the playlists and i have to import all the files back to traktor what can i do. PLS HELP ME!!!!
Can’t change to phone on Audio 6
As the title states I can’t change my Audio 6 to phono within Traktor Pro 3. I know that in the audio setup in the phono/line section you have the 2 input channels and next to them is a settings button you must click on to open another window to be able to toggle between line/phono. However, when I click on settings…