Pro 3 not using updated file.

Robodisko Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

Hello. Not a serious issue, but one which I want to resolve.

I bought a track last week, which was audibly lower than others in Traktor (Pro 3 latest edition). I put the wav into Audacity and amp'd it up a bit, then reimported it to Traktor. However, Traktor is still playing it quieter. I deleted all of the track files from my Mac, then re-downloaded the wav, increased the amp again in Audacity (without first importing to Traktor) and then imported the file. But it still plays quieter. I even tried giving a different name, different file type (wav, m4a, flac), snipped off a second at the end to trick Traktor into thinking it was a different track, reanalysing it and playing the increased volume, but to no avail.

It may be a straightforward rescan needed, but I have tried that and nothing is working. I know I can turn the Gain knob up, but I need to turn to +6-7% and the track, particularly thte bass, definitely lacks punch because of it.

Any ideas or suggestions??


Best Answer

  • Demus
    Demus Member Posts: 216 Pro
    Answer ✓

    Just reanalyze the track for gain and click update lock values.


  • Demus
    Demus Member Posts: 216 Pro
    Answer ✓

    Just reanalyze the track for gain and click update lock values.

  • Robodisko
    Robodisko Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Thanks Demus. I boosted the Gain in the background, which made it louder, but it definitely doesnt have the same 'pop' as other it does on Audacity, etc.

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