Can you use 2 Controlers on one system?
Hi I'm planning on gifting my Traktor Kontrol S3 to a friend who has the same Controler. I was wondering if both can be used simultaneously using Traktor Pro 3? I'm aware the S3 has 4 channels but I was thinking on the the lines of him using them like a 4 deck Controler/CDJ without having to switch from A/B/C/D? For…
Download nicht möglich über Native Access
Hi Leute, hab für meinen Sohn gerade Traktor Pro 3 gekauft. Wollte es über NA downloaden, aber da ist nur ein "Install" Button. Ich will es aber als Software Paket auf nen USB Stick ziehen inklusive Installation Key. Was mache ich falsch? LG Jens
Cant Sort Playlists by Key in 3.10 71
Im experiencing some rather odd behaviour where none of the playlists in the track collection area (including the whole track collection etc, not just my playlists) can be sorted by key. I hit the title bar of the column and the sorting arrow appears but no actual sorting occurs. In the file explorer this works just fine…
Can't find Apple Music library in Traktor
Is there a way (without converting everything) that I can play music out of my Apple Music Library. All my list appears in Traktor, but there are no songs in Traktor. While in Apple Music they are there.
New senior software developer
Now Traktor has a new Senior Software Developer are we going to see more frequent updates and comms? Can we have an opportunity to meet the new developer? Like a meet and greet be nice to meet them.
Traktor Effects in group mode
My effects in group mode (mainly gater and delay) do not show in 1/4, 1/2, 3/8 anymore and i am sure they used to as they now just show 1 to 100, as this is in group mode, there are less parameters to change. Any ideas?
How to reinstall everything without losing my Workflow
Hello , I want to reinstall everything because i have some issues with Traktor pro 3 and i wanna know how to Delete and reinstall the whole programm without losing my playlist/songs/settings/mapping and everything . Is there any safe way to do this?
How do you reset the direct links to your favorite playlists to "not assigned"?
Hi everybody, I've just erased 3 playlists from my collection. They used to be linked in 3 of the 12 slots of favorites there are just above the track lists. Now the titles of these playlists are still displayed, but with a red cross right before them, which means the link/playlist is "empty". Now, I just want to delete…
Beatgrid dont works correct
hi all. since the last update to traktor my beatgriding makes funny things. If i select multiple tracks and choose analyze track, the beatgrid is set not evenly. if i select a single track and choose analyze track, the beatgrid is set evenly. any solution?
How to maintain the Key from Beatport after analysis?
Hi guys, tonight I encountered errors in Traktor analysis of tracks from Beatport streaming. I knew it could sort and find different key than the song is in from time to time, but is there any way to not get track from Beatport online with Key 10m switched into 7m once the analysis is done and beatgrid set? (as example)…
Display flickering on S4MK3, D2, S5 and S8 since updating to Traktor Pro 3.9
Since updating to Traktor Pro 3.9 on Windows 10 and 11 owners of Traktor display controllers like the S4 MK3, D2, S5, or S8 are experiencing heavy flickering on the displays. This issue is affecting Windows machines with GPUs by AMD, such as the AMD Radeon Pro series, and began after Traktor’s upgrade to a new version of…
Where to tweak the Volume that the Recorded-Mix is the same as the tracks outside Traktor?
I´ve recorded last night my newest DJ-Set with Traktor-REC-function, but it´s again lower in noteable volume compared to the tracks listened to via WMP/WinAmp etc. so where do I have to set what volume? I analyzed all tracks with Auto-Gain, set the Line-Volume mostly at 12 o'clock, had the Master-Gain at 3 o'clock to get…
Traktor PRO + Denon LC 6000 Help needed
NI, PLEASE make mapping for Traktor. There is one mapping, but it not works for 2 controllers.It does not matter what player target I choose, both players do the same thing, operate left deck. Please make official TRAKTOR mapping.
Traktor Pro 3 with Hybrid DJ decks
Hello! I have been using Traktor Pro for years but miss my vinyl turntables and want to incorporate a pair of Reloop RP-8000 MK2s, which have BPM counters on the turntable. I plan on running them through an Traktor S4 which being a 4 channel mixer can take 2 Traktor decks and 2 vinyl turntables. My question is, is the…