Suddenly stopped recording Traktor pro 3
My issue is that suddenly I am unable to record my mixes. Happened last week, I rest everything thought I had fixed issue. Tried to record today, NADA!! When I hit record button it says "unable to record" never happened before. I suspect recent updtes but i uninstalled and even reset computer and still same. HEEEEELP??!!!
Traktor Pro 3.10.1 quits automatically without saving any changes/playlists on Mac
Hi! I currently run traktor pro 3.10.1 (latest update) on a macbook pro M2. Recently i have experienced the following issue: while i'm using traktor searching for tracks, adding songs to my preparation list or whatever, the program suddenly quits without saving anything i have changed or programmed while i was working on…
Traktor Kontrol S2 MK3 Connection to Scarlett 4i4 -- Please HELP 😡
I know this is a common question, but I can't seem to get it to work. How the hell do I get my headphone cue to work when using the Sarlett 4i4 Souncard? Macbook M1PRO S2MK3 Traktor Pro 3 KRK speakers -- Connected to output 1-2 S2MK3 -- Connected to line input 3-4 Internal mixing mode Do I need to do something else in…
Traktor kontrol z1
Hi everyone merry Christmas im having problems with my Z1 im using traktor Pro 3 traktor z1 and a kontrol x1 mk1 midi mapped for manual beat matching and jogweell Pc running windows 11 it's a sound issue it sounds great out speakers but headphones sound quality is really bad when both channels on cue I've tried hd 25s…
KONTROL D2 Legacy/Revival
I refuse to part ways with my Traktor Kontrol D2 (x2) decks. The displays are highly capable with some GitHub upgrades (search for Kontrol D2 screens) and the multiple function faders and knobs are perfect for fx with dual modes. Also, using the sliders for AI mix modes (on various software) is ideal with the hardware…
What should I do about a faulty display screen on my Kontrol S4 MK3?
The left screen on my S4 MK3 only displays a fully white screen when connected to power. The right screen works as usual, ie will show track info etc when connected to the software or just the Traktor Logo when in standalone mode. I have tried updating firmware etc but it appears to be a hardware problem (given that the…
Timecode of Traktor pro plus 3.10 not working on M3 pro?
Hi just bought a new mac with M3 pro and started the setup of the Timecode for control vinyl and realised that timecode is not working anymore. I'm coming from i7 intel and everything there was fine. Now is not working. Im i doing something wrong or this is an issue on the new M3 silocons?
Choose channels order in parallel layout
Hey, I am currently using Traktor Pro with the parallel view, but the order is A to D from top to bottom. However, I think it would be less confusing for me if the order was C-A-B-D from top to bottom, to match the order on my controller. I did not find any information on where or even if I can change this? Thanks
Traktor Pro 3 and vcv rack
I interested, is it possible to take output signal from VCV rack to traktor pro 3 and record this?
Traktor Pro 3 fails to close - Have I lost my history for the gig?
For the first time in forever, TP3 failed to close last night after a gig (usual macOS spinner forever and I had to force quit after about 15 minutes) and I don't have the history/playlist to refer back to. I suspect it's lost forever. Is anything possible to recover it as it was for a wedding and I need to refer to what I…
Traktor wav___tmp
HI Traktor does create TMP files , i don’t know why and i m wondering if i could delete them ? i m on mac monterey and traktor 3 last version thanks for any answer
How to solve the Traktor s4 driver installation on Macos mountery?
I downloaded already the driver, but then the installation is Failed/Error. Has anyone got this problem too? if yes how to fix it :)
TRAKTOR PRO 3 - Feature Roadmap
Dear Traktorists, In this thread we’re sharing the TRAKTOR PRO feature roadmap for the current quarter. Going forward, we’ll be sharing an updated version of the roadmap on a quarterly basis. By sharing this roadmap with our user community, we want to initiate conversations around our planning process and help you, our…
Multicore Processing increases load meter
I'm using a 2021 Apple M1 Pro with Traktor 3.10.1. When ever I activate multicore processing, the load meter increases higher than it does when multicore isn't active. I'm pretty sure this isn't normal, right? Any help or explanation would be highly appreciated.
troubles with loading subdirectories Traktor 3
Can somebody help me to fix this problem: in the explorer of Traktor I can t see the external storage in the desktop