Electric Sunburst Soundalike
Hi. I'm trying to get a sound out of Guitar Rig 7 similar to the 'Rock' settings in Electric Sunburst Session Player ... that 'clean distorted' sound if you know what I mean? I can get near to the sound with a combination of dual amps etc. but I always end up with something that sounds a bit underpowered and thin, or the…
Guitar Rig racks empty on tracks after migration from Intel to M1 backup
Recently I bought an M1 Max, because my 2019 mac kicked the bucket, so I had to revive all my projects from a backup drive. I go to open my projects and all my Guitar Rig (versions 6 and 7) effects racks are completely empty on all tracks I use them for. This is incredibly devastating, and I'm wondering why this is, or if…
guitar rig 7 pro
I have not been able to access or use Guitar Rig 7 pro. It came with Izotope music production suite 6 and it is installed with Native Access. What else do I need to have installed to use this? I also have Komplete start and Guitar rig 7 player installed.
Guitar Rig 7 and Komplete
Does anyone know why even the Komplete 14 Collectors edition still only has Guitar Rig 6 in it instead of Guitar Rig 7? Seems odd.
Guitar rig pro 7 crash
Good morning, I purchased and installed Guitar rig pro 7 on November 29th. I noticed plug in problems with Ableton live 10 lite but this morning presets like Luke lap steel crash the application (stand-alone). I clicked reinstall in Native Access but it doesn't change anything. Help, please.
What pedal/foot controller do you use with GR6 or GR7?
The question is in the title. What are you using to control GR after Version 5 and since 6 and 7 don't work with Rig Kontrol? Names and model numbers, and where you bought it from...eg, Sweetwater, Amazon, MF, Reverb, etcetera! I have zero interest in even bothering with GR since RK was ended, but if I can buy a MIDI pedal…
GR7 selecting a preset from a VST host
Hi, I'm using GR7 as a plugin in a VST host (Element/Kushview) in a live performance context. If I select a factory preset, GR7 doesn't reset the rack first and appears to be adding the selected preset components/parameter values to the state of the GR7 rack before the new preset was selected. I looked thru the docs and…
Upgrade from GR5 to GR7
Two questions: 1) If I want to upgrade my GR5 to GR7 can I use the update price or do I have to buy GR7 for $199 like a new user? 2) Can I demo GR7 first?
Rammstein presets?
Hi, does anyone have decent Rammstein Presets for GR7 that he/she would like to share? Im totally new to the software and have no idea what Im doing all i know is that the Rammfire presets all sound kinda off. thanks :)
"Guitar Rig" not appearing in effects chain in Logic Pro X
Recently ran into this issue where the plugin just titled "Guitar Rig" (I believe it was Guitar Rig 6) isn't loading into my plugins chain when I open my projects. I'm not sure if it was just a conflict with file naming conventions due to updating versions of Guitar Rig more recently? I can currently load all of my…
Guitar Rig 6 MFX patches gone when updating to Logic 10.8
Hello, I have just updated to Logic 10.8. Everything works perfectly. Unfortunately Logic no longer recognizes Guitar Rig 6 as MFX. However, I used Guitar Rig 6 MFX as a plugin for the production of 10 unmixed songs. When I now open a session, all the settings are gone and I can no longer access the parameters. Is there…
Trying to use a voucher on Guitar rig 7 pro price
Not a bad price, I have an option to update for £71.20 instread of the normal update price of £89. I have a £22 voucher, but I can't use it on this as it's already discounted, but had it not been discounted, I could have used my £22 voucher against the £89 price making it £67 instead of £71. Only a few pounds but still
Weak sound with Guitar Rig 7 on Sonoma (and Macbook Air M2)
Good morning I installed Guitar Rig 7 on my Macbook Air M2 and Sonoma. As well as Guitar Rig 6 and 5. The 7 has not worked" stand alone" since the beginning but has worked as a plugin on Garage Band until today. But today it no longer works. The malfunction, in fact, is a very weak and extremely saturated sound and an…
Robotic Talking effect with GR
I've heard that Formant Filter has that typical vowel effect, which let me wonder... Is there an accurate Fx chain of a Robotic voice effect? I know that changing the Formant Filter knobs make the 'robot' doing wah-wah sound with his 'mouth'. Can anyone screenshot the rest of the ideal Fx chain for that Robotic speaking…
Making certain sound effects with Guitar Rig
I've recently started to make Fx chains for typical sound effects with GR, since I was a bit bored with making tones for the instruments. I made an Fx chain where it sounds like a typical helicopter sound. I even made a laser sound effect with another Fx chain. Can anyone share their ideas for any other Fx chains for other…