Will update to Guitar Rig 7 from 5 include 6?

mikeli0804 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

Hi everyone, I have a question regarding upgrading my Guitar Rig software...

I currently own Guitar Rig 5 Pro, but a project requires me to use Guitar Rig 6 (Cannot use 7 because my colleagues do not own Guitar Rig 7 so they can't open my session).

But on the NI Website I could only find upgrades to Guitar Rig 7 Pro. I'm wondering if I purchase the upgrade to v7, will I be able to own / download Guitar Rig 6 as well? Or will I only have access to 7?

If that's the case, is there anyway to purchase upgrades from Guitar Rig 5 to 6 only? Instead of 5 to 7?

Thank you so much and I look forward to hearing your answers.

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