Isguitar Rig 4 & 5 still supported?
Hi NI Community, Does Guitar rig 4 + 5 work on M1 Macs? Thanks in advance,
Guitar Rig 5
I'm trying, unsuccessfully, to resurrect my Guitar Rig 5. My first question is this out of date? Do I need to install 7? My second question is: as I try to load GR5 I'm told I need to reactivate and then I get a notification that it can't find "Service Center" and neither can I. Nor can I locate it at the NI site. What…
Guitar Rig 5 Doesn't open
Hello ! I'm using Guitar Rig 5 for years. For some reason now it doesn't work anymore. It seems it came after I updated all my NI products. All my other NI products work fine by the way. Just : when I try to open GR5, I'm asked to either activate it, buy it or run the demo. And when I want to activate it, I have this…
Native Access
In my native access account it says that I have the full version of Guitar Rig 5, 6. However, when I open GR 5 stand alone it opens the trial version. When I open it in Pro Tools it also opens the trial version. Why??
Will update to Guitar Rig 7 from 5 include 6?
Hi everyone, I have a question regarding upgrading my Guitar Rig software... I currently own Guitar Rig 5 Pro, but a project requires me to use Guitar Rig 6 (Cannot use 7 because my colleagues do not own Guitar Rig 7 so they can't open my session). But on the NI Website I could only find upgrades to Guitar Rig 7 Pro. I'm…
A perfectly working GR5 ist stopped intensionally by NI without any reason
I need to get something off my chest that has been bothering me for the past few days. I've been using NI (Native Instruments) products for I don't even know how long, maybe 25 years? GR 2, 3, 4 – I've had the Guitar Pedal 1, 2, and 3, NI Komplete Ultimate 8,10,14 , NI Kontrol S61 – you name it. The support policy has been…
Upgrade from GR5 to GR7
Two questions: 1) If I want to upgrade my GR5 to GR7 can I use the update price or do I have to buy GR7 for $199 like a new user? 2) Can I demo GR7 first?
Unable to re-activate Guitar Rig 5 after reinstall
Hello everyone, I have encountered problem with my Guitar Rig 5 Pro re-activation. It is being shown in my Native Access, but when I start GR5 I can run all the amps in the software in Demo version only. I do know Service Centre does not exist anymore. How I can use my program with full capacity? Please advice. Pawel
"Guitar Rig" not appearing in effects chain in Logic Pro X
Recently ran into this issue where the plugin just titled "Guitar Rig" (I believe it was Guitar Rig 6) isn't loading into my plugins chain when I open my projects. I'm not sure if it was just a conflict with file naming conventions due to updating versions of Guitar Rig more recently? I can currently load all of my…
Guitar Rig 6 MFX patches gone when updating to Logic 10.8
Hello, I have just updated to Logic 10.8. Everything works perfectly. Unfortunately Logic no longer recognizes Guitar Rig 6 as MFX. However, I used Guitar Rig 6 MFX as a plugin for the production of 10 unmixed songs. When I now open a session, all the settings are gone and I can no longer access the parameters. Is there…
GR5-Using MIDI signal to select Presets
I am using foot switch to change between preset rack set ups. Using external foot switch (FCB1010), MIDIView software tells me I am seeing a midi value=25 but GR5 goes to the preset value=26. GR5 consistently picks the preset value that is +1 higher than the actual midi value coming in from the foot switch. is there a way…
Rig Kontrol not working
Hallo, I have my new mac with IOS 13.0.1. I installed without problems guitar rig 5, but Rig Kontrol 3 does'nt work. Have you got any suggestions? Tanks to everybody
Guitar Rig 5 not working, seemingly all of a sudden
Hi all, I opened a session recently in which I had several instances of Guitar Rig 5, and for some reason it says my "serial number is incorrect" - and when trying to "activate" it, an error message comes up. I tried to reinstall through Native Access, and still the same error occurred. The only thing I did differently was…
Why no retrospective compatibility with Guitar Rig7?
I used guitar Rig 5 as an effects bus, as the vintage reverb plugin was excellent, especially when combined with the control room amp/room modeller. Considering it has been not only discontinued, but now doesn't work at all on Mac silicon / Ventura, why is there no backwards compatibility with Guitar Rig 7? It's supposed…
Guitar Rig 5 - Midi Learn in Looper component - Maschine
Hello, To be able to use the looper from Guitar Rig 5 together with Guitar Rig 6, I had the idea to combine both Guitar Rig versions as serial effects in Maschine. I added Guitar Rig 6 MFX (Audio Unit) and Guitar Rig 5 MFX (Audio Unit) to achieve this. (Be sure to downgrade Native Access to version 3.2.2, otherwise Guitar…