"Guitar Rig" not appearing in effects chain in Logic Pro X

TheDoldrumer Member Posts: 14 Member
edited October 2024 in Guitar Rig & FX

Recently ran into this issue where the plugin just titled "Guitar Rig" (I believe it was Guitar Rig 6) isn't loading into my plugins chain when I open my projects. I'm not sure if it was just a conflict with file naming conventions due to updating versions of Guitar Rig more recently? I can currently load all of my versions of Guitar Rig at the moment (5,6,7), but for whatever reason Logic cannot recall these plugin instances from past project saves. Heres an image of the issue, any help with this would be greatly appreciated!


  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod

    I'm assuming you updated to Logic 10.8.

    This is unfortunately a known issue with that update:


    We contacted Apple about this and are waiting for a response.

  • TheDoldrumer
    TheDoldrumer Member Posts: 14 Member

    Thank you for such a quick response! I had figured it may have had to do with the latest logic update. I’ll keep an eye on this one for now

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod

    Good news!

    Apple released the Logic 10.8.1 update yesterday which fixes the bug that you can't load MFX as Audio FX. So now all your projects with Guitar Rig should load fine again.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,346 mod
    edited December 2023

    I’m not sure it does - their change log says it’s fixed but Guitar Rig MFX is still appearing in the system instruments menu with other MIDI controlled effects

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod
    edited December 2023

    Sorry for the confusion, it seems like they only addressed the issue partially.

    You should now be able in 10.8.1 to load a project with a Guitar Rig MFX in an Audio FX slot that was saved with a Logic version earlier than 10.8.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,346 mod

    Ah I see, thanks

    So why on Earth are they putting these with instruments now? It means if you already have an instrument loaded in the track that the effect replaces it, not ideal. The only workaround seems to be to create a second instrument track with the effect on it and route audio into that for processing

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