GUITAR RIG 5 PRO presets not loading in Studio One
When I open Guitar Rig 5 Pro as a standalone I can easily tweak and then save my User Presets, and can load/recall them as expected. BUT when I use Guitar Rig as an insert in Studio One my User Presets won't load...they are present in the Browser to the left, but they just will not load, meaning if I want to use my User…
Noisy output with Kontrol 1 and Guitar Rig5
Hello! I have a question about old hardware Kontrol 1... I've been using hardware Guitar Rig 3 with Guitar Rig 5 software on i7 note book ,Windows 10// it is quite good set .. though setup become quite big. and heavy.. so I got second hand Kontrol 1 hardware.... it works no problem with Desktop i7 2600 computer .. Kontrol…
GR 5 always scans components and presets on load
I already deinstalled and reinstalled GR5 but with no avail. Before deinstalling I manually deleted the GR folder in users/AppData/NI. I think the problem is GR doesn't know where its Presets are (nor do I). GR5 file locations here are: Users/.../AppData/Local/Native Instruments/Guitar Rig 5 -Database --gr5db --gr5dbLock…
GR5 Preset Export/Edit/Import Question
I am trying to export, edit, then import a preset for the purpose of getting the setting on the components fine tuned. I understand the process of exporting and importing fine. However, when I manually edit the NGRR file in notepad, it will no longer import. For example, when editing the file such that the volume of an amp…