Why do all of my plugins show "demo mode" after latest update?
I am in the middle of recording an album and I can't load my instruments and the settings are gone. Please tell me I can roll back to a previous version to fix this. I have hundreds of hours invested already.
Audio interface - GR5 and stereo output
Hi, At present I plug in my electric guitar which outputs mono to Line-In. I don't know how come but my Guitar Rig 5 on my Windows 10 desktop outputs whatever I play thru both speakers L + R. I have relatively little knowledge about in-depth sound settings. I am about to buy a basic Audio Interface that can take in mic &…
Audio Interface & WASAPI driver
Hi, I use Guitar Rig 5. I know it's old but it works on my Windows 10 desktop. So far I am plugging in my electric guitar into the Line-In port of my sound card. At present I use WASAPI driver available in Guitar Rig 5 settings. The advantage is I can also play music thru other apps and output in a way mixes at the…
Guitar Rig 5 presets not working for me in Guitar Rig 6?
I previously used Guitar Rig 5 with Live 10. I mostly relied on the preset, "Blues Git". I then upgraded Live 10 to Live 11, which required me to upgrade Guitar Rig 5 to Guitar Rig 6. That is , Guitar Rig 5 is not compatible with Live 11. When I work on those old files in Live 11, I replace guitar Rig 5 with Guitar Rig 6…
Anyone know why I cant find the preset called "over stacked" anymore?
Anyone know why I cant find the preset called "over stacked" anymore? If u see this and happen to have the preset, please contact me. I need pics of the preset to make it in guitar rig 5
Assigning (learn) function on GR5 Tremolo doesn't seem to work
I right click on "RATE" and move a controller. Doesn't matter which controller, it doesn't work. Is there a way for me to get this to function? Does anyone know the CC for this so I might be able to assign (learn)? Been at this for days..
Assigning parameters from traktors12 to modifiers causes multiple assignements
If I drag modulator to an effect parameter, multiple destinations are added randomly, up to 4 at once, even parameters from the modulator itsself. In the example, I just bind Reverb Dry/Wet, but also Reverb Mute was assigned with it. It is also happening in Standalone so it is not DAW specific as plugin. (this test was…
Guitar rig 5 demo
Hi, I had Guitar rig 5 full version and I downloaded guitar rig6 off Komplete start now my guitar rig 5 is a demo? How do I reverse this
[Guide] Getting started with Komplete
Hi gang, Editorial I've been considering a guide like this for quite some time now yet so far every time "something" got in my way: real life issues or things either changed or posed a bit of a problem for me. Like where I am now: I'm still using Komplete 13 (UC) and quite happy with it. So... would a guide like mine…
Does Guitar Rig 5 work at all with Logic on Monterey with an M1?
Hi, it's a blatant no, in the shape of an instant crash, standalone or plug-in. Is it a matter of sending off crash logs and giving up or are there any real workarounds? Cheers David
Guitar Rig 6 Mac M1 cpu-load
Hello, comparing GR5 with GR6: the processor load is 1-2% vs 32% just watching it ... I read older Windows related posts. I thought the arm version of GR6 might work more efficiently. Any infos for an update working on that? I'd like to kick/deinstall GR5 but with this it looks like a bad trade ;)
Having trouble with getting sound out of GuitarRig5
I'm seeing input and output levels when playing, both dry & wet sliders up, and I'm not muted in the tuner. Guitar volume up, but I get no sound output, regardless of settings. Currently have USB headphones connected, can hear other sounds but getting nothing from Guitar Rig.
How can I install Guitar Rig 5?
I own Guitar Rig 6 and Guitar Rig 5 does not show up in Native Access. I know GR5 is a legacy product.. How can I download/install it? There must be a way, surely?
How To Map Midi Switches Properly In Guitar Rig 5
I have a midi pedal that is sending midi data to Guitar Rig 5. But the signal is a 0 and 1 value. not the typical 0 and 127. Guitar Rig reads the 0 and 1 values as an off position. So I'm stuck, never being able to turn anything on. I've done my research on the pedal and it isn't editable. There is no editor for it. The…
MAC Ventura Update
Hello, recently I updated my MAC to Ventura 13. I have been hesitant to re Install Gutiar Rig 5 and Abbey Roads Drummer. I am worried it wont be compatible and mess with my computer. Any input or experience using this plugs ins on MAC ventura 13?