Guitar Rig 5 at 44.1Khz on WASAPI

user90 Member Posts: 14 Member
edited October 2024 in Guitar Rig & FX


When I use ASIO driver with Guitar Rig 5, I am offered drop down to choose the sampling rate, in audio settings dialog box. I guess this is normal.

As of now I have Realtek Soundcard and it supports up to 24Bit 192Khz. 44.1 & 48 of course supported.

However when I use Windows WASAPI, the sampling rate is fixed at 44.1 and cannot be changed. The drop down is disabled and in Windows Sound properties and if I set the sampling rate any other than 44.1 then Guitar disappears from the Input.

Am I missing something or this is the way it is?

Is WASAPI on Windows 10 stuck at 44.1 Khz? Thanks


  • Monochrome
    Monochrome Member Posts: 1,405 Expert
    edited June 2023

    Why don't you use ASIO then?

    It's normal to not be able to change the sample rate there. This needs to be done in Windows own Sound settings. However, WASAPI isn't stuck at 44.1 Khz.

  • user90
    user90 Member Posts: 14 Member
    edited June 2023

    Thanks. That's the second part of my question, if I change it to 48 in Windows Sound Control, it still remains at 44.1 in GR5 and then guitar disappears from the input. Input is blank. I am fine with 44 just wondering why is this behavior.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
    edited June 2023

    For Guitar Rig, and most of our products we recommend using an ASIO driver, here is how to install Asio4All: Setting up ASIO4ALL for Onboard Sound Cards

    I'm not sure about how WASAPI is supposed to behave but in general, to avoid issues it's important to set all your applications and Windows system's output to the same sample frequency.

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