BUG - I can't relocate samples in Battery 4 - (BT4-2680)
Please help. When loading my DAW on a nw laptop Battery 4 doesn't find samples which are located in exactly the same place and drive. The new laptop is Mac the previous PC and using the same DAW and same drive but Battery 4 doesn't see it. I'd really appreciate help to find a easier way for Battery to read files between PC…
TP4 bug? with editing hotcues from another computer
Guys, the upgrade is really excellent in every dept, and well worth the wait. I only have one minor annoyance. I usually do grids cues and prep stuff on my desktop, I have my entire collection in Dropbox, so when I add new tracks on my desktop, I go to gigs and just import music folders in the laptop and add the new songs…
Kontakt 7.7.3 causing Mac kerel panic crashes and reboots M2 Mac Pro (KT-8785)
I recently updated to the current 7.73 version of Kontakt and 3.1.0 version of KK and now when I launch them it causes a kernel panic then crashes and restarts my M2 Mac Pro (13.6.3 Ventura). I've tried to reinstall Kontakt version 7.6 but it is still causing the same issue. Any idea of how I can get back to a working…
Maschine 2.18 VST3 unable to load embedded Maschine Project in Cubase
Using the Maschine 2.18.0 and 2.18.1 VST3, Cubase does not load the Maschine Project embedded with the plugin if it was created with Maschine 2.15.2 or older. The embedded Maschine Project loads fine when using the Maschine 2.16.1 VST3 plugin. Project is loaded with the Maschine 2.18.1 VST3 plugin, if the Cubase project…
Beatport Link issue with track waveform
For some reason, when I load a track from beatport link, a tiny little slice of waveform gets cut at the very beginning of the track, and I assume that sends the bpm and cue calculation forward of a bar, as the distance from the first kick and the second is not as the same as in the remaining bars of the track. That…
Cinematic Studio Solo Strings cutting off when exporting in FL Studio 20
I tried a number of different ways to fix it. It's not related to the Kontakt version, DAW, or export settings. "Notify rendering mode" is on and I've tried changing the instrument preload size. All other libraries export normally except for the ensemble patch in CSS.
Interfering signal appears when I use the internal Audio Plug-In in Maschine 2 SW
Hey everyone, I recently noticed that when I open Maschine's internal 'audio' plugin and select 'stretch mode' as an engine, there's an interfering signal on the left channel. I've tried different versions of the Maschine software, but it appears every time. It's very subtle, so you either have to turn up the volume to…
[Bug] Dynamics of Kontakt instrumental is reset to zero after restarting Cubase
What I need Could you tell me how to prevent behavior below or some workaround? Thanks. How to reproduce On Cubase 12, add an instrument track, and then select Kontakt 7. Select any instrument. (e.g., Kontakt / Horn Ens) Modify some parameters. (e.g., set Dynamics = 127) Quit Cubase and restart it. Open settings of that…
Scale mode/Guide Mode: Komplete Kontrol M32
I was messing around with the scale modes on the M32, but I realized there is a "Guide" mode which I am pretty sure is there for the Komplete keyboards with keys that light up, of which the M32 has none. Is there something I am missing? Is there a reason this mode is still on the M32 even with the lack of guide lights?
Bought Kontrol MK3 S88 Used, Didn't Come with Transfer Code
Bought a Kontrol MK3 S88 2nd hand from Guitar Center, and get this error when attempting to add its serial #: "This serial has already been registered. If your account doesn't already contain this product, you can follow these steps or contact support for more assistance" Unfortunately, I was in a situation where I needed…
Opening support ticket
How in the Hell does one file a bug report with NI these days? I see noting on their "support" pages where I can notify them of a dead-looping problem in both Kontakt and Battery under Studio One 6.
Kontakt Locked Pitch Bend
Hi, I'm working with FL Studio and Kontakt 7. At some point while I was working all of my Kontakt instruments started pitch bending. The pitch bending value gets locked for all instruments usually when I press the stop button or reopen my project, but I can't consistently reproduce the issue. I have no idea when/how this…
Can't relocate Ambient White!
hi I recently bought a new computer and I found that I can't relocate Ambient White in the latest version of Native Access. It says "That path is invalid". I have tried to re-download the files from Big Fish Audio, but still can't relocate it successfully. The method provided in Support also doesn't work. I am currently…
Alert! Big Bug! (reproduced)
If you uninstall any NI products using Native Access, ALL programs listed in the "Uninstall or change program" section of the Control Panel disappear! You can't uninstall or change any other programs… Moreover, you can't open files directly, since you get an error message "This action is only valid for products that are…
Problems with Electrik Guitar sample
Hi all, I have an issue with the Kontakt Electrik Guitar sample. On a sustained 3 note chord, it intermittently wavers, spoiling the sound. So, around half the time the times that it triggers, it's fine . Then other times it's wobbles. It even does this if I just put one chord on a loop. The result is still 50/50. Does any…