Upgraded to Traktor Pro 3.11- CRASHED during set

Want to report that I upgraded to Tractor Pro 3.11 this week, and unfortunately this latest version crashed during a live set on my MacBook (2021 M1 Max 14inch-MacOS Ventura 13.6.3.) tonight. I was using internal mode playing through the Traktor Audio 6 interface on a Pioneer XDJ-XZ as the XDJ is not natively compatible with Traktor yet.

Before the crash, there was one point that the software would not let me load a song saying that it can't load to a deck that is playing- when the deck was not playing at all. I mixed in a song from the USB that I had plugged in as a backup on the XDJ-XZ and reset Traktor before mixing back in on Traktor.

Things were fine, and then 30 minutes later, sound started skipping and then completely cut out. I had to switch again to the USB that I had plugged in as a backup on the XDJ-XZ. MacBook was still running fine in the background, so I reset Traktor and mixed back in. I switched off Multi-Core Processing and finished the set fine.

Wanted to give any live DJs out there using Traktor 3.11 that it's probably a good idea to downgrade back to Traktor 3.9 if you are using a similar computer configuration to mine.


  • DJDL
    DJDL Member Posts: 79 Helper
    edited January 2024

    Here we go again. Hoped 3.11 fixed crashing on Apple Silicon. As evidenced by your experience, we will have to wait a few more months and see if the next update fixes the imminent crashing, which is of course, unacceptable for professionals.

    I must add that I've been using 3.10 and have turned off LOAD ONLY UNTO STOPPED DECKS, and have not had a crash since. That's many crash-free events during the past month.

    Im also NOT using my S4MK3 for the moment, just a third party soundcard/mixer and an X1, cause I have had no crashes with that setup either and want to keep it that way. All of my crashes had happened while connected to the S4 so far, but I am in no way stating that the S4 was the culprit. Just kind of superstitiously stayed away from it cause my other setup has been like a lucky charm thing. Also, no crashes while doing many hours of prep work with just the X1 connected and using the Mac's built in soundcard. The problem I now have, is my fault: During events, I have mistakenly loaded tracks into the deck that's currently playing, New Years Eve party included. Thing is that I have not gotten used to X1MK3 layout yet and those browsing/loop encoders are pretty easy to get mixed up in a dark booth. I am trying to enter a loop and instead I load the next song. Involuntary quick mixing ;)

  • djpaul909
    djpaul909 Member Posts: 17 Member

    To keep everyone updated- it was 3.11. I am now on 3.11.1 17 and have multi-processor on and seems to be working fine now for several months. I downgraded to 3.9 and eventually left 3.9 because it started crashing as well. Still on Ventura 13.6.4 and on MacBook Pro M1 Max.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,213 mod

    MBP M1 2020 and S4 Mk3 never crashed here and I'm using this setup since it came out. Perhaps you are still running in Rosetta mode? Or it is something specific to your mac.

  • DJDL
    DJDL Member Posts: 79 Helper

    Little update: I switched to MacOS Sonoma a few weeks ago and have used Traktor 3.11 in a few gigs with both my S4 and another configuration involving a 3rd party mapped controller alongside an X1MK3, and have yet to experience a crash. Fingers crossed. Ecosystem solid so far. Only difference being the switch to newest Mac OS. Purely anecdotal. Hopefully I wont be coming back to this post to report otherwise, but statistically, Im enjoying a record streak in crash-free playtime.

  • djpaul909
    djpaul909 Member Posts: 17 Member

    Unfortunately another crash update :/

    I am now on Sonoma 14.7 on MacBook Pro M1 Max. Was using Traktor Pro 3.11.1 17.

    Was playing on the Traktor Kontrol S2 MK3 during a live set, and about 20 minutes in, I noticed I could not drag a track onto the second deck. Then Traktor crashed. Everything on the software froze and the music completely stopped. I force quit Traktor, and started up again. A few minutes, same thing. After the second crash, I switched off Multi-Core Processing and was able to finish the set fine. Thankfully it was a dinner set so it wasn't the end of the world.

    I think the latest versions of Traktor Pro 3 are very unstable (3.9 and up) and I don't think the NI team thoroughly checked compatibility with Apple Silicon. I downloaded Traktor Pro 4 when I got home as I hear it is much more stable and will be updated for a while. Will keep the NI community posted on how that goes.

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