Serious memory allocation problem (Kontakt 6.7.1 NATIVE M1)

elia98 Member Posts: 7 Member
edited October 2022 in Kontakt

Using the native version of Kontakt for M1 became frustrating.

There is a seriously annoying bug where every istance of Kontakt can allocate a MAX of 1GB of RAM, not more.

So instruments as Stradivari Violin (especially in the multiMic version), or stacking more than 2 instruments, became unusable (every time that you try to load a technique or the plugin again appears a "background loading warning" popup).

This is a problem only on Kontakt 6.7.1 NATIVE VERSION (both AU and VST).

(I tried both Logic and Ableton Live, same problem)

Opening the DAWs under Rosetta make the problem disappear.

For curiosity I downloaded Kontakt 7 PLAYER to find out if the things were different.

Kontakt 7 DOES NOT HAVE THIS PROBLEM (nor in the VST or in the AU).

Opening the DAWs under rosetta is not a solution, it's a bad workaround (worse performances).



  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,100 Expert

    I am not sure if NI will fix Kontakt 6, there is Kontakt 7 instead....

  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod
    edited October 2022

    Please show what Expert->Engine tab in Kontakt is showing for you when you load Stradivari. Also, what are your computer specs? And also, please show what your system's resource monitor is showing regarding memory usage.

  • elia98
    elia98 Member Posts: 7 Member

    Sorry for the late answer, anyway I work on a M1 MacBook Air with 8GB RAM.

    This is the screenshot that you asked for

    Please notice that I just opened the library with stock settings (not even in multi mic mode), I didn't even play a note or added a technique.

    This happens with each instruments that you load if it tries to obtain more than 1GB of memory.

    It's basically a virtual cap, because the same plugin and libraries in rosetta mode (launching logic or Ableton with rosetta), can access all the memory they needs (and Rosetta should be more heavy both on memory and cpu).

    Here the resource monitor:

    The same exact thing happens also if I perform a fresh restart of the system and close all apps.

  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod
    edited October 2022

    Yeah you're getting close to the limit of your RAM there. Not fully but very close. Whatsapp "helper" taking 1.72 GB of RAM is... horrible. Close that turd!

  • elia98
    elia98 Member Posts: 7 Member

    I'm sorry but this is completely off topic, I'm not asking for suggestions on how to save ram, I'm reporting a serious bug which has nothing to do with the amount of RAM available on a computer

  • Kevinh
    Kevinh Member Posts: 1 Member

    I see same problem. Standalone, Logic, Ableton, Presonus Studio 6 all behave same where memory is capped to 1G in kontakt. Opening same Kontakt 6 in bitwig though allows it to see all 6GB. Someone else mentioned that same workaround works if opening in cubase. Definitely a Kontakt development issue that should be resolved for those of us not going to Kontakt 7 anytime soon.

  • Jim S.
    Jim S. Member Posts: 2 Member

    This problem is pretty severe. And after the Kontakt 7 update, it isn't any different. There is a built-in limit here that doesn't make any sense. It sounds like they are mitigating a memory bug they don't know how to fix.

  • Jim S.
    Jim S. Member Posts: 2 Member

    As a work around, I loaded 2 instance of Kontakt 6 (vst3, au), and 2 instances of Kontakt 7 (vst3, au). And I was able to load up 4gb+ of samples and it addressed 7GB of memory on my Mac M1 8GB memory machine. So, it's clear the M1 will handle this load but not Kontakt itself.

    It's clear the above instances are all different and don't share memory. Using more than one instance of the save version is clearly limited to 1GB for all instances. Annoying. The Mac can handle this.

  • Lowkus
    Lowkus Member Posts: 35 Helper

    I have the same problem on my Win10 machine in Kontakt 6.7.1 standalone. Kontakt is also being incredibly slow to load many libraries despite my computer being very powerful. It used to load the same libraries in a matter of seconds, but now it's more like minutes.

  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod
    edited March 2023

    No, this issue is not at all related to any memory bug mitigation as far as I know. I have 64 GB of RAM and I have no problems in using all of them in a single Kontakt instance if need be (on WIndows). This seems highly M1-specific issue.

  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod
    edited March 2023

    Did you exclude file types that Kontakt uses in Windows Defender? This can make loading times excruciatingly slow if it wasn't done.

    Really weird that you have the memory issue on WIndows too, I can't confirm that over here at all...

  • soniklab
    soniklab Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
    edited July 2023

    Bump..was there ever any solution to this? @elia98

    This bug didn't appear on my system until I stopped forcing Logic to boot with Rossetta, then it appears. Even if I go back to booting with Rosetta the bug is still there...on both Kontakt 6 and 7 latest updates installed.

  • dmitry-kabanov
    dmitry-kabanov Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    I use Kontakt 7.7.3 on Macbook M1 2020, and this problem affects me too. When I run Kontakt in native mode, there is somehow 1GB memory limit, so that when I use something heavy, I am often get interrupted by the above warning modal window. I've just tried to switch to Rosetta mode (Intel emulation), and automatically the amount of the available memory is 6.7 GB, which is almost all the memory available (8 GB).

  • hwang
    hwang Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Did you solve this problem?
    I organized the solution on my blog.

    I can't put in a blog link because I'm not at the level yet.
    But I don't know if it's helpful because it's Korean.
    It won't be the same situation as me, but I went to each folder and deleted Kcomplete Kontrol, Kontakt 6 player, and Kontakt 7 perfectly. (Native Access shows how to uninstall it)
    Then I only installed the Konakt 7 for my use and it worked properly.

  • dmitry-kabanov
    dmitry-kabanov Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    I have just tried Kontakt Player 8.0.1, and it seems that it does not have the 1GB memory limit!

    At least, I could load Hammersmith Pro piano with 1.15 GB of samples, and it did not complain about memory limit.

    It also works in Cubase 13 in Apple Silicon mode!


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