Software stuck Activating when Installing. Stays in Demo. Fix Windows 10
Hi all I've had a nightmare the last 4 days but finally I've figured it out and hope this helps someone else so they don't go through the same pain I did lol. I first merged both my email accounts together! Still wouldn't work Updated Windows, Still wouldn't work. Delete Everything Native Instruments from PC I then created…
Trouble loading Izotope ozone 9 plug into maschine
Update: im able to see ozone when I press the little “+” (like for the master, group, and sound). But it doesn’t show up as an effect, and none of the presets show up… so now I’m back at square 0 because I can open up ozone in maschine, but according to izotopes website, I’m supposed to be able to see ozone in the effects…
Is Effectrix compatible with Maschine?
Sorry if this has been asked before, but, I've seen people say it isn't and I've seen people say that it is. Plus, The forums about effectrix + Maschine were quite outdated so I'm asking the question again to get more up-to-date info about this. So, is it compatible? I don't want to buy it unless I know it's compatible…
how to copy/backup maschine+ sd card ?
tried using windows 10 file copy copied card contents are not recognized in maschine+ no error during copy, files appear present on target media via windows explorer all cards properly ejected, maschine+ always properly shutdown please advise
NML playlists will only export to default folder on Win 10 (running Traktor 3.5.2)
I'm using Traktor 3.5.2 on a Win 10 system and recently encountered a bug when exporting a playlist. If I export to the default folder (users/username/documents) the playlist exports perfectly. If I try and export to another folder, the playlist file is not generated, but no error message is presented. While this is only a…
Hearing Crackles while composing via Pro Tools and Kontakt
I have a Windows 10 machine that I built for stage and I am now using it for original music production as well. I am using the Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 USB interface (1st and 2nd generation). Using the latest subscription version of Pro Tools, I have a track that is record-enabled with a sound from Kontakt. During the course…
Is Maschine Mk3 supposed to sound better on Mac vs. Windows?
I have been using a macbook pro with maschine for years, but recently have been having a lot of crashes with it randomly, so it stifled my productivity. I decided to just move everything over to my work laptop which is a pretty good Dell laptop running windows 10, and while its more stable (no crashes yet!) it sounds worse…
Removing NKS Instruments from KK under WIndows
Hi All. I am trying to remove NKS instruments (Orange Tree Samples) from KK with absolutely no luck. I have tried reinstalling, deleting the registry keys, etc. It seems as if there is a db or XML file or something that I am unaware of - is this an easy fix? Thanks in advance.
Click and pops caused by ethernet cable of wi fi.
This is cool, Win 10 doesn't have a quick network disconnect but you can disable the network without pulling the cable. That's probably old news, but I discovered that you have to reboot afterwards are a bunch of interrupts get set up and still cause problems. Apparently when rebooting with the network disabled the startup…