Old versions of Traktor crash on startup

Shivaxi Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

I'm attempting to run an older version of Traktor, before smart playlists were introduced (version 3.4.0 I believe) as with this update, the order of my playlists were all moved around, due to the fact that I use a hyphen like this - in front of playlists that I wanted sorted to the top. I'm not about to rename 50 playlists just to re-order how Traktor reads them, since everything else I have that also uses these playlists (built in iTunes) reads them the original way, where the - in front sorts them to the top. My iTunes and Winamp rely on this.

However for some reason, every single version of Traktor I try to install below the latest (currently 3.5.2) just refuses to start. Shows up for a second in task manager, then vanishes. I have tried clearing the .tsi settings entirely, I've tried compatibility modes, running as admin, re-installing, etc. I have an install for Traktor Pro 3 version 3.2.0 that used to work, and no longer does. And I also tried downloading and running Traktor 2 version 2.11.2. I have Traktor Scratch Pro 2 version 2.5.0, but this version unfortunately does not support my CDJ-900 Nexus turntables.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

My Specs:

i9-12900k, 64 GB's DDR5, RTX 3090, Windows 10 Pro


    DIS-ONE Member Posts: 38 Helper
    edited March 2022

    Did you try to use your recovery mode. To go back before you undated that particular software. That might help.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,936 admin

    Curious how you downgraded @Shivaxi Did you get an installer directly from our support team?

    Btw you mentioned moving the tsi file, have you tried moving both the files called Traktor Settings.tsi and collection.nml onto your desktop as well before restarting Traktor?

  • Karlos Santos
    Karlos Santos Member Posts: 136 Pro

    I also use punctuation marks (hyphens and full stops) to order playlists but all mine copied over from Traktor Pro 2 to Traktor Pro 3 including the latest versions so I don't know why yours didn't.

    Also, I'm fairly certain that Traktor Pro 3 Collection.nmls are not backwards compatible to Traktor Pro 2. When we all upgraded to TP3, our collections were converted so the collection you maybe trying to open in TP2 will be a converted TP3 collection. Maybe this is making Traktor stall?

    Have you tried opening Traktor with an empty collection as well as a new TSI?

    I don't use Windows so I can't really advise on the back-workings of Windows.

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