Routing Play Series Drums to Multi Outs
If you've interested in routing your Play Series Drum Kits to individual output channels...you're in luck! Load your Play Series Drum Kit on Pad 1 of a Group and follow the steps below VERY CAREFULLY in the Maschine software or your Hardware Controller (Maschine MK3, Maschine+, or Mikro MK3 : Step 1: Set up "Multi Outputs"…
Change Controller template without software?
I was wondering if there is anyway I could change the template I was using on my maschine mikro mk3 without the software. I would like to do this because then I could on the fly change octave in midi mode. If there's a way to change octaves in midi mode on the mikro without this work around that would also be cool too.
Maschine Mikkro Mk3 Stopped Responding
I was using my Mikkro for days now and everything was fine. I needed to relocate so I shut down the laptop, unplugged the cables, went upstairs, plugged it back in and now the device isn't working. Its 70 degrees out, there was no static electricity or anything unusual in my shutting down. The last thing I did is stills…
dead pad on a Mikro MK3
I have a pad that does not light up when triggered. It seems to be dead. How do I do factory reset on Mashine Mikro 3?
My Maschine mk3 is triggering pad 11 randomly when I play... any suggestions?
When I play or record, my Mikro mk3 throws the sounds on pad 11 randomly into the mix... and I mean randomly. It is not happening after a certain amount of time or after hitting a certain pad. I am currently on MacOS 14 on both of my computers, but it happened on MacOS 13 as well. MacBookPro M2 16 RAM // MacMini M1 16 RAM.…
Is it possible to load the demo song from a kit?
I wanted to load the demo song a kit plays when selected to see how the pattern looks (if that makes sense) I appreciate any help, Thanks!
Would you be interested in being able to navigate in Ableton's browser view using Maschine Hardware?
Hi, I upgraded the Native Instruments' Templates for Ableton to browse categories, folders, items and load them in tracks using main encoder on Maschine JAM/MK2/Mikro MK2/MK3/Mikro MK3/Studio. At first it was for my own usage, but would you be interested in getting this? If you have other feature requests that are missing…
What's the point of maschine mk3?
Hi all I'm looking at getting a groove box of some kind. At the moment it's between maschine mk3 and mpc one. I read that the maschine mk3 needs a computer with the machine software to work and it got me wondering. Why buy the machine mk3 for over £400 when you could get the mikro for less than half the price? You have to…
Is 'Maschine 2 Essentials' + 'Maschine 2 Factory Library' the same as "Maschine 2" in 'Nat. Access'?
I apologize b/c I had a similar question a while back, but now I have a new PC and just wanted to double check. Since I had 'Maschine 2 Essentials' first then upgraded, my 'Native Access' shows 'Maschine Essentials 2' & 'Maschine 2 Factory Library'... In the tutorial videos it shows "Maschine 2" in 'Native Access', but I…
Why are there 2 different shortcuts available, and the '64-Bit' one isn't the one on desktop?
When I install a program, there'll often be a shortcut made on the desktop or when I click on the "windows" icon; I can see the newly installed and create one. I realized sometimes there's another shortcut available in the "recent". (ex. I installed 'Maschine 2' and it put a 'Maschine 2' shortcut on the desktop. I later…
Is it okay to disable "NI Accessability Helper" in the 'Startup' menu?
Is it okay to disable "NI Accessibility Helper" in the 'Startup' menu? It doesn't seem to take up much of anything; so it's not a big deal, but if I understand what it does, I won't have to use it b/c luckily I'm not visually impaired. LMK what you think
Maschine Mikro turning off immediately after plugging in
I am having an issue with my device. I plug it in to my computer and the device lights up then immediately shuts off. I am very confused as to what is going wrong, as it turns on for a second upon pugging in. Please help! Thank you!
How do you switch Templates in MIDI in the Maschine Mikro MkIII
I recently bought a Maschine Mikro mk3 for finger drumming. I set up some templates in the Controller Editor app. In the Controller Editor manual, it says that with the mk2 you can switch templates by pressing Shift + right/left arrows. Nothing happens here however. Am I missing something?
How to use Maschine Mikro Mk3 Select button
Hi All In the manual, it says I can select a particular sound/pad from a drum kit (e.g. the kick or the snare) and make changes to just the events for that pad (e.g. to nudge or quantise just this pad). But I haven't been able to get this working. I have tried pressing/holding select with Pattern button lit and selecting a…
Why is my Mikro MK3 not able to function as a MIDI controller in Reaper?
Am I daft? I have the instrument connected. It lights up as it's being hit. When I open any drum machine VST, the Mikro is mute. It will not register any audio hit on any pad. I have been looking this up a long time. No success story for Reaper. I can open the Maschine software fine in Reaper. But I was really hoping this…