Can Maschine Mikro Mk3 be used simultaneously with Arturia Keylab Essentials?
Anyone else have this problem? My Maschine Mikro Mk3 freezes when used together with Arturia Keylab Essentials 49. I would like to use Mikro for one instance in channel rack and Arturia for others. I set up FL with Machine in one instance on Channel Rack and Analog V Lab on another. I begin by creating drum pattern with…
Using Maschine with Logic X and a whole bunch of random instruments showed up on my tracks
Yesterday I was attempting to use Maschine Mikro MK3 with Logic Pro and had some weird issues. I got everything set up and was able to record different instruments but every time I dragged the MIDI files from Maschine to Logic a whole bunch of random Logic Instruments (at least a half dozen) suddenly showed up on new…
New product -Serial invalid error
Hello everyone I just bought a brand new mikro mk3 and as I was trying to register my hardwares serial number I keep getting an error code. Does anyone have an idea why or how long can this take to be resolved? I received an email [Request received] 4203420 - Registration Error and responded to it with the requested info…
How do you record midi multi output in with Maschine Mikro MK3 with logic?
Hi all, I have loaded a software instrument in Logic Pro and put the Maschine on it as multi output.i followed all the steps on a video I found on YouTube so I have all the auxiliary tracks there, but when I press record, nothing actually records. I have probably missed something really simple. is there a fix for this?…
Maschine Mikro MK3 not working on my Dell laptop
I recently purchased the Maschine Mikro MK3 an have been trying to set it up for days. I installed the Maschine 2 Factory Selection and Maschine 2 Factory Library but I am not able to start Maschine 2 to start using the hardware. I have Maschine 2 in my Native Access when I used Maschine Studio in the past on my old iMac…
can you use lo fi glow on an audio track?
I've just subscribed to Komplete now and I was wondering if its possible to use lo-fi glow on an audio track in Logic Pro? have some drums that id like to make lo-fi. I was also quite eager to see if I can use it on my entire track.
Mk3 Mikro controlling external synths
I asked this a while back and someone suggested using this MIDI interface https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08HMWJWDW?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details But I still cant get it to work. I changed the prefrences for MIDI to send clock and selected the input to the MK3 and output to midi interface, connected to a Moog…
Gifting part of my package
If I were to purchase the 'Maschine Update 2.0' , it comes w/ 'Komplete Select'. I already own 'Komplete 14 Ultimate'. So can I give the 'Select' bundle to my son? He has a different account.
How do I get the 10 Free Expansion Packs?
I ordered a Maschine Mikro, but I never got an email with a code, voucher or any instructions on how to get the 10 free expansion packs that are included with the purchase as advertised. Can anyone let me know what I need to do? Thanks
Full kit group isn't loading Mikro MK3
Hi, Im having a problem loading a full kit on my Maschine Mikro MK3. I had it all set up before and recorded a few loops with a drum kit called "take it back kit" I changed the kit and tried to change it back, and now all of my midi notes in the piano roll have gone black instead of orange and only 2 pads are lit up. when…
Maschine Software disk incompatible
My Mac and Mirko(Maschine) was water damaged and I bought a used Mirko and Mac. My Mac is IOS Catalina 10.15.7 and I get an error message This package is incompatible with this version of macOS. damaged when I attempt to use the installation disk that came with my original Maschine Mikro. HELP! My water damaged MAC ran…
Maschine doesn't see my MP3 samples.
I have recorded my own samples and have them as mp3's in a folder on my desk top. I can't drop them in to Maschine because they show up darker and when I go on files in the Maschine window, then click desktop, I can see the samples folder there but when I click it, it's empty. Do the files need to be a different format or…
Maschine software won't show up
Hello, I just got my mikro and maschine software won't show up. I downloaded native access but maschine is nowehre to be found. I saw someone who had the same issue like me and I know duplicated are not allowed but the only reason I'm doing it is because someone in the NI team answered right away and fixed the issue.…
Maschine Full Library Upgrade vs. Software Update
I recently purchased the 'Maschine Mikro Mk3', which came with the 'Maschine Factory Selection' app. I then purchased the upgrade for the 'Maschine Full Library'. Does that mean I have 2.0? or do I still not have what's offered in the 'Maschine 2.0 Update'? Please let me know asap b/c sales ending. (It shows the 'Update'…
Triplets in Mikro?
Using "Note Repeat" with my 'Mikro Mk3'; I can choose from 1/4 to 1/64 but I don't see triplets. I've researched online but all the videos show larger "Maschines" using it. Can my 'Mikro' do triplets?.... Sorry for all the questions, but thanks for the help