MY Mikro is not recognized?
I'm trying to setup a mikro maschine, but even after installing maschine 3 the software can't recognize my hardware, any recommendations ?
no puedo acceder a maschine 2
he comprado una maschine mikro mk3 y el vendedor me ha transferido la licencia pero solo me aparece monark massive y tracktor no aparece maschine 2 nececito ayuda del soporte para poder usar el controlador
Maschine Mikro MK3 screen is busted. How can I view its information on the Maschine software?
Hi everyone! I have bought a used Maschine Mikro MK3, which have a very dull screen. After failed attempts to fix it, now the screen is "officially" broken. I can't seem to find the information displayed by the screen anywhere in the Maschine 2 software. For examples, in Keyboard mode, the small screen shows information…
How to make Logic Pro for iPad and Maschine Mikro MK3 hardware settings to use as midi controller?
Since there is no Maschine DAW available for iPad Pro, I have downloaded Logic Pro for iPad, I'm not sure how to connect the MK3 to the Logic Pro software in the iPad. I would prefer to use the MK3 instead of the software midi controllers. I have my Privia keyboard working fine with the ipad Pro using a powered USB hub and…
Where can I download the Maschine app for iPad Pro M4 to use with my Mikro MK3 midi controller?
I have used my Mashine Mikro MK3 with windows and the Native Access Maschine DAW and I love it. I cannot find the app for my new iPad Pro M4 13" which I use with my digital Grand Piano which is midi compatible and works perfect with the iPad using a USB powered hub. I want to also have the Maschine Mikro MK3 midi…
Arp sequence and gate in Maschine Mikro MK3
Hi everyone, I was testing the arp feature in a maschine Full MK 3 of a friend of mine and noticed this ‘sequence and gate’ feature in his arp settings but I could not found both this features in my maschine Mikro MK3. Anyone knows if there is a way of using these features in the Mikro? I've read the manual and it says…
no visual playback line when pressing chopped samples in sampling mode, why?
Hi everyone. I am having trouble with chopping samples in manual mode…. when I'm in ANY of the modes, pressing a pad will play the chop, but will not show the visual playback line that follows from left to the right side of sample. It seems bugged but I am hoping someone knows how to make it show again.. its probably just…
Having troubles getting an audio signal from my vinyl player to Maschine 3 Software
Hi, I just purchased my first Vinyl Player an Audio Technica AT-LP60X. I'm trying to record a sample from vinyl into the software. However, I'm receiving no audio signal, I am running an M-Audio Fast Track Pro Audio Interface. I am able to record through Logic but I'm not able to record the vinyl sample through Maschine.…
Can't Download Maschine Software via Native Access
I recently purchsed and registered my Maschine Mikro. I am following the instructions for setup, but I'm stuck on the last step. The Maschine software is not available for download in Native Access and I can't find it anywhere on the Native Instruments website. Customer support does not respond to my inquiries. Where can I…
NIPatcher - Tool to modify Maschine (MacOS)
Hello! I'll try to keep this as short as possible: (KK video for now, will add a Maschine one later) NIPatcher is a tool to modify Maschine app and plugins to add functionality to hardware or improve annoyances of the GUI interface. The goal is to have an easy way for users to apply mods/hacks that have been shared on the…
Maschine 2 Essentials and Maschine software not showing up in Native Access.
I bought an used Maschine mikro mk3, the seller have already transferred the serial numbers and all the other stuff to me, I also registered all the serial number I got. But after downloaded the newest version of Native Access, I didn't found Maschine 2 Essentials and Maschine software in my Native Access. I already tried…
Maschine Software Will Not Show Up In Native Access To Download
Hello! I'm looking for some help with my new Maschine. I just received my new gear in the mail yesterday and everything else downloaded fine in Native Access except the Maschine software. I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling Native Access, re-entering the serial number, restarting/updating my computer and it does not show…
Dead in the water here...
Hey all, I purchased a USED unit and cannot find the original owner at all for a transfer. Some guy traded in the MASCHINE MIKRO MK3 and now it's mine. HOWEVER… That leaves me with NO working serial (already been registered) and no answer from NI in 2 weeks. I'm about to drop a snail mail their way. Anyone else have luck…
Nonexistent Customer Support
I get it, it's holidays, but I've spent over $4,000 on this company over 15 years and they reward me with not letting me access my purchased software. I recently purchased a Used Micro Mk3, the serial number was scratched off so I couldn't even register it. So I purchased the Maschine Mk3 software online, and that worked…
i cannot find the maschine 3 in native access
so i got a used maschine mikro mk3 today and they transferred the license to me but once I register the serial number in Native access i can't find maschine 3 there here is a screenshot of my native access i tried the stuff in product support tab and refreshed it and reset the xml file in the service center folder too but…