Why are Maschine “Group” previews not tempo synced?
When scrolling down previews in the “loop” section of the browser, the “loops” are synced to the tempo. Why aren’t the “Group” previews in the browser not also tempo synced? Surely this feature couldn’t be too difficult to implement, could it? Regards, // X
Maschine 2 Software + Kontrol Series S61MKII = is this normal?
Have had my S61MKII for 2 years now and I am drifting back in "training" mode on a quest to learn more about how the Maschine 2 Software (2.17.4) interfaces and operates with my S61MKII. Running the software on Windows 10 (22H2) and have been slowly absorbing selected YT vids and have come across this oddity. In almost…
Probability and conditional triggers plugin for Maschine 2
I've created a VST/AU plugin called Chance Machine that allows me to set per-step probability and conditional trigger rules for patterns in Maschine. I thought I'd share this here as it might be useful to other Maschine users. It's only available for MacOS, though. It's a great way to add a bit of variation to patterns,…
Repairing Cache
Hi, my maschine setup has been in production for many years and I am noticing that when I am browsing thru samples I seem to often run into duplicate listings of samples where one is silent and the other is the actual sample. Can anyone post a recommended way to flush and clear the cache and re-scan all sample content? I…
Maschine 2 software not initializing
Native Access installs the Maschine 2 software but when trying to run the software (even after adding the application to my exceptions list in approved applications, firewall and anti virus it still doesn't launch. I've upgraded all the drivers and windows 10 is also up to date. I've also tried reinstalling and running as…
Maschine VST DOES NOT WORK in Studio one 6.5????
Maschine VST don’t not work in Studio one 6.5. It worked fine in S1 v6. It’s not working at all in S1 6.5. The gui is super tiny & you can’t click on anything or making any selections (Library, sampler edits, etc..) it’s all jacked up!! It’s impossible to run maschine as a VST in S1 6.5. Is that an S1 problem or NI…
Anyway to keep Audio Ext Routings the same every time you load Maschine/kits?
Trying to keep the routing settings so that I can save time and not have to always manually route each ext. every time I load a kit.
How to route Addictive Drums 2 individual sounds to its own mixer track in Maschine?
I cannot figure out for the life of me how to do this. Iv selected the arrow inside Addictive Drums to route out of the plugin pre/post fader. In other videos iv watched on how to do this, it gives a list of the AD2 outputs in the DAWS mixer. Maschine doesnt seem to have this option. Iv routed each pad to its own channel…
How to locate installed expansions on a new computer
I installed Maschine on a new MacBookPro. All my expansions are on an external drive (installed from my old Mac). Can I locate/install all the existing expansions without download them again?
Issues playing external synths with Maschine+ via midi
I’m having some issues trying to get my M+ controller to send midi notes to external synths via midi with an Arturia keystep in between. My current setup is: MAS+ -> Keystep -> Midi Thru Hub -> External Synths I’m wanting to feed the keystep directly into the midi hub so that I can utilize aftertouch on my external synths…
Maschine 2 Piano roll update request!!!!!!
NI, I love my Maschine mk3. It's a blast to work with and outside of the piano roll, it's a very intuitive device to use. The piano roll however is not very user friendly. Something similar to FL studio's piano roll would make Maschine 2's software incredibly unmatched. PLEASE work on an update, that would be awesome.
Copy / Paste / Cut doesn't work anymore (Maschine integrated in Logic)
Hi everyone, recently I noticed, that Copy / Paste / Cut using my laptop's keyboard (cmd + ...) doesn't work in Maschine anymore. I am running Maschine integrated in Logic X Pro (latest versions, Maschine as multi-ouput) on a Macbook Pro. In the past I could copy / paste / cut sounds or events using "cmd + ...", but when I…
Maschine third party software plug-ins not showing up after multiple rescan & restarts
so i used to be able to be able to load all of my 3rd party software plug ins in maschine, but now they've all gone. I made sure the file path locations are accurate in the "plug-ins" and "library" directory, even to the point where i try to add the same directory again, and it says that that file path is already there. I…
Guitar Rig 7 is showing in KK browser as Guitar Rig 6
Hi, I am on a 2021 M1 Macbook Pro with Ventura 13.5.2 and have installed Guitar Rig 7. I have a problem when using Komplete Kontrol (v2.9.4 current version). When I load an instrument into Komplete Kontrol, such as 40's VO Drums, and then go to choose an effect in the browser, I cannot see Guitar Rig 7, but Guitar Rig 6 is…
Is Maschine 2 Software Update a compatible upgrade from Machine 2 Essentials?
I recently got (and am still wanting to keep) my Komplete Kontrol S61 MkII - which comes with Maschine 2 Essentials and Factory Selection. There are enough features in this update to make me want to get it, but the final step of purchase said something about it only being compatible with Machine 1 users? Will this even…