How to dealing with long missing sample paths in Maschine
Is there a simple way to find out the remaining parts of this missing sample path? See the screenshot below where the actual filename is cropped because the path is so long. I had moved and renamed folders within the SYNC-TO-SD folder to try things up, but the Bespoke Breaks folder contains multiple versions of the loop…
Can I import my old Maschine project (mprj files) to Maschine Plus?
Ive been out doing live music and I just bought the new Maschine Plus and I want to know Is it possible to import my old (mprj) files to this new platform? or am I phuqed....
Maschine 2.17 Not Showing In Protools Version 23.3.0
Hi, Pro Tools can't find Maschine 2.17. Please see picture attached. Maschine works as stand alone and in Ableton Live 11 as AU perfectly. It has full disk Access and when I replace the plug in for the older version 2.8 it works well. I'm using Pro Tools 23.3, Mac Book Pro M1 PRO and Mac Os 12. 4 Monterrey. Any thoughts?…
Maschine: Copy and Paste Patterns
Noob question - I have sketched dozens of ideas using the MK3 and Machine2 but I have added all new instruments in the same as a different pattern (I realise how wrong this is now...). What I have in the software is Scene 1, Pattern 1, Group 1: 10 instruments (melodies etc) Group 2: 5 more instruments etc Is there a way of…
Multicontroller live setup help: Maschine MK3, KK A25, KK M32
Hi follow musicians, I've started while ago concept of live setup based on: Maschine MK3 Komplete Kontrol A25 Komplete Kontrol M32 MBP M1 with just one standalone instance of Maschine and as a power source for all above (future extension) Komplete Kontrol S88 Pioneer DJM900NXS2 as a output interface and 4 channel…
cubase midi routing with maschine 2
Hello, I don't understand when I use maschine 2 in cubase I get the following problem: when I'm on my group 1 track in cubase & the track I'm on in maschine is group 1, it plays group 1; on the other hand, when I'm on the group 2 cubase track, it plays the 2 maschine groups? on the other hand, when I position myself on…
Maschine internal instruments & fx not accessible by KompleteKontrol browser
I use my KompleteKontrol keyboard with Maschine. Using the keyboard browser none of the Maschine internal instruments are accessible by the KK keyboard browser. All the other instruments like Massive, Kontakt libraries etc are visible. I can load an Internal DrumSynth or internal FX from the software and then adjust…
Maschine files getting massive for no reason?????
Hi guys I updated Maschine last week to the latest version. For some reason every project I worked on since start off ok and file size is normal at around the 10megabit level, then out of nowhere after a few normal saves it jumps to around the 600meg level, then 5Gig....????? Anyone had this problem and know how to fix it?…
Maschine MK3 Live-Setup integration (VirtualDJ)
Hello dear community! I would like to connect my Maschine MK3 to my DJ Controller Gemini G4V and create a live setup. I use the DJ software VirtualDJ and have already read that I should simply add Ableton Link as a master effect and then simply activate the link in the Maschine 2 software. The general communication between…
NA unable to relocate Maschine 2 and NBPL Libraries
After moving NI libraries or renaming the disk in macOS, Native Access is unable to relocate the following libraries: Maschine 2 Factory Library Native Browser Preview Library When pointing to the new location, NA indicates that this is no valid product location. The reason for this is that the actual installation…
Feature request: Better automation in Maschine
I dream that better automation will appear in maschine. At the moment, it is very difficult to use automation. It is difficult to set automation points with the mouse, you cannot draw curves. Maschine is great for synths (including analog synths) and electronic music, but the awkward automation is very frustrating. I hope…
Maschine 2 Software - Loaded Reaktor 6 once, but now stuck in 30 minutes demo mode
Hi, I loaded Reaktor 6 once in Maschine 2 Software, but now it is stuck there. I cannot play the Reaktor 6 instrument, I cannot close the Reaktor instance, and I cannot close Maschine 2 iteself. It just displays the 30min Demo window, and I cannot even close that. The whole thing is not reacting to any click or command.…
Maschine 2 (MFX) will not load in Logic
Maschine 2 and Maschine 2 MFX fails validation. I try to rescan both and they pass AU validation but then logic freezes when it gets to code pass... if uncheck with BOOM logic opens. Any idea?
Half Time 1/2 and Double Time 2X of any given Pattern
My request maybe a simple question to ask however require a complete overhaul of the Maschine Software engine in order to accomplish. I like the features that within the desktop software where we have the ability to right click on a pattern and double the length of the pattern. I would love to have the ability to play the…
How can I setup to sample into Maschine from Studio One 6?
I'm using the Maschine VST3 plugin in Studio One 6 and trying to figure out how to record a sample into Maschine from an external track coming from Studio One. I know with Ableton I use the sidechain inputs to get audio into Maschine, but I can't seem to locate a way to do so in Studio One. I do see a sidechain option with…