Ableton problem when updating from Komplete Kontrol S49 Mk1 to Mk2
I've just upgraded from KK S49 Mk 1 to Mk 2. The KK VST is now in Ableton's VST3 folder, whereas previously my songs used the older KK VST. Now, when I open a song, KK is no longer in the old VST folder, and so Live can't play anything. But when I click on a track that used to use KK, Ableton crashes and the work appears…
Moog Dfam sequence error
Good evening, let's see if anyone knows what's happening to me because I'm about to lose my mind, I have a moog dfam and when I synchronize it using (cv tools output clock) in ableton to (adv/clock) in dfam it synchronizes quite well, The problem is that the dfam sequencer doesn't move, it always plays the same step, I…
Routing Maschine sounds into individual Ableton channels
Hi all, I am new and just bought a Maschine MK3. I really like this groove box and trying to find the ideal workflow for me with Ableton. I found a workflow on Youtube by Beats by Danny that I want to explore to get more out of the Maschine MK3 and Ableton. He is talking about making a template by first routing Maschine…
Can't change octaves in Ableton Live 8 - using Maschine Mikro MK1
I'm using Ableton Live 8 and I'm trying to set up a drum rack in ableton that I can control with my Mikro. My problem is this: When I build a drum rack, the Maschine Mikro pads don't line up with the notes - the pads hit a few octaves below. I can easily change this on my keyboard and control the drums that way, but I can…
Komplete Kontrol VST3 Causing Old Ableton Projects to Crash
I just set up a new Mac Studio (M2 Max, Ventura), and I downloaded all the same VSTs and AUs on my old MacBook Pro, and all of the Komplete Ultimate Plugins work except for the Komplete Kontrol VST3. The plugin opens totally fine when I open up a brand new Ableton project, but when I try to open up my old project files…
Using Machine + with Ableton and Madmapper
Hello All- Just bought a Maschine + and I love it! I'm interested in sound reactive visuals, so I use Madmapper with a dynamic link to Ableton 11. Ultimately, I'd like to use Maschine + as a midi controller in Madmapper for sound reactive visuals but I can't seem to get it working. I can see the Maschine + as an input…
Some samples from Remix Deck won't sync with Track Decks
Hello, I am experiencing an issue I never had before. I created some new samples on Ableton Live and some of them just won't sync to the track playing on Deck A or B. It looks like there is a problem in analysing the BPM. For a few of them, it got fixed by importing the sample on a Track Deck, but for the others, the…
Komplete Kontrol 3.x Standalone not opening and VST3 throwing an exception in Ableton
Hello, When I try to open the standalone Komplete Kontrol, the application goes through scanning VSTs, and then gets stuck on the splash screen on "Initializing GUI...". Reinstalling both KK and Native Access doesn't work. I've tried removing every VST plugin I have, and it still does this: In addition, when I open the…
why does ableton cloese itselfs when i open nativ instrument plugins
so i am new to ableton and nativ acess and everytime i try to open a NI Plugin like Etheral the Daw Closes itself please help
Komplete Kontrol VST2 disappeared again after updating to KompleteKontrol 3.0.2
Hello everyone, I use Ableton Live and KompleteKontrolMk3. Like many of us, when updating to KK 3.0.0 the VST2 version of KK disappeared. This was fixed with KK 3.0.1 but the problem resurfaced with KK 3.0.2. I've tried to install KK 2.9.6, keep the VST2 aside and reinstall KK3.0.2 and it didn't work. Ableton doesn't "see"…
Midi Learn Next Preset in Ableton
Hi there i'm trying to midi map my launchpad mini to scroll through presets up and down in ableton. I can do it with GR7 standalone using Midi Learn, works great, but when i click "configure" in the GR7 plug in box ableton and then hit the up/down arrows for presets in GR7 i just get the mappings for the amp settings…
Does Kontrol S MK3 work together with Novation Launchpad to control Ableton Live?
I'm very new to music production. Right now I am using Ableton together with a Novation Launchpad mainly to record life instruments. Now I want to purchase a Kontrol S61 MK3 or S88 MK3. My question is: Do those two MIDI controllers work together (in DAW integration mode) or would this cause conflicts?
Komplete Kontrol M32 Ableton integration
So I have recently purchased the Komplete Kontrol M32 and running Ableton Standard 11.1.5, I have installed all of the software so all NI Kontrol versions are up-to-date. My OS is MacOS Monterey 12.4. My issue is that the Ableton integration seems very poor unless I am doing something incorrect, as far as I understand I…
Loading Issue after latest Komplete Kontrol Update
Hi, After downloading the latest update last night, whenever I try to load an instrument, I get the error, "plugin not found" The directory where things were installed was missing, so I added it again, rescanned, but no imporvement. I checked Native Access and the paths are correct there. Not sure what's wrong.
My Komplete Kontrol VST2 is gone after last update?!?! Only VST3??
Hey guys, Did i do something wrong or did they change the Komplete Kontrol vst to VST3 only?? I've ALWAYS had both and primarily used the VST2. I updated komplete kontrol and a couple other things in the Native Access APP. Now when i try to open any projects (ableton) that was using that kkVST2 they crash?!?! Any help?