Suggestions for using Traktor with Ableton Live
I'm currently using Ableton Live with KK s88, Novation SL mk3, and a couple touchscreens to do live performances where I create all sorts of flavors with Komplete Collectors Edition and other plugins. I had the idea to connect some turntables so I can seamlessly go from recording a looped vocal phrase into scratching that…
Trying to install 14 ultimate collection on external drive and running in to multiple problems.
Hello, Im trying to instal my 14 ultimate colection on my 2Tb Samsung T7 drive. 1)First I was trying it via native access 1 It said "Install failed: XML processing error (document ill-formed)" but If I did it manually it works. But couldn't register, so it was running like demo. Than I try to update to native access 2…
Why is my Kontrol S49 sending CC 11 all the time?
Hey there, I work with a Kontrol S49 MK2 in Ableton. After updating Ableton to it's latest version (Ableton 11) the touchstrip of my Komplete Kontrol is constantly sending MIDI CC 11 (MIDI flashlight get's triggered all the time)... So when I want to assign MIDI, all selected parameters are changed to CC11, which makes it…
4-D-Encoder in Ableton no longer gives me control
Hello, I am since a few days proud owner of a S49 and Komplete 14 Ultimate. But I have the following problem. Here's the scenario: I am using Ableton Live 11 with a Komplete S49 - I start a new project - On Channel 1 i load the plugin Komplete Kontrol - Channel 1 is on record - Channel 2 is the A Reverb Channel at the very…
Inconsistencies with Komplete Kontrol M32 and Ableton
I bought the Komplete Kontrol M32 yesterday and initially I was very happy with my purchase. My goal is to use it as an Ableton controller. Browse sounds in komplete kontrol, record a melody, jump to the next track and repeat the process. That worked really well at the start of a session but eventually everything got…
Massive X error: A required directory could not be created
Whenever I try to load Massive X in Komplete Kontrol and or Maschine, I receive the following error message: Native Instruments Massive X 1.4.3 1.19 GB : Too many levels of symbolic links [system:62]: "/ Users/- Documents/Native Instruments/User Content/Massive X" Reaktor 6 6.5.0 180 MB OK. How do I resolve this error?
Native Instruments Inside Ableton Racks
Hello everyone, this is my first post since becoming a proud owner of a Komplete A61 series. I've been integrating presets from applications like Komplete Kontrol or Battery into racks for a while now. This approach offers several advantages. First, I can save these presets directly within Ableton and neatly label them…
Arpeggiator switching between different sequence modes on S88 MK2
Hi guys, I hope you're all keeping well. I have an S88 Mk2 for about 3 years now. During this time ive used the designated Ableton Instrument Rack to run the Kontrol plugin in Ableton. Lately, when i turn the arpeggiator on it starts to switch through different sequences on its own. For anyone not familiar with the…
Want to discuss ALL possible and efficient methods to use Ableton with Maschine
All youtube and online reading is not enough. This should be discussed and explained in detail. Looking for community members to start this discussion.
Hello everyone, I've very recently acquired a M32 MIDI Keyboard. I'm absolutely new to the whole music sphere. I'm currently encountering many problems using the KOMPLETE KONTROL plugin in ABLETON LIVE 11 LITE. The 3 main problems I've observed are : 1 - In some tracks, the pitch will randomly change (going one note…
Problem exporting audio with Maschine to Ableton
When i try to export audio from the vst it pops up this message, its a configuration issue ?
Ableton Cpu rocketing but all I'm doing is scrolling through the presets
I've included my settings/spec but can't show the video as an example. Even with a black project and Kontakt 7 opened, without even playing any sounds the CPU in Ableton shoots up and beyond 300% just from clicking between presets. And even when playing notes from Playbox the CPU can go as high as 120%. The CPU in Kontakt…
Maschine 2 VST, MaschineMK3 using both in Ableton/Cubase
Hi, sorry if this has been asked before, I did look ;-) but keep getting info on using the mk3 as a controller for cubase etc Ive just upgraded my computer, done a complete reinstall of all my software but I'm having a problem. Before the upgrade, if i used maschine VST in cubase, I could use the MK3 as usual in the…
Komplete Kontrol GUI bug and hardware issues (S88 MK2)
I've recently purchased an S88 MK2 that I'm using with Ableton Live 10 (version 10.1.43). When I load up the VST3 plugin I get a GUI bug that I've seen mentioned in other posts here (image "GUI bug"). When I switch to another track and get back to the plugin or close it down to open it up again the plugin window gets cut…
Mouse doesn't align with VST window
Hello, Whenever I load Massive (and Raum), there's a black space bordering the window. However, to interact with the VST, I have to place my mouse as if the border wasn't there and the VST was taking up the entire window. I've tried the zoom function and changing the resolution of my display but that hasn't helped. I've…