Using Machine + with Ableton and Madmapper

dnelson Member Posts: 8 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hello All-

Just bought a Maschine + and I love it! I'm interested in sound reactive visuals, so I use Madmapper with a dynamic link to Ableton 11. Ultimately, I'd like to use Maschine + as a midi controller in Madmapper for sound reactive visuals but I can't seem to get it working. I can see the Maschine + as an input device in the midi settings in Madmapper, but the Maschine+ isn't talking to the software. I also downloaded the "Controller Editor V 2.8.2" and when I select the Maschine+ from the dropdown, the "connect" button is greyed out. So I'm kinda at a loss as to how to get the device talking to my computer. Video tutorials on YouTube say you have to be in midi mode on the M+...I am it still doesn't' work. I've configured the midi settings as per a few videos on YouTube but most people are using the MK3. Not sure if that makes a difference but I'm still lost.

Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated


Best Answer

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited November 2023 Answer ✓

    I'm so confused... You own a laptop, just take it anywhere with WIFI and install the software.

    To be more clear, installation is done on the computer, totally unrelated to the M+, you can leave the M+ at home while doing this, just install Native Access, it's NI's installation manager:


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    Did you buy an M+ specifically just for that? 😬

    Yes, Controller Editor requires MIDI Mode, meaning when the M+ is not being used in standalone mode, connected to a computer.

    It should connect automatically to Controller Editor, whats your MacOS Version?

  • dnelson
    dnelson Member Posts: 8 Member

    Hi. thanks for the reply. No, i didn't specifically buy it for that purpose. I actually figured out how to get everything connected and talking to each other! the only thing is that i can't seem to figure out how to connect the M+ to the Controller software. I doesn't show up at all. (image attached) Also, Abelton sees the M+ on audio tracks but not Midi so i'm clearly doing something wrong in my configuration. I'm on a Mac laptop running M2 Max chip and Ventura OS. Another strange issue is that when i put the M+ in "controller mode" by selecting the "Channel Midi" button, i have to turn off the M+ to get it back to standalone mode. This also happens when i try setting up Midi going through the settings option.

    I'm sure the issue is in my configuration and not issues with the M+ 😎

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited November 2023

    What about the Mac Maschine Software appliication? Is it able to detect and connect to the M+ while in Controller Mode?

    Another strange issue is that when i put the M+ in "controller mode" by selecting the "Channel Midi" button, i have to turn off the M+ to get it back to standalone mode

    ? You switch modes in Settings ➡ System.

    Switching to controller mode reboots the device, think of it as the M+ internal computer shutting down and restarting as a controller On with it's own computer turned Off.

  • dnelson
    dnelson Member Posts: 8 Member

    I don't have the M+ Software application installed. Someone told me the software comes bundled with the M+ unit so i didn't purchase it. Maybe that's the issue?

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited November 2023

    Maybe, while installing Maschine some other required important background service stuff might also be installed.

    You don't have to purchase anything. Just open Native Access and install Maschine SW.

  • dnelson
    dnelson Member Posts: 8 Member

    ok i'll. try that thx!

  • dnelson
    dnelson Member Posts: 8 Member

    ahh ok. i think one issue is that i'm at a university and the M+ must be connected via wifi to download the software while the unit it on the same network. not sure how i work around that. i bought the unit on amazon and registered it while i was at home bc u need to enter the wifi password. I can't do that while im on campus bc wifi passwords are centrally managed. so i guess i'll have to go through the software download process while im at home. another issue is the computer i want to use isn't easily movable. so i'll have to figure out something. they can't make it easy can they. 😂


  • 2A2E
    2A2E Member Posts: 48 Member

    Can't you create a hotspot with your phone for that? Just don't download the terabytes of samples while doing so 😜

  • dnelson
    dnelson Member Posts: 8 Member

    I did that when I first registered the unit but I'm still unsure of how to download the M+ software. I already downloaded and installed the free packs from home. I'm clearly missing something bc when I go to the site and I click on "Products"..."Software and sounds"..."Maschine software". there's only an option to purchase or upgrade. Where/how do I download the software that comes with M+ to use it with a computer? I already downloaded the Controller software and that doesn't work. All the tutorials on YouTube assumes the software is already on my computer. Is the software "

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited November 2023 Answer ✓

    I'm so confused... You own a laptop, just take it anywhere with WIFI and install the software.

    To be more clear, installation is done on the computer, totally unrelated to the M+, you can leave the M+ at home while doing this, just install Native Access, it's NI's installation manager:

  • dnelson
    dnelson Member Posts: 8 Member


    Got it. All the YouTube tutorials I saw didn't mention NI's installation manager. I think I'm good, thx!

  • dnelson
    dnelson Member Posts: 8 Member

    Got it working! This is amazing!

    Thanks for the info. I'm off and running!

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