Not displaying correctly
here’s how Kontakt looks both Native and inside Logic Pro X (this is Kontakt 8) as you can see all the text is white on a white background
Midi Ch + Groups
In Kontakt 7 it appears to be a default feature when getting to MIDI Ch 12 it assigns a + Groups which causes all channels to play based on that channel inputs. Is there a way to bypass this and assign it strictly to that channel alone (in this case channel 12)? In the world of MIDI it seems counter-productive to limit the…
Session strings pro 2
I bought session strings pro 2 years ago. It’s a unique string library in that it offers the typical string section instruments that can be played in manually in real time in a traditional way. But it also has a rhythm animator plus a phrase and song animator which can offer some real cool patterns and phrases that would…
How to disable touch strip on Kontrol S61 Mk3
Hello The touch strip on my S61 Mk3 sends expression data even when not being touched. I would like to disable the touch strip completely from the keyboard itself. Is this possible? If not, is there another way to have expression data sent by the S61 Mk3 ignored by plug-ins/DAW (Logic) etc. but received from a different…
How to implement keyboard transposition
I am using a Komplete Kontrol A61. In Komplete Kontrol, what is the difference between “Guide” in Key Mode of Scale Edit and with the SCALE function turned off? Also, in Easy mode, I can assign a RootNote of my choice to the C3 keyboard, but I cannot use the black keys. Is it possible to assign a RootNote to C3 and still…
Problems with SOULFI DRUMS on Mac M1 Sonoma / Kontakt Player 6- 8
Hi there I had written in before when I tried to install Kontakt 8 via NA and received a standalone installer ( thanks ). The reason I wanted to install Kontakt 8 was to use the SOULFI Drums library. No matter what version of Kontakt I try ( 6.8 – 7 – 8.01. all tested ) the UI of the library is completely scrambled and…
Maschine Mk2
Hello, I traded a friend an old piece of mine for his Mk2. I tried to register product and serial is taken. I'd like to get it registered to me. I'm the 3rd owner and don't know first owner/no point of contact. How do I get the hardware registered to me so I can get the software to unlock library and play around? I also…
Komplete 14 Standard Product list
where might i find a valid list of products for the STANDARD VERSION ONLY of Komplete 14? the main website has updated all of its lists to Komplete 15, which is not what i have just bought, second hand. where there is still a listing for Komplete 14 (given here:…
problems with S4mk3
Dear all My limited edition S4mk3 has problems with its output. All inputs show signal (LEDs etc) .. the master display (LEDs) is showing signal .. but nothing comes out. I have both Pro 3 and 4 .. have used both MAC and PC versions .. nothing works! Its currently with an electronic engineer who believes he has found the…
Can't connect Macbook Pro M3 Pro with Traktor Kontrol S4 MK2
Hi! Have some problems because TRAKTOR software can't detect my old device. I've bought a cable type с to USB B but it still useless.
Price increase Beatsource Pro+
A few days ago I received the bill for my monthly paid subscription to Beatsource and noticed a surcharge. Previously it cost USD 34.99 per month in my region and now they are charging USD 46.99 per month. I find this surcharge pretty steep because I think it came unannounced. Maybe I just missed the email with the…
Installing Komplete 14 Standard
hi, i have an upgrade to Komplete 11 Select that will take me to Komplete 14 Standard, but there's so many free apps in the native access application that i don't know what belongs to Komplete 14 and what's just junk i can ignore. seems mad to me that i can't instruct the Native Access program to find and download only…
Remix Deck corrupt file warning
I was testing a set out for the last week, and I have made some custom loops in Ableton that I exported as wav files and used to create a remix deck. I saved the deck with no issues and was using it all week in my home just fine. Saturday I get to the gig and about 2 hours in, I noticed a red flashing warning that there…
Ozone 11 Elements GUI size problem
Hello, Everytime I open Ozone 11 Elements in my DAW, there's this one window Help us improve our experience. I think I'm supposed to click on a button down here so the window disappears but it is hidden and I can't move the window so I'm just stuck here. Does anyone knows how to fix this ? Thanks.
Native Access Locate Product
Hey everyone, I’m having an issue with the "Locate Product" feature in Native Access, and I wanted to see if anyone else is experiencing the same thing or has a solution. The feature is supposed to help prevent unnecessary redownloads of content, but it only seems to work for Kontakt instruments and their libraries. It…