Traktor Pro 3 ... Tooltips Not Working!!
Hi! I'm using Traktor Pro 3 (3.5.3 303). I just installed it on my laptop running Win 10 (all latest updates). Tooltips doesn't seem to be working whenever I hover over anything within the Traktor interface. In the top right corner the "i" symbol is on (highlighted) and in Preferences -> Global Settings -> Show Tooltips is…
Traktor Kontrol S4 MK3 Screens Sluggish to Respond?
Hello, I just purchased a Traktor Kontrol S4 MK3, and it's a hUGE upgrade from my outgoing X1/Z1 setup, but one thing I've noticed is the onboard screens seem to be ever-so-slightly slow to respond to inputs. For example, there's a slight (like 10ms) delay between when I turn the loop encoder and when the screen changes…
Prompt to save history on exit.
I use the History function a fair bit, but sometimes at a club or event when you're packing up you can easily forget to export the History before closing Traktor, at which point the history is lost. Can we add an option to prompt to export history on exit?
Traktor Pro 3 Software Not Transferrable?
Hi everyone, I just bought Traktor S4 MK3 and it comes with Traktor Pro 3. I already have Traktor Pro 3 installed (separate licence) with a Traktor S2 MK2 which I JUST sold. When I transfer the license, it only allows me to transfer the hardware, not the software. The buyer has already imported the license and says its all…
How-to hear Traktor's build in metronome when using an external mixer [Short video]
It took me quite some time to figure how-to hear Traktor's build in metronome when using an external mixer. Here is a quick tutorial how to do it.
Need help with programming my Maschine Mikro Mk3 to emulate Pad slicing
I can't wrap my head around the controller editor, but I want to make the pads kinda emulate pad based slicing here is my completely unintelligible description of my idea.... so picture the 4x4 pads like this a press and hold the pad and while I am holding the pad the parameter knobs get set to whatever they get set to and…
Doubt about licenses Traktor Pro 3 in Windows and Mac
Hi. I'm thinking about adquire a Native Instruments KONTROL S3 DJ controller. Can i use the included license of Traktor Pro 3 in my Windows and my mac computer? Thanks.
Vestax vci 400 with traktor pro 3 and audio 6
Hi, I'm wondering to buy an audio scratch 6 to use timecode vinyls, i use a Vestax vci 400 with the standalone mixer upgrade, i mean, deck c and d as an external mixer, my question is, how can i use both sources, vestax 2 digital channels and 2 turntables with dvs? Connecting 2 usb's to my laptop, one from vestax and one…
Install 2 DJ controllers
I have a S2 MK3 with the traktor 3 pro software installed. Today I will receive a S4 MK3 controller. Can I install both and switch between them? Or do I need to deinstall the S2 MK3 and traktor software? Thanks for taking your time. Kind Regards
Xone K2 - freezing & not responding with Traktor 3.5
Hello - maybe some of you had simmiler problem or know how to solve it. Situation: Traktor runs on laptop and is conneted with Xone px5 mixer via USB cable, 2 pc of Xone K2 are conneted direct to mixer via x-link port. I was playing aroud 30 - 35 min and the controlers went in a "freez mode" - they didn't respond by…
Traktor Pro 3.5.3 & Youtube/Winamp/VLC - Conflict!!
Hi !! I'm using Win 10 (fully updated). Just installed Traktor Pro 3.5.3. It works fine. However, while Traktor is playing (or even open), if I try to play a song in Winamp or VLC player they both aren't able to play the Sound. It's as if Traktor has locked usage of the Sound Card in an exclusive mode. This is very…
What if I want to delete all hotcue data?
In Traktore Pro 3, it is very time consuming to delete hotcues one by one from songs that already have hotcues typed in. How can I delete hotcue data from all songs at once? Please let me know.
Drag & Drop Multiple Folders In A Single Playlist (Scanning Purpose) - Beta
Good Day Team Just played around now for the 1st time since the release of this Beta version, I picked up that the playlist is not allowing Multiple Folders to be dropped into, You have to go into each folder, select all the content, Drag & drop them into the playlist & then go back to the next folder & repeat the process.…
Where I can download 3.5.0 version installer?
I could find older Pro 2 installers on NI website but noting available for Pro 3. By adding Beatport and Beatsource link, NI had to change some things under the hood which broke the CMDR functionality inside (and newer!) if I'm not mistaken. Therefor I need the very first version of 3.5.0 in order to use CMDR…
Traktor Pro 3 Run Error
I have installed Traktor Pro 3 from the Native Access app on an empty drive on its own, when I try to run it I always get this message without specifying any error message or anything. I've also installed it on my laptop and it's working perfectly fine. What should I do to run it?