Strange behavior Expression Pedal on Komplete Kontrol S88 MK2
I have bought a nice new Komplete Kontrol S88 MK2 controller, but have some issues with using an expression pedal with it. Connecting and setting up the pedals is done, though as many learned, not very intuitive. The regular pedals (sustain and a 2nd switch through a Y splitter) are working like the should. Only my…
Windows reporting drive full but not as configuration set
I've just plugged in a KK s88 and run the associated windows app. Until now I have always run any NI software through my DAW (cubase) and never had an issue but within 5 mins of running the Komplete kontrol app directly on windows I got a pop up from windows saying my system drive is full. I've looked at the windows…
How to connect komplete kontrol keyboard to macbook m1
Okay I can't find an asnwer to this. I just got a MacBook pro with no USB ports and I don't know which adaptor to get in order to plug my kk midi controller. Any advice? I wouldn't want to spend a lot but at the same time I want something that will work well in terms of speed and that 100% won't harm my computer. Thanks!
Komplete Kontrol S88 MK2 D3 Key
Hello all. First time poster. New to NI. Something that has happened today that hadn't done before, is my D3 key is not sending a midi signal. i.e. When I hit the key, the associated light flashed up, however regardless of which plug in I use, I am not getting my D3 note to sound out. Noticed on the NI Gentleman Piano.…
Massive x Plug ins stopped working in maschine 2
Hi I have previously used massive x plug ins but now when i brows the sounds the sound plays put when i load it and press the keys nothing happens. this is only with massive x, massive still works. does anyone know the fix for this?
Differences between s88 mk1 and s88 mk2
Hello, I have the opportunity to purchase a used s88 mk1 and I would like to know the major differences between the 2 keyboards. Is the key feel different ? Is the mk1 compatible with the latest version of NI software ? I purchased Komplete 14 ultimate recently. Thanks.
Can I program a note sequence to the LEDs in S88 MK2?
Let's say that for learning purposes I want the LEDs above the keys in the S88 MK2 to turn on in sequence the keys that I have to play next in a song, with all the others unlit. Kind of like when you playback MIDI notes in your DAW, which makes the LEDs brighter as the playhead goes through the current note/s, but in a way…
S88 MK2 Can I assign the sustain input to MOD instead?
I'd like to have two expression pedals, and assign one to be CC 1 instead of sustain. I was messing around in the Controller Editor app, and I thought it could work, but in reality it didn't.
Anyone else have horrible luck with Komplete Kontrol s88 mk2?
I bought a new s88 mk2 2 months ago. After a month of regular use the F above middle C started making an obscene clicking noise even on fairly light touch. See (and hear) 1st movie attached in zip. Since I was out of the retail return policy I filed a warranty issue. After $100 out of my pocket for packaging / box…
Using Komplete Kontrol S88 Across Multiple Midi Channels in Maschine 2
Hello, I am running Maschine 2 in my DAW with 1 instrument loaded to each of the 8 groups A-H (so 8 instruments total). Each one of these instruments is linked to a separate midi input channel except group 1, which has the entire group linked to a channel (drums) rather than a single pad. Group 1 is midi channel 1, group 2…
Invalid Serial on New S88
Received a new Komplete Kontrol S88 yesterday from NI's Amazon store, opened Native Access (where I already have other NI apps), typed in the hardware serial number (several times) and am met with an "Invalid serial!" message. Over 24 hours ago I submitted a ticket to NI's support system, still with no response. Hoping…
Midi channel for pedal and wheels
Hi, I've just received my Komplete s88 mk2 and tested it a little bit. I created 16 templates for the midi mode, 1 for each midi channel since I use to load multiple instances on Kontakt, but I can't get to set a different midi channel for each template for the pedal, the mod wheel, the pitch bend wheel and the touch…
I'm in Canada and want to buy an S88 from Amazon, will I still get the Komplete 14 software?
Hi, the advert on Amazon states that the keyboard will come with Komplete 12 select. (This is a new keyboard and not used) Will this automatically be upgraded to 14 given that this is a new purchase? I'm looking at the Amazon listing as I suspect the product is already in Canada. If I order from the NI webstore (same…
upgrade KKS61 MKII to KKS88 MKII how to transfer
I guess this is my first post around here so hello everyone. Looking for some help as i'm a noob here with the NI ecosystem. I've had my KKS61 mkII for about a year and have missed having a full sized keyboard so today I purchased the KKS88 Mk II. If this question has been answered somewhere already , please direct me! I…
Grand Piano sound Native instruments s88 mk2
hello probably dumb question but cant find an answer. I just purchased and received a s88 mk2 tonight I am download all the software... One question in the software downloads I dont see anything for a grand piano sounds? I do see the Gentleman upright piano. but nothing for a grand piano? What am I missing.. Surely I dont…