S88 MK2 Can I assign the sustain input to MOD instead?

ProfessorChaos Member Posts: 146 Advisor
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

I'd like to have two expression pedals, and assign one to be CC 1 instead of sustain. I was messing around in the Controller Editor app, and I thought it could work, but in reality it didn't.

Best Answer

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,308 mod
    Answer ✓


    in komplete kontrol you should be able to set this:

    it may look i bit different i have the a49 but it should be similar



  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,308 mod
    Answer ✓


    in komplete kontrol you should be able to set this:

    it may look i bit different i have the a49 but it should be similar

  • ProfessorChaos
    ProfessorChaos Member Posts: 146 Advisor

    Thanks, I'll take a look!

  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru
    edited February 2023

    I do it with the KFL organs in Kontakt using a regular sustain pedal.

    I apply the pedal to the Rotator Speed in edit mode using 'Learn Midi'.

    To kill the sustain, select the 'Instrument Options' tab, and set Controller -> Midi Controller #64 (sustain pedal) acts as 'CC Only'.

    It's instrument independent.

    I have no idea if an expression pedal can be plugged in sustain. Can it?

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,308 mod

    expression pedal is a continuous controller, and sustain normally just a switch. But you have to look in the specs what you can connect or not. A input that can handle a cc pedal can also handle up to two switches.

  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru
    edited February 2023

    Yup, I own guitar effects with multi-purpose expression pedals. I just wondered if the sustain input on a keyboard would recognize the expession switch only, because I've never owned one.

    edit: nevermind, I just thought about it and answered my own question. Of course it can't 🙄

  • ProfessorChaos
    ProfessorChaos Member Posts: 146 Advisor

    Thanks, man, this worked like a charm.

    But I wonder if there's a way to do it at the core level, either from the keyboard itself or with the Controller Editor? Not all the products I have show in KK, plus honestly I hate KK and I would like to use it outside of it if possible.

  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru
    edited February 2023

    You got two answers, I'll assume it was the first one from @Uwe303 for KK Pedal. I always thought that everything in the KK software mirrors the software in the keyboard.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,308 mod

    If you set it, like i showed in the first post, then the midi cc is saved in the keyboards preset 6 so @Gee_Flat is absolutely correct

  • ProfessorChaos
    ProfessorChaos Member Posts: 146 Advisor

    Sorry, what I meant was that I tried what Uwe303 showed me, and it worked perfectly. I plugged in the expression pedal to the sustain input, did what he showed in the screenshot, and it worked.

    Then I came back here, typed the reply you see above, and I thought I had posted it, but when I came back to this thread this morning, it was still as a draft, so I posted it.

    Now, it appears that even though it's done in KK, it does stay that way after closing it. But, I'm not sure why, it doesn't seem to stay permanently, because today it was actually sending CC11 to the system, even though I checked and it's still connected to the sustain input.

    So I changed it again, and for not it's working, but I'm not sure why it switched to CC11. Maybe some automatic feature that detects it's an expression pedal?

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,308 mod

    it should not switch back, do you have more than one midi preset loaded?

  • ProfessorChaos
    ProfessorChaos Member Posts: 146 Advisor

    You mean in the Controller Editor or KK? In the controller editor I see this when I select the S88 from the menu, and it seems to have 4 different choices:

    And if you mean KK, there seems to be only one:

    Since I set it again earlier today, it's still good. Even better, today I got the second expression pedal (the M-Audio EX-P, pretty solid for just $30) and now I'm happily controlling MOD and EXP from two pedals, so thanks for the tip!!

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,308 mod

    I mean komplete kontrol editor in this case, cause one is for mk1 and the other (kk editor) for mk2 keyboards.

  • ProfessorChaos
    ProfessorChaos Member Posts: 146 Advisor

    I found out something interesting last night. After I posted this, it occurred to me to try something I had seen in a video to assign the lights different colors, so I thought I could give each octave its own color.

    So I opened the controller editor, selected "Komplete Kontrol S-4" just to be safe, and I did all the colors.

    But nothing changed. Then I thought about checking if KK had that in the options too, and it does, so I did it there and it worked just fine.

    I thought that whatever you did in the controller editor gets applied as well, am I wrong?

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,308 mod

    As is said one post above your last post, controller editor is for kk mk1 - and native komplete kontrol editor is for kk keyboard mk2, you own an mk2 so you have to use kk editor. It's maybe a bit strange if you new to all this, i would also have thought the editor must work with every hardware but that changed with s mk2/a/m series keyboards.

  • ProfessorChaos
    ProfessorChaos Member Posts: 146 Advisor

    Oh, I see what you mean now. They probably should put a note there saying that Controller Editor is only for the S88 KK MK1, not 2.

    Now, on a similar topic. In plugin mode, if I wanted to "decorate" my S88 MK2 with a color set that is different from what the plugin has preset, like when all the keys are the standard blue, is that possible?

    For example, could I have this color setup for Ashlight? Or is that locked in the plugin as it was designed?

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