Brand New S-88 Kybd: Losses the MIDI Connection:
Hi Guys, Like Madonna said " Like a Virgin".... LOL.. First Post: I have the Full Komplete Kontrol Ultimate 13 w/ the Collectors Edition. The issue that I seem to have ( or one of the issues ) is that I can select a Library an start playing and 2 mins / 3-4 or 6-7 mins into playing the Kybd goes dead and I get the Old MIDI…
S88 on Monterey 12.5, Mac Studio M1 + Pro Tools
Hi I've got S88, which I got specifically for using with multiple instances in my template. It worked fine when I was on my old iMac with Catalina. However, when I switched to the new Studio M1 (Monterey) S88 is unusable. It doesn't show instances in my template (Pro Tools), it doesn't let me browse, or view the keys - it…
S88 MIDI templates only work if I have midi selected - why?
I have eight midi templates set up on my S88 keyboard. Each one has a separate midi channel for keys - template one for midi channel one , template two for midi channel two etc. Here's the thing. If I have template one, midi channel one selected, I can play stuff through it, and if I press my plug-in button I can then use…
Help with Traktor S8 - stems not appearing in window
Greetings to everyone I've been using traktor s4/s8's for years but recently upgraded to Macbook Pro M1 with my older Traktor S8 - everything seems to work fine except STEMS - they play without issue but intermittently appear on the window screen OR not. Sometimes it's only the master wave at the bottom of the window that…
Using Kits without Maschine hardware (within DAW)
Hi all, Newbie to the Community. Just been trying to get into using some of the awesome sounds within Kontakt Select 13 that came with my S88. When I load a drum kit (for instance the Nocturnal Kit within the Velvet Lounge Expansion), I can only play one sound at a time - mapped across the whole keyboard, and changing in…
How do I turn OFF the transport controls in Studio One from being triggered by Komplete Kontrol S88?
The upper octave G and Ab, are assigned to rewind and FF respectively. The A is STOP, the B is RECORD. And if I play the keys too hard at a high veloicty, it creates random muting and soloing of tracks. It's maddening. I'm using this rig for work, and I'm un familiar with how to optimize the setup. PC: Windows 11. Any help…
When using Scale mode in S88 MK2, why does it still send the out of key notes to my DAW?
After some searching, I guess this is 'just the way it is' and yeah, I can create two MIDI tracks, using the output of one to create a second cleaned MIDI track but it's cumbersome and makes everything more complicated than it needs to be. Is there a reason it's like this? Maybe we could have an option to send only the 'in…
Can I use Reason 12 with NI Komplete 13 and NI Komplete Kontrol S88 MKII?
I'm a newbie, I've messed around with Reason for a few years and have Reason 12 currently. I'm looking to get Komplete 13 Ultimate and possibly Machine MK3 and the NI Komplete Kontrol S88 MKIII. So my question is: Is Reason 12 (used for DAW) and the NI Komplete 13 software and NI hardware completely compatible with each…
Dial speed control for volume on S-88
I know how to hold the shift button to slow the rate of change with the dials for volume control but is there a setting so that it can always be in the slower speed?
Light Guide when using Kontakt w/ multi instrument
Hi Folks - I have a MK2 S88. I've setup a Maschine project with a 3rd party Kontakt instrument. Each instrument in the Kontakt multi has a different 'range' of notes indicated.. and when in Kontakt, when I pick the different instruments (Snare, Tenor, Bass or Cymbals), the lightguide on my S88 updates accordingly. However,…
How to Clean/Fix Squeaky Key on S88?
I recently got an S88 and one of the keys is a bit squeaky. It feels like there is some slight rubbing plastic on plastic or maybe some dust got in there. Hard to tell and it is subtle but annoying enough that if it is an easy fix, I'd like to try to do something. Any suggestions?
S88 MK2 inconsistencies
Hi all - I have Macbook Pro with M1 Max (Rosetta) running Monterey 12.2.1 and Logic Pro X. I recently installed a new Kontrol S88 Mk 2 with the Komplete Ultimate software and plug-ins - everything worked fine for a few weeks. But now... 1 - If I change tracks in the daw (by mouse), to go to a different Komplete plug-in,…
Can we hope for a Komplete Kontrol A88?
Hi guys! As an ambitious hobby producer and composer I have to take care of my nuts. There are so much great (virtual) instruments out there. I can't get it all. 😌 But there's another thing - the hardware. I started out with a nice little peace of a midi keyboard - the M32. It's great - but small. 😝 Now I conclude, that…
What does the .6 Firmware for KK series fix?
Another thread in KK says that a .6 firmware is available for the S series keyboards. What issues does this firmware fix? And when will all S series owners get access to the latest firmware?
Brand new S88 MKII buttons not working on Pro Tools
I'm running Mojave 10.14.6 on an iMac 3 GHz Intel Core i5. Latest version of Pro Tools. The S88 plays sound via MIDI / NI plugins in Pro Tools and Live. I have properly mapped the keyboard in Pro Tools: Setup-Peripherals-MIDI Controller-Komplete Kontrol. I can activate Komplete Kontrol as a plug-in and "see" the selection…