Komplete Kontrol 88 mk2 unusable in Logic Pro x
Hi can anyone help. For some reason when I load Komplete kontrol in Logic Pro any midi instruments will not play properly. Notes won’t play and even if you get them recorded they won’t play back properly. I’ve done countless resets within logic and re-download Komplete Kontrol but nothing works, it has now become…
Duplicate S88 - No response from support
I have purchased an S88 from NI by mistake as I got one from my local supplier but the website glitched and showed that It didn’t go through, after that I went to NI to purchase the product and all went through, after 1 hour my supplier called saying my purchase went through and I should receive it within 1 business…
Komplete Kontrol S-Series Sales
I see the S-series keyboards are currently on sale. Any reason for this?
In Logic - S88 Keyboard. Channel buttons in Mixer view opens VST/instrument - can't disable it.
In short, while in Logic pro x - when I press the top buttons on the S88 to go to whatever channel while in mixer view, I do go to that channel - but it also opens up the VST/instrument I'm using on that channel. Can't turn that off it's driving me a bit nutty closing it each time I change channels. I'm not sure if this is…
Komplete Kontrol S88 and yamaha FC3a pedal
Help ! I have a komplete kontrol S88 Mk2 and have been gong crazy trying to set up a yamaha FC3a pedal .. all it seem to do is make continuous sustain with any setting . any ideas how to set it up as a half damper pedal ? .. the set up below doesn't work ..…
does any one know why native access is giving me a error when registering s88 serial?
I bought a new s88 from sweetwater and when I went to register the serial in native access i keep getting this error:
Komplete S88 and Scale Setting On affects other Midi instruments!
Apologies if this has been mentioned previously. When I for example set up my Komplete s88 in one 'group', and my NanoKey or any other instrument in another 'group' (see attached pic - not sure if these are considered "groups"), whenever I use the Scale setting on my Komplete s88, all the other midi instruments scales are…
KK 2.9 not working correctly with S88 MKII Keyboard
@Nicki_NI I am having issues with KK 2.9, it appears my S88 MK2 buttons stay lit even when they are in off position also left screen instrument selection is stuck on Instrument I can see the buttons are working in the software but the labels are not updating on the keyboard. WTH!? 2.8 did not do that, can I rollback?
KKS88 MK2 and Logic transport controls issue
HI everyone - hope you are all well I received a new KKS88 MK2 yesterday After installing Komplete Kontrol I checked on the NI website on how to set up the S88 so the transport controls work for Logic Pro -- I followed each step set out by NI and, originally, the transport controls worked within Logic However, today, the…
Komplete Kontrol midi templates and cubase
I just owned a Komplete S88 MkII recently. Incredible keyboard but… I would like to have light guides for non nks instruments. For example → Sine Player or Expression maps To do so I heared about the creation of a midi template on KK. I created a midi template in KK for a specific instrument with the specific key range and…
NI S88 Mk2 - how to select the events to quantise from the keyboard?
Hi there - just started using an S88 - am loving the experience so far, (and am using it in conjunction with Maschine plus). I've noticed that using the keyboard buttons, while I can select the sound in a given track to quantize I don't seem to be able to select a subset of that sound's events to apply the quantization…
TRAKTOR KONTROL S8 online order and price
Hi, How I can order TRAKTOR KONTROL S8 from the native instruments website and what is the price? I could not find it.
S88Mk2 right display freezes when shift key is pressed
It appears as of the latest update of Komplete Kontrol 2.9.0 software when I press the shift key on the S88 to to get to alternate things like set/clear '*', the right screen freezes. The key presses with the shift still work with the Komplete Kontrol software but from that point on I can no longer use the screen until I…
Damaged Keyboard in Shipping - No Response From Customer Support For Over 10 Days
I received a damaged S88 keyboard over 10 days ago and have not heard a single thing back from customer support yet. I placed two service request online and have sent multiple emails. Does any Native Access staff that monitor these forums have a suggestion on what I can do to get this resolved? Does anyone else on these…
Can my S88 MK2 operate without being connected with an external computer?
Does it work without plugging it into a computer? Does it operate on its own by maybe configuring the MIDI outputs? If so, whats the setup? If not, I understsand.