So there's no working solution for "Download Failed" mystery in NA 2? (Windows10)
Hi All, So if I understand right, from posts here, if the "Download Failed" bug hits NA2 (Dark Version) You just don't get access to your product until NI fix it, right? I swear I've tried it all
Traktor Pro 3.7 not showing up in Native Access.
Hello. As the title says, the new update isn't showing up in my Native Access account? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.
Native Access never updates my software
My Native Access software never manages to update my software (I am running the latest version, but the problem has been present forever). So I must uninstall the software manually with different software and run the NI Reg Uninstall tool - Then I can go back to Native Access and install the latest version as a full…
Playbox Installation Failed
I have just purchased Playbox and am trying to install it through Native Access onto my Mac and everytime I try, I get an error message saying 'Installation Failed'. It has clearly downloaded the Playbox.iso file and the Playbox.iso.aria2 file, but when it gets to the stage of actually installing it stops and says…
External hard drive with libraries crashed — can I reinstall on new drive?
Aloha from O'ahu, My relatively new, highly rated 2TB OWC SSD drive gave up the ghost. It's dead dead dead. Today's Easter and it won't help! So... I have a new (non-OWC) 2TB SSD drive on order; it's due tomorrow. Can I simply create a new location path for my libraries and download them to the new drive? I hope so! Mahalo…
Heavyocity library not showing in native access after activation
After typing in the serial, the app tells me the activation was successful but the actual tile for the library to locate it for kontakt and komplete isn't anywhere. I've tried activating it again and restarting native access but no dice. Any advice?
Can we Install Komplete plugins on a usb 3.1 drive ?
Glad to have got the physical Komplete U bundle, and it's fabulous, imagine though my surprise when I for some reason assumed that everything would be pre installed on the HDD and ready if needed haha, with N.I. been the best at what they do, I kind of assumed that it would be pre loaded. Now wondering if it is ok to…
East West Gold Library Problem
I use East west for very long time. Suddelnly I want to reinstall it , in NativeAcess the Library Folder is notacceptet although the product ist correctly installed with the right number .
What is a customary time for a ticket to be answered or resolved?
I opened a ticket three days ago with no response
Kontakt Factory Library 1 - download failed
HI i have the problem that i cant install the Kontakt Library on my system i get the message download failed.... i changed the download destination (900GB free) the download finishes and i can open the iso mount it to deamon tools and install it but some nki archives are corrupt.. all other exoansions and downloads are…
Native Access 1.14.1 Not Showing Massive X 1.4.3 Update
Native Access has always showed the latest NI product updates here, until now. Anyone else seeing this? Windows 10 Pro 22H2.
VST Automatic uninstall (MAC)
In 2023, this is not acceptable for me to do this : https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/210291865-How-to-Uninstall-Native-Instruments-Software-from-a-Mac-Computer For uninstall any VST? Seriously, nobody other Native ask me to manually delete my instruments. I love Native but this is very bad. So…
Native Access Wont Install
Hi Im trying to install the new Native Access application and keep getting the following error message You can’t open the application “Native Access” because this application is not supported on this Mac. Running Monteray 12.5.1 Memory 8 GB 1867 MHz DDR3 2.7 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5 Any ideas please?
How to activate (Monolith, Elysium, Balkan Orch)
Hello, I just purchased Komplete 14 collector & as you can see there are 3 additional products as a gift (Monolith, Elysium, Balkan Orch) I can’t see those 3 products in my native access account so does someone knows how to activate those third party plugins?
NA hangs on installing a product
Hi, I'm trying to install my NI products, but because windows suddenly decides to reboot while NA was installing Previews, NA now hangs on installing Previews. I've tried deleting multiple files but it keeps hanging on installing. After removing these files it will download Previews again, but it will not install the…