Maschine 3 software does not run
So recently bought a Maschine3 software, was using 2nd one from the box with my maschine mikro mk3, and I found out that I just can’t run the software as standalone, which is really disappointing, not only I have to pay for update but it’s doesn’t work, it stuck on a plugin scan screen and doesn’t go further scanning a…
Lunar Echoes library relocation
I relocated all my Maschine libraries to a separate subfolder, and changed the installation paths using the repair function in Native Access. All libraries worked except Lunar Echoes. After making several attempts, I noticed that there is a misspelling in the library name (Lunar Echos). I corrected the spelling and the…
A49 purchase - Missing licenses
Sorry for the cross posting - it wasn't until now I realized that my first attempt to get help wasn't posted under questions. I purchased a Midi keyboard (A49) from Thomann on Nov 29. According to the product description on their website it "Includes Komplete 15 Select, Maschine Essentials and Ableton Live Lite" I…
How do I purchase Maschine 3 without bundled software?
Like in title. I don't need bundled software as I already have them. Including Massive, Monark, Reaktor Prime. And I have more powerful versions of Ozone and Neutron.
Enable Traktor / Maschine to connect to tools like Density.one REC-1
Hi there, I'd like to open this up as a feature request to enable Traktor and Maschine to output trackable/manipulable data that can be, in turn, viewed and edited by tools like Density.one's REC-1 for DJ set editing purposes. To get an idea of what this is all about check out this video:…
Mac mini question..
have an maschine plus, and now I buy a mac mini and, I installed maschine 2, just to start to using it i download a song from YouTube with TubeRipper web.. I downloaded in a WAV format.. then I connect the hardware, and open it.. when I tried to load the song into the software, it accepted but when I try to edite un the…
How to change scene without it starting over on the MK3
When I change from scene 1 to 2, scene 2 starts at the beginning of the scene. This happens only with one of my projects. In all my other projects, when I switch scenes, it continues on beat.
Traktor pro 4 + using Maschine Mikro MK 3
Good evening everyone, I have a few questions and hope that someone can help me here. I'll start with the equipment and then explain what I would like to know and do. I use a Rane MP 2015 as a mixer, plus 2 x NI X1 MK 3 and 2x NI F1. That is my original set up. I usually use 2 track/stem decks and 2 remix decks. Here I…
Ableton Link - Send MIDI - Receive MIDI does not work betweek Maschine and Traktor
Hi there, I hope someone will help me sort this issue. I used to sync Maschine and Traktor in Windows and I could send MIDI clock from Maschine to Traktor. This is not the case with Mac. These are my settings: Traktor overall view Trakror > Preferences > External Sync Traktor > Preferences > Controller Manager Maschine >…
Maschine Central - only parts of the existing expansions?
I would be interested to know whether the here included tools are already part of the existing expansions or whether they are completely new products? I already own Komplete Ultimate CE and Machine 2, so I'm wondering whether it makes any sense to buy the complete update including Central or just the Machine 3 update…
Mikro Mk2 support in Maschine 3
I just purchased the upgrade and didn't think to check for hardware compatibility. Are there any plans for support of Mikro Mk2 in Maschine 3?
Can't quantise live recording into a pattern that has been step recorded.
If I enter some notes in a pattern using Step mode then record something else live into the same pattern, pressing quantise does nothing. Why is this?
Black Friday Sales - Just Hardware? Nope.
Ok so here we go. I have been wondering about this for quite some time. And sorry if this has already been discussed. I have spend so much money on NI gear and software and still do… but I still do not really benefit from these purchases in the current Black Friday or any other sales when it comes to buying just the…
Managing user content between Maschine Plus standalone and controller modes
Apologies if this is covered elsewhere, but I'm having problems figuring out how to manage samples between Maschine Plus in standalone and controller modes: I have several non-NI sample packs comprising breakbeats, pads, and sound effects (etc) On the Maschine Plus in standalone mode, it seems better to manage these with a…
Does the Komplete Kontrol S61 MK2 Keyboard work with the Maschine 3.0 software?
When I try to use my Komplete Kontrol S61 MK2 keyboard with the Maschine 3.0 software the KK S61 MK2 goes in to midi mode. I read complaint from other Komplete Kontrol MK2 uses that are having the same problem. So… does the Komplete Kontrol MK2 keyboards still work and have tight integration with the Maschine 3.0 software?