FL Studio 20.9 & Maschine 2.16 - WORKFLOW HELP
Hello community, i am in the process of creating my template for FL Studio and Machine and i am stuck on my last point unfortunately. I have already gone through these 3 tutorials: 1. Trigger Maschine from FL Sequencer…
Adjusting Pattern Length
Hello, For some reason, I am unable to adjust the end of my pattern by clicking the end and dragging horizontally in the timeline. The manual says I should be able to do this. I can click on the length and type in the parameters and drag my mouse wheel which changes the length my a full measure at a time. Am I missing…
All Arturia V Collection 8 upgrade plugins fail to open
Just recently upgraded to Arturia V Collection 8 from Collection 5. All Arturia plugins work fine in stand alone and in Cubase 11. None of the upgrade plugins in ver8 will load in either Maschine or Komplete Kontrol. The plugins from ver5 will load though. I have rescanned and now Komplete Kontrol freezes on a ver8 plugin…
How do I get the pads to play a sample the same speed
I Load a sample say a 808 bass one shot and as I hit the first pad it plays the sound. When I hit an other pad it plays it faster. How do I get it so all the 16 pads play same speed?
Anyone have tips or advice on Maschine cpu issues?
Recently Maschine has been really struggling on my Mac. I today started a session and had two maschine loops running, and the loops/sounds started crackling. I had to crank the buffer size up to 900 to get the crackling to cease. This causes so much latency. It wasn’t like this before.. any Ideas on the issue any how to…
Where is the "load pattern" maschine-1 gone... or can load a group with...
in Maschien 1 there was an option to load patterns /lot of of patterns to a KIT.... I really miss this feature! WHY? I have special "patterns" i maybe want to use in 80% of all my KITS. For example a simple a KIT-Export-Pattern! A special 2-bars Pattern will export the first 8 SLOTS each of a Kit ) i dont use more than 8…
Best workflow for export audio for my needs!
I am using Maschine just as Sketch-Book! The whole arranger/daw-trys are not mine... However, i´m "sketching" lot of patterns for different groups. What i want is the easiest way to export ALL patterns as seperate "patterns/clips... not as 1-222 bars stem". just ALL the seperatetd 1-4 Bars pattern...from different groups…
Is it possible to Auto Slice an Audio Loop to different the 16 "Sounds" of a group?
The reason I'm asking is , if the auto sliced loop is located on one SOUND, pitch and other effects will affect the whole loop. I would like to tweak the sliced samples individually. Thanks!
What are "Loops" in Maschine...
What are "Loops" in Maschine and what are the difference to nomal samples and how can i save "loops" in User-Lib???
Maschine + DAW (Ableton) - Recording MIDI working.. but playback isn't.
What am I missing in my setup here? I basically had the same question that was in this post: After finally getting midi recording... I found that when I went to play back, there was no sound. Please see this video (about 90 seconds). Shows full setup of the Ableton tracks, Maschine plug in, MIDI in the plug in.. recording…
M+ passes MIDI CC but Maschine desktop does not?
I sent this over to NI as a support ticket, but thought I might post it here in case anyone has any ideas: Here is my setup: -Maschine+ in standalone mode -Polyend Tracker connected by USB using the hub on M+ -Blokas midihub connected by USB using the hub on M+ -Nord Drum 2 connected by MIDI DIN on Blokas midibhub On M+ I…
Using KK + Maschine with Ableton
Hi everyone. I’m new here and I looked around for a bit but I couldn’t find this specific discussion. I’m a relatively new KK + Maschine user. I picked them up at the same time and have been learning them together. I really love how they work in tandem. The browsing, color, coding, layering sounds, performing, etc. What I…
Using Kits without Maschine hardware (within DAW)
Hi all, Newbie to the Community. Just been trying to get into using some of the awesome sounds within Kontakt Select 13 that came with my S88. When I load a drum kit (for instance the Nocturnal Kit within the Velvet Lounge Expansion), I can only play one sound at a time - mapped across the whole keyboard, and changing in…
Maschine does not recognize the MIDI channels from the external hardware controllers
Hello, I'm using Maschine 2.15.2 (R2) and the software does not recognize the MIDI channels from the external hardware controllers. When you choose any of the programmable knobs or buttons in the software (i.e. Group Level) and you press the "LEARN" button (down-pointing arrow in the bottom left corner of the Control area…
Maschine MK 1 Controller with Maschine 2 Software
Hi everyone, I have the following request: I dug out my old MK1 maschine and would like to use it again. So I installed the software from the CD, but unfortunately this WILL NOT be connected to the NI access to enter the code for registration. (probably too old) Maschine 2 is already installed, all maschine versions are in…